Want to Learn More About Traditional Navajo Wool Processing?

Workshop participants learn about hand processing wool at the 2009 workshop at Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site
Of course you do! Come to Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site on July 13!
Ganado, AZ This coming Sunday, Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site will hold a one day sheep, wool and weaving workshop. Topics include hands-on shearing with manual scissors, carding, spinning, felting, loom warping and weaving. The event kicks off at 7 AM MDT with a sheep butchering demonstration. You can read that as yes, they are going to butcher a live sheep at 7 AM, and plan according to your preferences. The other events will begin at 9 AM MDT and will continue until 4 PM MDT.
Traditional Navajo Wool Processing a la Hubbell
Please note that Hubbell Trading Post National Historic site is located within the boundaries of the Navajo Nation and observes Mountain Daylight Time. It is the same time in Ganado as it is in Albuquerque or Denver. It is one hour later in Ganado than it is in Phoenix, Tucson, Los Angeles or Polacca. If you have never been to Hubbell, you should go. If you haven’t been to Hubbell, you should go back. You can tour the Hubbell home, hang out in the rug room, go to the Visitor Center and look at the books, buy ice cream in the trading post and see the sheep and the llama. It’s easy to get to. It’s free. The Google map below will show you exactly how to get there from any point on this planet. If you’re coming from a different planet, you should consult NASA and Star Fleet before planning your trip.
I’m planning to be there, so if you don’t get to go, I’ll post pictures and make you wish you had! You can meet interesting people like Jennie Slick and Senator John McCain (who just happened to stop by the event in 2009).

Jennie Slick and Senator John McCain at the 2009 Hubbell Wool Workshop. Although Senator McCain seemed to enjoy working with wool, he returned to Washington.
I hope to see you in Ganado on Sunday! Did I mention that it’s free?
Hagoshíí (so long till Sunday)
Mary Walker