Toadlena Trading Post Centennial
Toadlena, NM The Toadlena Trading Post is celebrating 100 years in business with a new exhibit that documents the weaving genealogy of the Bear Clan. Trading post owner Mark Winter has gathered rugs representing Bear Clan weavers who are in the living memory of the present generation. Each matriarch and her descendants are documented in detail and many of the rugs are hung over murals showing the red rocks and turquoise blue skies of the Southwest. Among the prominent weavers who are descendants of Bear Clan matriarch Sagebrush Hill Woman are Daisy Taugelchee and Julia Jumbo and the exhibit includes panels of both their work. You can see a composite picture of the panel showing the weaving of Daisy and her close relatives below and you can read the description of the weavings displayed by clicking on the picture at the bottom of the article.

A composite photo of the Toadlena panel depicting the work of Daisy Tauglechee and her close relatives.
The Toadlena Centennial celebration will last until June 20, 2010, so you’ve got time to plan a trip to the trading post to soak of the history of the place to take in the Shash Tso exhibit. Plan to spend at least two hours and if you can, try to meet trader Mark Winter during your visit. You’ll never forget your day at Toadlena.
Hagoshíí (so long for now)
Mary Walker