The Quality Chronicles: Weaving in Beauty Mercantile New Vendor
In case you’ve been worried about where you’re going to get your next Weaving in Beauty t-shirt or tote bag, you’ll be relieved to know that I’ve gotten a new vendor. You can now find Weaving in Beauty exclusive designs at I’ve been very happy with the items that I’ve received from Printfection and they carry a tote bag that is large enough to hold a C-Cactusflower or Deschinny maxi loom, which is very nice for people like us.
Printfection is a print on demand service which provides small volume customized merchandise for individuals and businesses. I had been using, but the image quality on their products has deteriorated markedly and they frankly just don’t seem to care about customer satisfaction at all any more. I probably would not have noticed how bad Cafepress had gotten until I ordered new shirts, but I have recently started teaching a series of classes that concentrates on one particular rug design. Students in the class learn the elements of the design and have an opportunity to create their own version of it. We assemble the designs into a class composite and then design a tote bag or t-shirt that students can order if they want to. The first seminar was on the Teec Nos Pos pattern, and the class produced a set of terrific designs as you can see at right. Cafepress did an absolutely rotten job of printing this design on the tote bags I ordered as you can see below. They cheerfully refunded my
money, but didn’t seem one bit interested in finding out why I was dissatisfied or fixing the problem, so I started looking for someone who was interested in to doing a better job and found Printfection. If you order something from them, please let me know if you’re happy with what you get. Printfection does not carry as wide a variety of items as Cafepress, but their committment to quality seems to be much, much higher.
I’ve put a few shirt and bag designs on Printfection, and you can see all the class bags too. I’ve just finished teaching a second class on the Ganado Red design, and those designs will be appearing shortly. I think that it might be possible to do these classes as a web seminar, so if you might want to do that, please let me know. The cost would probably $10 to $15 per participant for a toll free phone connection, downloadable handout and instruction on doing a design using Excel.