Introducing The Humderbird

Not a hummingbird, not a thunderbird, he’s a little of each with a good dose of attitude: The Humderbird
Tempe, AZ I finished this little weaving called The Humderbird last Saturday. The design is derivative of work done by Mae Clark, Janet Tsinnie and Jennie Slick. It’s woven in reproduction Germantown yarn from R.B. Burnham and Co on a C-Cactusflower Maxi loom. It’s priced to not sell at $750,000. Hey, I only need to sell one. Seriously, I either hang on to my weavings or give them to friends as gifts. You can click on the picture above for a larger view, and if you hover your mouse over the picture below you can zoom in on the detail of the Humderbird.
Hagoshíí (so long for now)
Beautifully done!
One of these days(or years) I will finish my Germantown, which also has birds, but not Humderbirds.
The weaving is kind of a composite of ideas from three other much larger weavings. The bird itself was the catalyst and it came from a rug that Mae wove in 2005 or so. It must have a monumental task because she hasn’t ever done another one. I didn’t sketch anything, but I had really good pictures of the original bird, to the point that I could see exactly where the warps and wefts were. The bird isn’t a copy, but he does have a close relative out there some where.
Mary, did you draw a sketch before you started it or did you adlib as you wove?
Hi Mary, Your weaving is awesome. I really like the Humderbird and all the Germantown colors. You are a fantastic weaver. Kudos for for such a great weaving piece.
Wow, Mary! That’s a humdinger, for sure! Love all the colors.
It is even more beautiful finished, Mary.
It’s just 12″x18″. It’s the largest size you can weave on the C-Cactusflower Maxi loom.
Wow Mary-Your weaving is beautiful! What is the size? I keep looking at the C-Cactus Flower Looms-I guess they do work for Navajo weaving!
I LOVE THE HUMDERBIRD!!! Seriously, that’s a lot of outlining and beautifully done!!