Updates! Spider Rock Girls Back to School Sale

Spider Rock Girl Alyssa Malone (7) shows new weaver Aurora Casta some of the finer points of the use of the weaving fork.
Tempe, AZ The Spider Rock Girls Back to School Sale was a big success, with Lavera Blake selling her large Burntwater Double Diamond rug on Ebay at the asking price and the other girls selling some smaller pieces in various patterns on Ebay and directly to clients. Lavera passed her Certified Nursing Assistant examination and has enrolled in the registered nursing program at the College of Eastern Utah, San Juan campus, in Blanding, Utah. Laramie is a senior at Chinle High School and Alyssa is entering second grade. They’re getting on the school bus at 6:45 in the morning, leaving mom Emily and older sister Larissa at home weaving each day. Larissa, by the way, won a second place ribbon at the 88th Gallup Inter-tribal Ceremonial with the larger Spider Rock rug that she currently has on Ebay (you can see it in the picture below).
The girls have two other rugs on Ebay this week, and they are busily preparing for the Friends of Hubbell Native Arts Auction on September, 19th. As usual, they’ll be manning their popular food booth during the auction. Would you like a rug with that hot dog?
Hagoshíí (so long for now)
Mary Walker