Find a Weaving Class Instruction Listings Updated for 2009

Student Sue Dalton at a weaving workshop in Harvard, Massacusetts. Click on the picture for a large view.
A class with a competent instructor is one of the best ways to learn any weaving technique and Navajo techniques are no exception. Even a brief workshop can save you hours of frustration and you’ll probably meet others in your area whose interest may help you progress with your weaving skills long after the workshop has ended. In fact, the most popular link on thisf site is Where to Learn Indigenous Weaving Techniques, a listing of all of the classes and workshops that I’m aware of. I’ve just gone through the process of updating the information for 2009 with as much information as I can find at this point. There will be more updates over the next couple of months, so be sure to check back occasionally to see what’s been added. If you find a class that interests you, it’s a good idea to register as soon as you’re able to. Some of the classes fill quickly or can be canceled if they don’t meet minimum requirements for participation.
There are some new offerings as well as some returning classes that have not been offered for the past couple of years. Marilou Schultz will be returning to both the Split Rock Arts Program in Minnesota (June) and the Peters Valley Craft Center in New Jersey (July). In California, Marilyn Greaves and Mel Silva will be offering Navajo weaving workshops in Bodega, Grass Valley and Auburn. In northern New Mexico, Pearl Sunrise will be doing both beginner and intermediate/advanced classes for the Taos Art School. Jennie Slick and I will be teaching a Navajo Weaving Boot Camp as a workshop at the Pagosa Springs Fiber Festival in Pagosa Springs, Colorado in May.
If you know of other classes that should be listed, please contact me or comment on this post and I’ll get the information added as quickly possible. It’s even more important to leave a comment if you don’t see a class near you because there may be someone out there who would teach if they only knew!