Some News from Morris Muskett (And He’s Having a Jewelry Sale)

Morris Muskett at left with printmaker/sculptor Melanie Yazzie (center) and exhibit developer Judy Newland (right0 at an early University of Colorado event as part of the Navajo Weaving: Diamonds, Dreams and Landscapes exhibit.
Tempe, AZ Weaver and silversmith Morris Muskett is having a 20% off sale on his jewelry at, but you’ll need to click fast because the sale ends today, January 20th. Morris also wanted to let people know that he will be doing a talk entitled Hozho: Art by Morris Muskett on February 5th at the University of Colorado Museum in Boulder. The talk will start at 6 PM in the Paleontology Hall and admission is free! Morris will be discussing his weaving, jewelry and bridge art. The event will open the last phase of the Navajo Weaving: Diamonds, Dreams and Landscapes exhibit.
Morris is also working on organizing some weaving classes in the Albuquerque area, so be sure to contact him if you’d be interested.
Hagoshíí (so long for now)
Mary Walker
What a good looking trio!!! Don’t you think?? LOL! I’ll be sure to get you another pic with the 3 of us at the opening of the third and final phase of the exhibit opening on Feburary 5th.