An Afternoon at Toadlena and Two Grey Hills
Linda Larouche models an antique woman's manta woven in the 1870's at the Toadlena Trading Post. That's trader Mark Winter at right.
Window Rock, AZ I’ll just post a couple of pictures quickly tonight. I need to be up and alert at 6 AM to go to Canyon de Chelly but I couldn’t resist sharing two pictures with you. We had a super visit to the Two Grey Hills area this afternoon and visited with Mark Winter and Linda Larouche at Toadlena and Les Wilson at Two Grey Hills. The creativity and craftsmanship of the weavers in this area is astounding. OK, I know that the Ella Rose Perry rug that we saw at Two Grey Hills Trading Post isn’t a Two Grey Hills design but it is a wonderful textile that I wanted share with you.
Hagoshíí (so long for now)
Mary Walker