Roy Kady to Show Work at Exhibit of Navajo Culture and Cuisine in Denver

Roy Kady will exhibit his work at the University of Denver, April 2-22, 2010. (Photo courtesy of University of Denver)
Denver, CO Navajo master weaver Roy Kady will show his work from April 2nd -22nd in an exhibit titled Na’ashjé’ii Biką’ Biyiin (Chant of the Male Spider). Roy is co-curating the exhibit with Teresa Montoya (Diné), a graduate student in the University of Denver’s Department of Anthropology. Set within the context of Navajo weaving, Roy will share his personal stories, experiences, creative inspirations and work in an environment where visitors are invited to touch, smell and participate in the experience of weaving.
Roy is a truly engaging and inspirational person to meet and is generous in sharing his culture and work. In the past, he has been a key participant in the Diné bé Iiná (Sheep is Life) organization and he is now the chapter president in his home community of Teec Nos Pos, Arizona. The chapter is the basic unit of Navajo tribal government and is roughly analogous to a hybrid of town and county, with each chapter a distinct legal unit with the right to form binding contracts. As if being the chapter president and an active weaver weren’t enough, Roy also cares for his large flock of sheep and goats. You can learn more about Roy and his family at his beautiful and informative web site,
The exhibit opens on April 2nd at Sturm Hall on the University of Denver campus and runs through the 22nd of April. The opening reception on April 2nd, from 5:30-8:00 PM, will feature a weaving demonstration with Roy, a discussion of the religious aspects of the weaving process by Anderson Hoskie, and a sampling of foods based on the traditional Navajo diet prepared by chef Freddie Bitsoie. Foods will include Churro lamb, blue corn puree, butternut squash tarts and Navajo tea.
Click here for further details on the exhibit from our events calendar.
Roy is looking forward to seeing both new and old friends in Denver and is busy working to finish a Guardians weaving similar to the one that he’s holding in the picture below from last year’s Heard Museum Indian Market.
Oh and one more thing! Happy Birthday, Roy!
Hagoshíí (so long for now)
Mary Walker