All of the historic wedge weaves that I’ve seen were woven as blankets or throws.
Janette Grosson March 10, 2023 at 1:07 pm
As a wedge weaver (and student of Martha Stanley’s who brought the technique to many of us), I particularly liked this story. I love learning more about how wedge weave might have come about and why it disappeared for so long. It’s wonderful that so many Diné weavers are taking it up again. Was it originally woven as blankets? I also enjoy your description of churro wool which I now use and love it! I look forward to more posts like this. Thank you!
Amyon March 9, 2023 at 6:45 am
Great to hear from Weaving in Beauty! Looking forward to more. Many thanks for sharing Gloria’s wonderful weaving and the history (herstory) behind the wedge weave.
Sally Youngon March 8, 2023 at 7:17 pm
I’m so glad you posted this. I’m taking a weaving class after a long hiatus and I was just thinking that I need to find out when you will be having classes in the fall. I think I much prefer Navajo weaving to floor loom weaving.
Mary Holmon March 8, 2023 at 6:06 pm
Thank you for writing this and sharing it, Mary! I look forward to reading your “Rug of the Week” posts.
The response to the post has convinced me to try to do a “Weaving of the Week” feature! As far as I can tell, the wedge weave technique came about as weavers learned to adapt to diagonal line designs. The scallops on the edge were an added bonus. People seem not to have liked the scallops in rugs, so the technique was almost lost. It’s been revived and is gaining in popularity.
Don’t be sorry! I loved the story! Weavings should have a narrative. Made even more so by the Narrative. I hope you do even more often. Glorias rug is beautiful. Does the wedge weave technique make a rug more wearable or drape able on the body of the wearer?
Lu Rosson March 8, 2023 at 4:43 pm
This piece is lovely! Thank you for sharing the history and details about the project.
Thank you, Rosie! It started as a description written to help sell the rug. I decided to turn it into what I hope becomes a
“Weaving of the Week” feature.
Rosie Whiteon March 8, 2023 at 4:33 pm
The work is exquisite; the story inspiring. Thank you!
Will use your velcro method. I am curious if small rugs 2×4 and 3×5, should be hung in a straight up and down position or if they can be hung at an angle (for a little more interesting eye appeal)
I am working on a follow on volume of our book and a revision of the first volume. As part of that, I will be working on making the online class available on demand, so people will be able to work on their own schedule.
It sounds like you have the loom built but you need instructions on warping, which the plan doesn’t cover. There are a number of books that you can use for reference on that. Working with the Wool, Navajo Weaving Way, Navajo and Hopi Weaving Techniques and our book, ‘Atł’óhí Binaaltsoos (The Weaver’s Book): How to Weave the Navajo Way are all potential sources of information on that and may be available through your public library.
Christinaon December 1, 2015 at 2:17 am
I’m having the same issue Debra had–the instructions for the *frame* are in the PDF, but not those for all of the interior components (turnbuckles, dowels, conduit, wire, twine, etc.). I would imagine the placement measurements are important here (e.g. how many inches from the top of the loom should the pipe straps be attached?), but is it ok to just eyeball it..?
Marilyn Altmanon October 6, 2015 at 9:33 pm
I too am very interested in any future online classes. Thank you
Michelle Gottfredsonon October 5, 2015 at 3:48 pm
I am interested in attending a weaving boot camp. Please send me details when they are available for 2016.
Thanks in advance
Margaret cookon September 25, 2015 at 10:21 am
Mary, is there a chance you will come to Washington state to teach Navajo weaving?
Bill Dicksonon April 13, 2015 at 8:15 pm
18 sheep..we shear…wash…card…spin..dye…Gilmore loom 48 inch 4 shaft 8 treadle and a 1948 Binder counter march loom 48 inch 8 shaft 12 treadle that I plan to warp next week MAYBE. My wife and I are having a blast…love you’re website hope to come to workshops so we can learn more and more..Bill and Kim
I’ve been looking through your books and could not find the one I have – Weaving a Navajo Blanket by Gladys Reichard (Dover Publication 1974). Checked through the book’s fine print – it is actually republishing of 1936 Navajo shepherd and weaver. 99 cents at amazon.
Very much enjoying your teaching. You are an ocean of knowledge, and you know how to pass it on. Thank you.
I would really recommend using wool because it is central to what Navajo weaving is. Wool is a much different fiber than cotton and won’t look or feel the same. Wool is the traditional choice for Navajos and I think that you owe it to yourself to use it for your first piece.
Kenneth Richeyon January 3, 2015 at 6:47 pm
Mary… I love the e-book and have already read thru and viewed the videos….. I think this will get me going great…. I do have a question… Since I have not done any weaving… will it work to learn by using cotton…. I have a lot of cotton in different colors…. I was just wondering if that would do for learning….. I did go to the Burnham site and I can order the Brown Sheep warp and weft threads but I do have about everything I need already except for the forks that I ordered from you….. Thanks
Kenneth Richey
Darrell Moerchon November 20, 2014 at 7:48 am
Hi Mary,
I have a Navajo friend that wants me to make her some picture frames for her Navajo rugs. I understand not to use glass. What would be the best method for framing? Do you have any suggestions on what type of wood is best to use for the frame? Should I use a stretched canvas frame with Velcro for the backing board or a thin piece of hardboard? If I use the canvas backing, where would I get one large enough?
How should the owner then maintain it after it has been framed and hung on the wall?
Hello Mary,
I really enjoy your website. Help! My elderly parents want to give away this Navajo rug they had commissioned in the late 1960s..My Dad requested that it have thunderbird motif and be large. It is about 8×4 feet…it could be 9 x 4.5. I am trying to convince them it could be worth several thousand dollars and they should have it professionally cleaned and appraised! Can you give any advice or suggestions?
Maya, take a look at Lynda Teller Pete’s site. She will be offering workshops in Denver, Lakewood and Golden in June and July. She is at
Hello ~ I just sent an email before seeing this thread…I am so very interested in learning to weave, but see that there are no classes offered in CO. Perhaps you have suggestions on where to look for classes in Colorado, specifically the Denver area (although, I can and will drive to take a class!). If you do I would be so grateful for the help. Thank you, and many Blessings ~
Linda, you will need to locate a book or video on Navajo techniques. There are several books available. You can usually find Navajo Weaving Way through your public library or at You can also use Weaving the Navajo Way by Caroline Spurgeon. It’s also available through You can also use the book that Liz Munk, Jennie Slick and I wrote. It’s available on this web site at
Barb, the best solution is to keep practicing. You might try varying your warp tension to see if that helps. I am not holding any online classes at this time. I have several projects that must be completed.
Linda Borderson March 22, 2014 at 7:11 pm
My son has built this loom for me. I cannot find any instructions on how to warp it. Will you please send me instructions to my email. Thank You
[…] Navajo Rug on Loom …. Choosing to hang a Navajo textile requires the consideration of several factors including the type of textile yarns and structural condition … Caring For and Displaying Navajo Textiles – Weaving in Beauty […]
Framing an artwork does help to enhance it. What I would discourage you from doing, though is putting the work behind glass because that prevents both sides of the work from being equally exposed to light. There is also a risk of insect infestation on the side that’s not displayed. If it happens, it’s difficult to see until damage has already occurred. The glass barrier prevents the texture of the tapestry from being fully appreciated by the viewer.
I’m looking to have shadow boxes or frames made for a tree of life tapestry. It’s 24×18. I also have a larger one. We are doing a camp over southwestern style. I’m clueless as to how to display them but I think they will add a really nice touch. I see you recommend velcro, but thought something with the dark cabernet frame would match the rustic beams. Any suggestions??
I have an Indian rug that I have had by my front door for a few years. Consequently, I have washed it several times. I have now decided it is too nice a piece for that use and want to hang it. It measures approximately 6’x3′.
I was going to have it dry cleaned until I read your post not to. What cleaning process would you recommend? May I continue to wash it without damaging it any further?
Janice, you’lll need to get a copy of our book or another text on Navajo weaving to be able to complete the warping. It isn’t difficult, but it’s not exactly intuitive. You can buy our book here. You’ll also find warping instructions in Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse’s book Navajo Weaving Way, which you may be able to find at your public library.
J Kessleron August 15, 2013 at 8:09 am
My husband has built this loom for my legally blind mother, but we can’t figure out how to warp it. I have an image and I can’t figure how to get the warp threads anywhere close to what the picture looks like. Are there any videos out there you could direct me to? I’d appreciate any help you can give me.
Yes, we have one group of beginners and another group of students who are intermediate,
Corinneon July 2, 2013 at 8:10 pm
Is the class running on 7/17, Weaving Bootcamp a beginners class?
Carol Hallon June 30, 2013 at 4:34 am
I have a rug that looks Native American. I think it is cotton with a fringe. Bright colors of yellow, red, black, blue, burgandy, orange stripes. Large green background with black and purple arrow like designs. Have no clue. Approx. 50″ x 76. Any help will be appreciated. Carol
Paul, I have added you to the list that receives the first notice of all classes as they are added.
Paul Tracyon June 14, 2013 at 5:29 pm
Debra, if you have any other questions after our chat this morning, just let me know.
Debra Lozanoon May 20, 2013 at 12:07 pm
Please add me to the waiting list for your next Online begining weavers course.
Debra Lozanoon May 16, 2013 at 12:25 pm
I bought the materials to make the loom. I read the direstions on pdf that details how to put the frame together. How do I find out how to assemble all of the interior components (turnbuckles, dowels, conduit, wire, twine, etc)?
Yes, you can send pictures to After March 1, there will be a $5 charge for informal evaluations.
Nigel Pierceon February 18, 2013 at 6:25 pm
Hello, I have a single saddle rug that was my Grandparents. I have been trying to find out if it’s true Navajo and a rough estimate of date of weaving. Would someone be willing to look at some pictures? Thank you.
The banded rug on the top doesn’t really fit into any particular regional style. Some people might call it a saddle blanket or chief blanket design.
The one on the bottom is woven from a book called Working with the Wool by Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse. Noel lived in Gallup when you lived in Church Rock and she taught weaving at the library on Thursday nights, I think. It doesn’t fit any regional description.
This is a banded rug and the design would probably be best called either a Chinle or an Eyedazzler, depending on whose eye is being dazzled, I guess.
pierreon February 9, 2013 at 7:16 pm
Hi love your website have learned quiet a bit from it.
Our family lived in the late 70s around the Church Rock area. My parents bought a few rugs from a trading post near what is now know as “Legacy Park” and from a Navajo family that did weaving, and raised the sheep and lived in a hagon. I remember the fry bread and mutton stew. My mother cant remember they’re names
I would appreciate your help if you can help identify the type of rugs that they are as they’ve been past on to me. There are 5 in total
Thank you for your time and graciousness
1.) is 46.5 x 31
Leslie, your pictures didn’t come through. You can email them to me and I’ll tell you what I can. You’ve got a free pass! I’ve had to start charging for the identifications because there were so many of them.
leslieon February 2, 2013 at 12:49 pm
Greetings Mary! I am happy to have stumbled onto this site while searching for info on 2 old rugs that i have had for twenty years and would really like to know more about them. Thanks to your expertise, i know that they are not Navajo but are most likely mexican. i believe they are hand woven, both are wool. one being heavier than the other. the one w/ the images has some bright colors that i find interesting and wonder if they are unusual. any info you can give me would be appreciated and thank you for your time and generous help.
I would like to take a beginner class in July. I would really like to return to AZ/NM but I can drive from northern Vermont to Maine. I have some background in Navajo Weaving but that was many moons ago. Please let me know where participants can stay for minimal cost.
Many thanks, Janice
Sandra, I’ll be adding a new online session later this evening. We sell looms and tool and you can also find them from Weaving Southwest, Halcyon Yarns and the Woolery.
Donna Parkeron January 31, 2013 at 6:26 pm
Greetings. Can you tell me anything about this piece? Origin and what it would have been used for. It is nearly 50″ long and is 4 squares attached with loosely woven threads. Thank you very much for whatever help you can give.
sandra swansonon January 29, 2013 at 2:24 pm
Looking for a beginning Navajo on line weaving class. I do need to order a loom an tool;s needed. Any suggestion from whom?
Based in the pictures in the listing, the rug is Navajo.
Robin Tassinarion January 27, 2013 at 12:38 pm
I’ve had this rug for 60 years; never knew much about it. The person who gave it to me was born in the late 1800’s and got it when she was young with her husband on a trip west (she was from Connecticut). As you can see, it has some wear (though never walked on) and has what looks like small holes in one area (moths?)
In any case does this look to be of any value despite the damage?
Robin Tassinari
Hi Mary,
I love this website! I have a Navajo rug listed on ebay, which I & my husband bought at Fred Harvey’s in the Grand Canyon 1993. Another ebay member is questioning whether it is authentic, could you please look over the listing, and please let me know if there is anything I need to add to the description. I had added a link to this page (your page), but ebay told me it was a violation of their rules, so I had to take it down. 🙁
Thank you so much for your dedication & time.
I see nothing that says this rug is anything but Navajo. Although two strand side selvage cords are very common, there are many, many ways to handle them. There can be none, one, two, three and even four cords. It’s a matter of what the weaver prefers. As they say in Navajo: bisin (it’s up to her). The cord treatment has no material effect on the value.
The sun fading is another matter; it will probably reduce the value by as much as 50%.
Doug Jon January 24, 2013 at 4:22 pm
And one last photo showing the fade
Thanks for your help Mary!
Doug Jon January 24, 2013 at 4:20 pm
Another photo showing the end cord
Doug Jon January 24, 2013 at 4:19 pm
Here’s another photo showing the side of the rug, where the side cord would usuall be.
Doug Jon January 24, 2013 at 4:18 pm
Hi Mary:
I just sent a question in from the main page of your web-site but couldn’t figure out how to post pictures there — so I’m sending the same questions in from here.
First of all, I love your website — and thanks for all you are doing for Navajo weaving! I’ve been collecting Navajo rugs for several years from Crownpoint, other auctions and sometimes dealers or ebay. Normally I don’t acquire pieces without known history and the weavers name, but I just picked up a large Moki revival piece with little info. The piece is 5 feet by 7 feet. I have two questions: First, it doesn’t have selvage (side) cords, which concerns me a bit — though otherwise it appears “normal.” The sides do not feel like there are multiple warp cords in the last column — the rug is the same thickness at the side as elsewhere. Second, there is considerable sun fading on one side. How much does that typically affect the value? I’m attaching pictures and would appreciate your thoughts on whether this rug is really Navajo.
Best regards, Doug
It’s genuine Navajo and is a variant of the Storm Pattern. I don’t have size information, but in good condition, a rug like this should be worth about $100 per square foot.
Becky Evanson January 22, 2013 at 7:24 pm
Mary, This rug measures roughly 2 1/2 x 5. It is wider on one end by approximately 3 1/2 inches. I know that reduces the value, but I would still appreciate any information you may have. Thank you so much for your time and for helping identify authentic Navajo rugs.
From Mary
This is a hand spun rug that was probably woven by an older weaver. It probably has an auction value of around $250 and a full retail value of $500.
Becky Evanson January 22, 2013 at 7:20 pm
Mary, This rug feels different than the others, so I’m not positive it is wool, but I still believe it is a Navajo rug. It measures approx. 2 1/2 x 5. What do you think?
This is a twill double saddle blanket. The require quite a bit of skill to weave, but for some reason they never get the auction value that they should. Figure an auction value of $350 to $600 and a retail of $750 to $800.
Becky Evanson January 22, 2013 at 7:17 pm
Mary – This rug is also in excellent condition. The first rug picture I sent is approx. 5 x 7, the second rug picture is approx. 4 x 5 and this rug measures roughly 3 x 5. Your best thoughts on value and information is greatly appreciated.
From Mary:
This is a Ganado Red rug and doesn’t appear to be quite as finely woven as the first two rugs. I would guess around $700 at auction and a retail in the $900 to $1000 range.
Becky Evanson January 22, 2013 at 7:13 pm
Hi Mary This rug is also in excellent condition. I would appreciate any information you could share with me about this rug. By the way, I hope your knee is healing nicely.
Becky Evanson January 22, 2013 at 7:10 pm
Hi Mary – My father recently passed away and my mother is now ready to let go of the Navajo rugs that they purchased while living in Arizona years ago. I believe these rugs were purchased in the 70’s. They are in excellent condition, never used, but stored in their home away from sunlight etc. There is no damage of any kind that I can see. I would appreciate any information that you might be able to give me about these rugs.
I will answer your question when I have time. I am currently recovering from knee surgery.
Donna Parkeron January 17, 2013 at 4:09 am
Hello. Are you still answering questions? I see the last question posted was November 7th. I sent a question last week 1/13 that I’d really like an answer to. Thanks,
bruceon January 11, 2013 at 11:38 am
Hi Mary,
Have learned much from your site. Have a rug that has me confused. I inherited it from and others from a distant relative, (I’m way down inhertance food chain). The relative was well off and an avid collector of all things Navajo. I received several rugs from the Wide Ruin area, but this one has me confused. It does not have a fringe, it is wool, but the design, the use of yellow, and the edge wrap leads me to believe it is not Navajo. I would appreciate your input. Thanks
From Mary:
This is an early Raised Outline Rug. The coloration is a little idiosyncratic and there are condition issues, but it is definitely Navajo and is a nice example of the development of this style.
Carol, you can read about the two sessions that we’re doing in Boothbay, ME here.
Carol Deanowon January 10, 2013 at 1:50 pm
Janet Austin from Rhode Island said that she heard that you were going to do a Navaho rug workshop in New England in 2013. If so, please let me know. Many thanks.
I don’t see any pictures of the rug, so I can’t comment. You can upload one in another comment, or you can send them to me here.
Dr. Charles M. Hendrixon January 10, 2013 at 8:46 am
Last week I “rescued” what I beleive to be a Navajo rug (blacks, greys and taupes, ~ 3 feet by five feet) from a local thrift store — for the phenomenal price of $6.00. This rug has led a very hard life, but my wife and I would like to display it and give it a good home for the rest of it utilitarian life. The thrift shop had it on the floor, but what is better — for us to make a wall hanging of it OR have it professionally framed. In talking with a local weaver, she did tell me that it was made from handspun wool. The rug was filthy, but she told us how to wash it in the bath tub and block it during drying. It was NECESSARY to do this — I hope that we did not do too much harm. Any advice?
Kathy Riggson January 8, 2013 at 2:02 pm
Please advise when you have a class list for 2013. I am very interested in any classes given in CA. Thank you
Jo Sieberon January 4, 2013 at 5:02 pm
I love ur loom plans but i want to make miniature rugs do u have any suggestions maybe make a smaller version?? thank you
From Mary:
Yes, Jo, you would just use a smaller frame. You can even use a picture frame or canvas stretcher bars for a true miniature.
VERNNETTA CASTILLO-DAVISon January 4, 2013 at 9:23 am
Absolutely fantastic demonstration of dedication and skill! I saw the article you posted on woven cinches but do not see any listed for sale. With the growing interest in custom and one-of-a-kind cinches and breast collars, will you be including cinches for sale at some point?
Julieon December 18, 2012 at 8:16 am
This is stunning!
Julieon December 18, 2012 at 8:08 am
My rug weighs twelve pounds; will the velcro method offer enough support for hanging?
Thank for your expertise and this wonderful website!
Yes, I’ll be working on class listings for 2013 very soon.
Curt Gengnagelon December 8, 2012 at 6:32 am
Hello The following Rug or Blanket was passed down to me, they were at my grandparents cabin in northern minnesota since 1944. Could you tell me if they are a Navajo weaving please. The size is 52 inches long by 17 inches wide. Thanks Curt
From Mary:
It isn’t Navajo, Curt. The knotted fringe at the ends indicates that it’s was woven on a horizontal loom. My guess would be that’s a Hispanic weaving from southern Mexico or Central America.
Elenaon December 3, 2012 at 7:52 am
picture 2/3
From Mary:
It’s a Hispanic weaving, probably from northern Mexico.
Elenaon December 3, 2012 at 7:50 am
Hi Mary,
First of all, I’m so glad to find your wonderful web site. It is very informative and educational, and I have read all the comments with great pleasure. I have been searching on Google image and ebay for few a couple of years now(on and off). I’m trying to ID a vintage south western rug which I bought at a church sale. It is 59″ x 89″, it does has tiny fringes which probably disqualify it as Navajo, but I will leave it to the expert here. 😉 It has a combination of brown, orange, and beige color strips zig zaging across the rug with color birds in between. Any information is highly appreciated.
Elenaon December 2, 2012 at 9:18 pm
Hi Mary,
First of all, I am so glade to find your website which is wonderfully written and educational. Thank you for taking time to anwer all these questions which I read with great appreciation.
I have been searching online of google image or eBay to id a rug I bought at a local church sale. It is 59″ by 89″ with 7 straps of brown, orange, beige white zig zag across the rug, the base color is another lighter color of grayish brown. There are total of 31 birds in between the zig zags. The color of the birds consist of yellow, brown, light sage green, 2 tone of blue and some kind of peachy color. It was listed as a vintage south western rug, but I would love to learn more about it. Any information is highly appreciated.
I try to add pictures to the comment, but the option isn’t available. May I email them to you at the email address listed in your previous post?
Julia Harrison November 29, 2012 at 6:55 pm
I purchased a Two Grey Hills rug at Toadlena Trading in 1984. I decided to splurge and bought a rug from a master weaver. I packed the rug away years ago and sadly lost the original info on the weaver. Is there any possible way to find out the weaver of this rug by the design etc? I would be more then grateful for any suggestions!!!! Thank you
From Mary: It’s possible that the current trader at Toadlena, Mark Winter, might have some insight. You can contact Mark through the Toadlenda Trading Post web site.
Shirley Rosson November 27, 2012 at 4:18 pm
WOW! This is a cool loom. I’m soon retiring from work- been looking for a past time hobby that usn’t too hard on my budget. Could I get the instructions on how to build one of these looms?
molly cornellon November 25, 2012 at 10:38 am
last pic, i swear.
molly cornellon November 25, 2012 at 10:34 am
sorry, those previous pics were small.
molly cornellon November 25, 2012 at 10:27 am
closer view of corner.
Thanks Mary
molly cornellon November 25, 2012 at 10:26 am
Hi Mary,
Thank you for such an informative site.
Any information about this piece would be appreciated… I can’t tell if there was once a fringe (woven back in) and if these are traditional dyes.
Tanyaon November 15, 2012 at 11:51 am
Hi Mary,
Thanks for confirming that my rug is, in fact, Navajo. Can you tell me any more about it? Where made? Likely Value?
Thanks for your attention. And, Happy Holidays.
Angieon November 14, 2012 at 3:44 pm
Hi 🙂
I noticed the bottom crosspiece in the 2 looms shown in the photo above are placed differently than described and shown in the downloadable directions…Is this a concern? Should I assemble it like it is in the photo above or as directed in the pdf or does it not really matter?
v/r, Angela
Tanya Pembertonon November 7, 2012 at 10:40 am
Thanks for confirming my hopes. Can you tell me any more about it? Pattern name? Provenance? Value?
I am delighted and thank you very much for replying to me inquiry.
this is a wonderful list you have here. I am only sorry I found it so late in the year and have missed most of the dates listed. Are you planning on a similar list for next year?
Reply to Susan Thomoson. Yes, it’s almost certainly a Rio Grande blanket.
Tanya Pembertonon November 5, 2012 at 10:44 am
And one more.
Tanya Pembertonon November 5, 2012 at 10:43 am
Another photo
Tanya Pembertonon November 5, 2012 at 10:41 am
Mary, Here are a few photos to help in identifying my article. Any information you might be able to offer would be so appreciated.
Tanya Pembertonon November 5, 2012 at 10:37 am
I think I have a Navajo weaving. Can you verify if it is? I have some photos that I will try to forward.
You have a Marvelous site and so informative.
Thanks very much.
Petra Richteron November 2, 2012 at 2:56 pm
Hi there. I am looking for a weaving Loom. Do you have them for sale?
susan thompsonon November 2, 2012 at 12:38 pm
Hi Mary!
Is the comment about the rug maybe being from the Rio Grande area about my questions? smile. I have an image here for you, also.
Thank you very much. Your website is extremely helpful
Yes, Colleen, it looks like Hispanic rather than Navajo weaving. Hispanic weavers use a horizontal loom and wool that is not as tightly twisted, so the way the weaving is packed is different and not quite as tight. In addition, if you look at the ends, you’ll probably find that the fringes that are present in Hispanic weaving have been sewn back into the rug. Someone went to quite a bit of trouble to make this look Navajo, but in my opinion it isn’t.
Colleenon November 1, 2012 at 12:31 pm
Another picture… Thanks for your insight!
Colleenon November 1, 2012 at 12:29 pm
Hi Mary~ I am unsure which comment was for me. I THINK it is the one about the storm pattern. I have attached more pictures.
I see that the web site did not match my answer with the comment! Here’s the answer to your question: I would have to look at it closely to be sure, but I think it’s probably from Mexico and was finished to look like a Navajo piece. The twill bands are quite unusual for either Navajo or Hispanic pieces. I think that you have the warps and wefts terminology reversed.
Michael Feldton November 1, 2012 at 8:51 am
I’m not sure whether or not one of your responses is to my e-mail. ???
I would have to look at it closely to be sure, but I think it’s probably from Mexico and was finished to look like a Navajo piece. The twill bands are quite unusual for either Navajo or Hispanic pieces. I think that you have the warps and wefts terminology reversed.
Blankets have a slightly wider sett (meaning that the warp yarns are a little farther apart) and they aren’t beaten as aggressively. Most blanket patterns do not have borders.
This is a weaving from the Rio Grande Valley in northern New Mexico. It is probably from Chimayo. If you Google Chimayo weaving you can learn more about it.
It sounds like a Hispanic blanket from the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico or from any of a number of weaving centers in Mexico.
Debbie S.on October 31, 2012 at 11:29 am
Hi Mary,
Can you help identify the type and age of this rug that my friend inherited from her father-in-law’s estate? She believes he purchased it in Arizona in the 1970’s. The size is 54 X 32-1/2 inches. I will email closer views to your email address.
susan thompsonon October 27, 2012 at 3:29 pm
Hi Mary!
I have a very unusual weaving I want to get your thoughts on. This is a large blanket – two pieces sewn down the middle. It looks to be an old poncho with southwest swirl designs. I would guess it to be Navajo because of the very tight wool weave and natural dyes, but I am thrown off with the two bottom selvages that have been turned under and hemmed almost like a skirt would be today. The hemming is also very old and does seem to be original to the rug. There is also a twisted wool cord woven around the rug. The woman I bought it from said it was in a trunk with some things from the early 1900’s. Do you have an idea of who may have woven this?
Carolynon October 22, 2012 at 4:57 pm
Here’s the second photo….
Carolynon October 22, 2012 at 4:56 pm
Hi Mary, I’m trying to help my cousin identify a rug that his aunt bought in New Mexico or Arizona in the 1930’s/40’s. Do you have any ideas about it’s origin? It does have fringe.
Judy Noteboomon October 22, 2012 at 5:33 am
How do I know the difference between a rug and a wearing blanket? Size?
Thank you,
Judy Noteboom
JM Bennetton October 20, 2012 at 4:31 pm
We found these rugs @ an estate sale.
They appear to be wool…and old.
What is the meanings of the designs?
Michael Feldton October 13, 2012 at 10:03 am
Do you have any idea where this blanket might be from?
It is warp-face weaving, about 6′ x 4.5′.There are 18 warps per inch and 4 wefts per inch. There are 7 warp selvage cords: 3 3-ply(maroon) and 4 3-ply(white).The weft selvage cords do not come through the corners, like a Navajo blanket, but appear to run around tucked in with the weft.
I have more photos if you need them.
Thank you, Michael Feldt
Colleenon October 12, 2012 at 12:58 pm
Hello Mary~ Thanks for this very informative site. I, too, have a rug that I believe to be Navajo. I was wondering if you would know any more about it. I have attached a picture for your review. Thanks so much!
It’s also Navajo. This is a type of Eyedazzler often woven in the Kayenta area of Northern Arizona. I would say that both rugs date from the 1930’s to 1940’s.
Yes, it certainly looks Navajo. It’s not a style that’s associated with any one area.
Jim Jacksonon October 7, 2012 at 11:40 am
Rug #3 is approx. 55″X40″.
Jim Jacksonon October 7, 2012 at 11:39 am
And a close up of it’s corner.
Jim Jacksonon October 7, 2012 at 11:38 am
Rug #2 is approx. 58″X43″
Jim Jacksonon October 7, 2012 at 11:36 am
Whoops…~here~ is a close up of the corner.
Jim Jacksonon October 7, 2012 at 11:30 am
In finally going through my Grandparents stored belongings, (stored since 1977), I came across 3 rugs which I believe to be Navajo, but don’t have any idea of an approximate creation date or area where made.
I really have enjoyed your site and was wondering if you could help identify these rugs and maybe an era and area where they were made?
The first rug is very heavy and approx. 56″X48″.
I would need a picture to tell you anything. You can upload one in another comment or send one to may email address at
Bonnie Adieon October 4, 2012 at 4:39 pm
I have been distributing a family estate and hoping not to make mistakes. This weaving, not in grand condition, is 37″wide and 55″ long. At one time it had belonged to my Grandparents who spent much of their time in Arizona and Mexico in the mid 1900’s. I am wondering if you might be able to tell me anything about it.
Kimber Wilsonon October 2, 2012 at 12:26 pm
This one is roughly 2′ x 4′ and is said to have had the colors run when a cleaning lady put it through a washing machine in the 1970’s.
Kimber Wilsonon October 2, 2012 at 12:24 pm
Picture 2 of 3 rugs. . This one and the brown one are roughly 4′ x 6′
Kimber Wilsonon October 2, 2012 at 12:23 pm
Mary, My husband inherited 3 rugs from his grandmother (Alta Barth) who ran the Wigwam Hotel in Holbrook AZ in the early 1900’s. I was able to verify on the Census that she still owned the hotel in 1940. It was said that these rugs were purchased directly from the weavers in the area. There is wear around the outside edges since these were used on the floor in the lobby of the hotel. My husbands family believe these rugs to be of “incredible” value. I am interested in whether or not I should insure them. Any information you could provide would be much appreciated.
Does this book have an ISBN? I want to include it in a bibliography I’m doing for Library Journal.
Deniseon September 15, 2012 at 9:29 am
Sorry, but another for the larger view
Deniseon September 15, 2012 at 9:27 am
Here is another photo
Deniseon September 15, 2012 at 9:25 am
I now I understand the rug I was given is not Navajo, but it appears hand woven. Can you help me identify the source by the pictures I’m sending? Thank you so much.
It’s a piece from Mexico. It’s quite detailed compared with other pieces of this type. I would agree that it’s probably pre-1930’s. It was woven in two panels and then stitched together. Someone who works with Hispanic pieces could give you some idea on the value of it.
Devanon September 6, 2012 at 3:26 pm
Here is a closer look at the bottom.
Devanon September 6, 2012 at 3:24 pm
I got this from an antique store. The people that worked there knew nothing about except they thought it was 1900s? Any info would help.
Thank You,
Dominique Lapinon September 5, 2012 at 5:49 pm
What a fab time we all had! I love the shot of us in Bill Malones Trading Post in Gallup,NM. I am still in awe of all the weavers we met and our wonderful teachers Jennie and Mary. Can’t wait to do it again! Happy Fall and may you weave in Beauty everyday! Dominique
I really didn’t see the fringes until you pointed them out. Yes, they are part of the rug and they are an exception. I thought at first that what you have was used as a saddle blanket. The bleed that you see could be the result of that usage, but the piece is too large for that. The fringe on the right side of the picture is markedly different from the fringe on the left side. On the left is a twisted fringe treatment that you very occasionally see in older saddle blankets. I think that the end on the right side unraveled and the fringe was knotted there to stop further damage. If you look at the pattern of the rug, you’ll see that the slanted black boxes on the left aren’t there on the right hand side. My view that it is Navajo is further supported by the side selvage cords, which would be almost impossible to do on a horizontal loom like those used in Mexico and New Mexico.
Duanon September 4, 2012 at 7:39 pm
Thanks Mary,
Are the fringes on this rug an exception to the rule about fringes? They appear to actually be part of the rug not added on.
It’s Navajo. I would say that it was woven in the 1950’s.
Duanon September 3, 2012 at 9:45 pm
Here is what it looks like full. measures 52″x 87″
Duanon September 3, 2012 at 9:42 pm
Hello from flagstaff. I bought this at a estate sale. Nobody claimed it was a Navajo rug but it looks like it could be??. Just wanted to see what you thought.
It’s absolutely Mexican. The fringes have been threaded back in. if you fold the ends over I think you’ll see that there is more than one warp thread behind many of the wefts.
John Sandstromon September 1, 2012 at 6:26 pm
Here is a picture of the whole rug.
John Sandstromon September 1, 2012 at 6:25 pm
Hey Mary,
The attached pictures are of a rug “screwed” to the wall in the break room where I work. in Las Cruces, NM. The story goes that a previous Dean gave it to the library about 30 years ago after a trip to Juarez. Only thing is, it doesn’t look like Mexican work. As far as I can tell the warp is a figure 8, not woven in. The yarn is hand spun with lots of vegetable matter. But I think the color pallet is wrong. What do you think. If it is the real thing, it really needs to be conserved properly.
hi its august the 29. 2012. I hope someone is reading this website, I need to learn how to weave on a loom. i have thought of teaching myself, i have studied the diagrams of the looms and i feel that i can build one, but i hesitate still because i feel that i need some one to guide me. I am willing to travel to arizona or new mexico to take lessons. I live in california. can someone answer me. margarita
JoAnn, the loom is probably not at fault. Unless the loom is very large, you need to use the heddle rod with your palm facing you, pushing the warp as you pull the heddles. Send a note and I’ll send you a picture.
It’s a kilim type flatweave from the Middle East. Someone who deals in Oriental rugs can give you a better idea of value and origin.
Craig Schusteron August 22, 2012 at 10:37 am
Can anyone help me identify the orgin of this blanket? It’s about 6ft by 4ft.
Thank you.
Craig Schusteron August 22, 2012 at 10:27 am
Is there anyone who can help me identify this blanket. I can’t seem to find a similar example anywhere. The size is about 6ft by 4ft.
Craig Schusteron August 22, 2012 at 9:22 am
Here is another picture of the blanket without the light behind it.
Craig Schusteron August 22, 2012 at 9:20 am
I have a friend who’s mother recently passed away and this blanket was one of her possesions. I was asked to help sell some of her belongings to help cover expenses and this is one item that he thought might have a decent value. Is there any chance that someone can help identify the orgin and give a rough guess of the value. I’m sorry about the quality of the pictures, they were taken with my phone. Thank you. The blanket is about 6ft by 4ft.
JoAnn McCutcheonon August 21, 2012 at 7:25 pm
Hi! Thank you for all the detailed information that you provide on your website. It is not only informative, detailed, and provides magnificent pictures of rugs that are so inspiring!!! My question is: How do you keep a weaving loom from tipping forward when you pull the back strings forward? My neighbor and friend has a loom that she has discarded because of that particular flaw. She has so graciously consented to teach me how to weave. But her loom was not built properly. She wants a new loom. So in payment for her teaching, I have taken on the construction of a new loom for her as well as one for me. I cannot find a website that can answer that question so I really hope you can assist me. If I build the loom to exact instructions provided would we have the same issue when we begin weaving? Does the back leg board require additional weight? Or is the dimension of the legs need to be longer towards the back that in the front? HELP!! It would be so embarrassing if I build a loom that is inadequate for both my instructor and me.
I was adopted at age 3 months, at 22 I found out I was of Indian Heritage. Finally an explanation to the many outdoor enjoyment along with unusual craft choices made throughout my life. I’m so very proud to be an American Indian. I really feel I missed out on teachings of my heritage as well. Although drawn to crafts my whole life now at 52, I suffer many joint and arthritic problems and find it impossible to attend a class both financially and travel would be harsh to my pain level. I’m very anxious to learn the beautiful art of weaving, do you offer DVD’s for sale. My husband being a former builder and general contractor feels sure he could build a very nice loom. Would this be a possibility to learn by DVD instruction? Thank you so much for your site and the passing of your treasured art.
Warmly, Caroline Greenwell Coxs Creek Ky. 40013
Rebecca Marshon August 15, 2012 at 11:00 am
I would like to know if this Two Grey Hills rug is Navajo. It was assessed by a local expert weaver, and she looked at it carefully and didn’t find any evidence that it’s not; however, I wanted an expert Navajo weaver to look at it. There is no one in my area. I’m trying to upload a jpg to the response area, but it’s not letting me. Is there a direct email I can submit to?
Linda, I would need to see more pictures to estimate the repairs, but the cost would probably exceed the worth. It is an Old Style Ganado rug, probably woven in the 1920’s.
Can you send me a close-up of the ends? It looks like there is fringe at both ends and the pattern resembles a Chimayo weaving.
Greg Maceon August 13, 2012 at 4:54 pm
I have an Indian rug/blanket; I don’t know how to tell. I found it hanging on the wall of a house that I bought to remodel. Anything you can tell me about it would be appreciated.
Leslie Sykeson August 4, 2012 at 4:01 pm
My mother purchased this blanket in Maine and passed it along to me. I have some higher-quality Mexican/Rio Grande rugs and weavings, but they differ markedly from this blanket. The blanket is very fine wool, not thick but very well crafted. The edge (where I can see it) is the same thickness as the blanket itself. The bottom and top edge is turned over and I can’t see how it is finished. The foundation threads are a natural ivory brown, and the blanket seems to have what in rugs is called “abrash”, with subtle variations in the red that is not uniform and varies every few rows. The crochet looks like a later add-on from non-wool thread to make the two matched weavings into a coverlet for a small bed. There is no dye bleed between the colors. I can’t thank you enough for any information; I’m just trying to get an idea of age and if it is a Native American piece rather than a Mexican item.
Linda Davison August 4, 2012 at 8:40 am
This rug belonged to my mother who obtained it from her brother in about 1937. It was being used as a seat cover in his Model A and was old at that time. I was given the rug in the late 70’s to use as a horse blanket. There is a lot of wear and several holes in it and I’m wondering if I should have it repaired or if the cost of repair will exceed the worth of the rug. I’ve attached a photo. Also is this a Ganado?
Linda, we’re so glad to hear that! February will be here before we know it!
Lindaon August 3, 2012 at 12:02 pm
YAY! Happy Day! I have been wanting to take this class for some time now. I was unable to attend previously due to many reasons, but now you are close enough to make this possible for me! I live in Tucson, and the class dates are great days to be out of Tucson, due to the hubbub that comes with the Gem Show. I can’t wait to meet everyone and learn wonderful new ways to Weave In Beauty!
She is indeed working on additional pieces like this.
Pam Rooton August 1, 2012 at 9:46 am
I’m so glad Lulu Brown’s weaving sold. I love her minatures, but it was great to see her do something really different and it was so unique. I hope she keeps doing these unusual pieces.
We carry some tools and you can also look at the designs to make your own. Also check with Weaving Southwest and R.B. Burnham and Co., who also sell tools online.
I suppose that depends on the odor! You can eliminate moth ball odor and mildew by exposing the textile to UV light (direct sunlight) for a few hours. Be careful to turn the textile and don’t leave it there too long!
There are small battery poweredfabric shavers that can be used for this purpose. You can usually find them at stores like Jo-Ann and Micheal’s. I found one at Amazon for about $8.
Linda Davison July 29, 2012 at 5:41 pm
Thank you Mary. Your site is extremely informative and I really enjoy reading your posts.
One more quick question – Is there a safe way to remove pills from a rug (like the pills you get on a well worn sweater)?
Yes, it’s a Chief Blanket variant. It combines elements of the Third Phase Chief Blanket with what are called Moqui blankets, which have black and blue stripes and are associated with the period when many Navajos were indentured servants in Hispanic homes in northern New Mexico.
Linda, do you have a picture that shows moreof the rug? From what I can see, it certainly looks Navajo woven.
Linda Davison July 29, 2012 at 3:40 pm
Oops doesn’t look like one of the pictures came through. Here is a picture of the rug itself.
Linda Davis
Linda Davison July 29, 2012 at 3:38 pm
I just purchased this rug from a local family who received it as a wedding present. The rug didn’t fit with their decor so they decided to sell it. (For the life of me I can’t see why but I think it was a lucky find for me)
The paperwork with the rug indicated it was weaved in 1991 by a Marie Gaddy and was originally sold at the Indian Ruins Store in Sanders,AZ.
It looks to me like it has all the makings of a true Navajo rug but I’m not at all sure what the pattern is the closest I can some is possibly a variation of a Chief’s Blanket. Can you identify the rug for me? I’ve included a couple of photos which might help .
Thank you,
Linda Davis
Diane Bennetton July 24, 2012 at 12:45 pm
can you let me no if you d enny online loom weaving corses
K. Martinezon July 16, 2012 at 6:41 pm
Your information is very helpful. My problem is with odor from 60-year-old Navajo rugs that have a bad (storage) odor. What to do? Thanks!
carlee s mahajanon July 15, 2012 at 11:32 am
I wish to someday be able to weave half as well!! A beautiful work of Love and Art
J Kessleron June 22, 2012 at 9:07 am
I’ve asked my husband to build this for my legally blind mother. I handed him the plans and his only question was what does the finished product look like. So we had to come back to your website so I could show him. Once he understood what he was going to be building he thought the plans were great.
Could you add a photo of the finished assembled loom, and perhaps another picture of the loom warped and ready to weave to the plans? The first picture would be great for the craftsperson building the loom, the second would be great for the inexperienced craftsperson who will be working and using the loom. In my case, I have to learn how to warp it and weave with it so I can show my mother.
Thanks so much for putting these plans out there!
Pat Yeamanon June 20, 2012 at 9:38 am
Mary and Jenn–We really enjoyed taking your class @ Bear Lake & learning to weave, didn’t know what to expect, but sure am glad we did it. Learning more about our traditions is very important to us, we didn;t have the opportunities a typical Navajo has, being brought up in the white society, deep down we have always wanted to learn more of our culture and traditions. THANK YOU for having these classes available… We have just began learning but anxious to continue with our weaving and learning more. Looking forward to future classes and seeing you both again. Pat Yeaman & Carolyn Pedro… (the Curley girls from Tooele)
Use an iron set on wool. Cover the creased section with a dampened flour sack towel and press the creases.
Carole Baginskion June 15, 2012 at 8:48 am
I have a 9X6′ Navajo rug which we plan to hang via your Velcro method. It has creases in it from shipping that we want to remove prior to hanging. What do you suggest to remove the creases and fold lines?
Thank you in advance.
It is very difficult to get a design to fall exactly in the center of a rug, so while a weaver would not receive as much money for it as she would if the design were perfectly symmetrical, the design can be off of dead center in a genuine Navajo rug.
If you send a picture, I can usually tell whether a rug is Navajo or not.
Kay Eylon June 11, 2012 at 10:35 am
If the center of the rug does not fall exactly in the middle does this mean it is NOT a Navajo rug or does it mean, if it is a Navajo rug, it is of lower quality.
I have a rug that the pattern is off from the exact middle by about an inch.
Thank you for all of the information!
Liz Stansbridgeon June 9, 2012 at 12:46 pm
Have perused the websites, bought the books!
No one explains how to alternate the sheds for weaving!
How is it accomplished!
Please explain!
Helen Mooreon June 9, 2012 at 12:37 pm
Here is another picture of the horse and rider rug
Helen Mooreon June 9, 2012 at 12:36 pm
Thanks for the useful information. I have a rug that was given to me by grandmother in the 80’s it has been in a box and like new. measures 55X70 is wool and a great picture of horse and rider. Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
It’s difficult to sat for sure, but based on what I can see, it is not Navajo. It looks like it may have been woven in the Middle East.
julieon June 6, 2012 at 10:27 am
HI I am wondering if this is a navajo rug it is small 30 by 38 inches and here is a photo has a few holes and the wool feels a little rough not soft. Can you tell me anything about it?
Tempe Yarn and Fiber carries it. You can also order it online from Paradise Fibers.
paz tayloron May 22, 2012 at 11:54 am
i need brown sheep wool other then fiber factory where else can it be purchased thank you in advance
Raymonon May 14, 2012 at 4:10 pm
I have a blanket simialr to the pink blanket. My dad’s family had sheep. Every year they would gather the wool and take it to Utah Woolen mills and make beautiful wool blankets. Similar to Pendleton blankets, in many different colors. Love the turquoise jewlrey. My mom has a big beaded bag of it that I hope I get a few peices of (she’s half Native American) She finds it kind of amusing that Native American prints etc. are “in” right now.
Remigioon May 14, 2012 at 3:47 am
Way to go, Navajo Nation! Either cease-and-desist, or collect roiaetyls for the use of your name (only on quality products of which you approve, of course). Same with sports teams that use Native names as mascots. Until recently, the University of North Dakota was paying the Standing Rock Sioux annual roiaetyls to use the name Fighting Sioux , which was a win-win and a source of pride for both parties. Unfortunately for both the Tribe and the university, political correctness put an end to that.
connie priceon May 9, 2012 at 11:26 am
I recently asked for printed instructions to the small workshop loom-my son downloaded them for me. I am so excited to get started. thank you for having them on this site. Connie
Weaving in Beauty deals in classes, equipment and supplies for weaving using Navajo techniques. I’m sorry but we don’t have equipment or classes for Persian weaving.
shalaon May 8, 2012 at 3:14 pm
when is the persian carpet weaving class? Do you have the supplies to weave a carpet? like the beater, knife, scissor and yarns:
connie priceon May 6, 2012 at 6:35 pm
i am interested in learning to weave and I cant download the directions to the small workshop loom(Iam new to computor),so I was wondering if you could print it out for me.I would send a stamped envelope and cash to cover expences. Thank you
Bonnie Rydenon April 27, 2012 at 7:22 pm
This old rug saw years of service on the floor in the home of family friends. I can absolutely date it to pre-1940 but no more exactly than that. It is closely woven, about a worsted weight wool, gray black and red, measures about 54″ x 80″ not perfectly rectangular. Family lore alway made it out to be Navajo. Do you agree? What is the pattern called? Any info will be very much appreciated.
Well, from what I can see, no Navajo weavings were harmed in the production of the chair covers, but some Indian dhurries were. Dhurries are flat weaves and share some design elements with Navajo weaving as well as with kilim weaves done in many parts of the Middle East.
Jim Reidon April 26, 2012 at 4:44 pm
I live in Victoria B.C. Canada.I found six of these at an estate sale in Seattle.They are about 36 inches square. Unfortunately, as you can see, they have been cut to use as chair upholstery. I know nothing about rugs but a couple of people have suggested that they are Navajo.I have sent two more images to your email address. What do you think?
That would be wonderful. Here is a close up of a corner with fringe. I hope they will help. Regardless of where it is from, the wild colors have really grown on me and look good in my daughters room.
I took a few pictures, but it looks like I can only add one at a time. Let me know if you would like to see any others. I took one of the back, too.
Katy, thank you for the kind words about the site. Although you sent me a high resolution picture, there are some details that I can’t see well enough to tell you definitively what your rug is. To do that, I need a clear close-up of a small area of the weaving, say about six square inches. I would also like to see close-ups of the fringe area at both ends and a close-up from the sides of the rug that don’t have fringe. My first guess is that the piece was woven in the Middle East and that it’s actually a kilim or soumak, but I can’t tell for sure. What an interesting story and an interesting textile!
UPDATE: Katy, I can say definitively that it is not a Navajo weaving, but I can’t tell you what it is. The fringes on the ends look like they were added after the piece was finished, but they look like they match some of the yarns that were used in the construction of the rug. The design geometry doesn’t look Navajo at all, but the design, technique and coloration don’t really match with any of my reference materials from the Middle East, although I suspect that we’ll find out that it’s some type of soumak from somewhere in the Caucasus. I’ve submitted the pictures to an appraiser’s group that I belong to and usually somebody recognizes the item after about a week. When I find out, I’ll let you know.
Here’s what Ii can tell you
• The yarns all look hand spun
• The fringing appears to have been added after the piece was woven
• The closest the I can come on technique is soumak, but I can’t identify a region where the weaving may have been done
• It may have been USED by a Navajo as a Sunday saddle blanket, which is what I thought it might be when I first looked at it
I’ll let you know when I find out anything else.
Katyon April 26, 2012 at 7:45 am
Hi Mary,
I’ve enjoyed your website. I stumbled across it last night while trying to get some history on a rug we have. My husband’s grandmother bought it from a Navajo in 1927 while traveling out west. He was always under the impression that it was an authentic Navajo rug, but once I read your website, I realized it is not. Could you leave me in the right direction as to where it might be from?
Thank you for your time,
Katyon April 26, 2012 at 7:40 am
Hi there,
I’ve enjoyed your website. I stumbled across it last night while trying to get some history on a rug we have. My husband’s grandmother bought it from a Navajo in 1927 while traveling out west. He was always under the impression that it was an authentic Navajo rug, but once I read your website, I realized it is not. Could you leave me in the right direction as to where it might be from?
The nails are part of what you need for the warping process. They aren’t needed to build the loom.
Teshnaon April 17, 2012 at 7:31 am
What are the twelve nails for? My husband wouldn’t put the metal pipe on it. He kept it all nature….thanks for the plans. Now I am almost ready to begin an adventure.
Teshnaon April 10, 2012 at 6:04 am
I have enjoyed your website and knowledge greatly. I am asking my Pauite husband today if he will help me build a loom. I have always wanted to build a rug of love or story for my children. Hopefully he will help me..
Diana D.on March 28, 2012 at 4:22 pm
UPDATE: I finally determined what my rug is after seeing pictures of almost identical rugs online with same symbols. It is a Tribal Persian Kilim rug. It is not a Zapotec. It is flatwoven and made of both cotton and wool .
Diana D.on March 24, 2012 at 3:50 pm
Hi Mary, I am in NYC. About 4 years ago I found a folded rug that was among some trash on a curb near Broadway. Embarrassing but true. It is definitely woven,not printed.I took it home because it had an ethnic look to it. The rug is very thin and measures 8’3″ X 5’6″, the rug and its fringes feel and look like cotton not wool. It is definitely woven,not printed. I thought it was too pretty to step on so I kept it folded in the closet instead of using as a rug.I am now looking at it again and have done some internet research for 2 days. I think it is a Zapotec (or a fake Zapotec). It has symbols of crosses and birds on it. I don’t know what the pointed symbols are (trees? arrows?). I would greatly appreciate any information you can provide. Thank You. I love the Navajo rugs shown on this website, they are gorgeous. I wish I could fly to the Indian markets and buy the framed miniatures and the rug with the horses on it!
I should have called it a soumak stitch. You can read more about it here. It’s a form of weft wrapping and usually done with a needle. Someone who deals in Oriental rugs could give you a better idea of the origin and value.
Hello-does anyone have information on our old rug/coverlet? Picture shown
Dwarka Bonneron March 9, 2012 at 10:55 am
The photo is of a 6′ x 7’7″ piece. As you can see, it has some damage. 10 years ago I sewed it to a teepee pole which seems to be supporting it nicely. The rug is made of somewhat coarse (but consistent) wool. The warp appears to be white wool and the selvedge edge warps are of equal thickness. At each end a heavier final weft spirals through the warp loops. I expect it is Navajo but have been unable to determine from where or when. Your observations would be much appreciated. What dyes would have been used for the red and the dull gold? Can you suggest how we might find someone to repair the damage and clean it, someone whose work would be of a suitable high caliber?
Answer: It’s an early Two Grey Hills rug woven between 1910 and 1930. Please contact me directly for information on repairs and appraisal.
Louon March 7, 2012 at 9:37 am
Let me know if you are heading this way.
Ann Puzioon March 7, 2012 at 2:47 am
Hi Mary,
Need to change to the waiting list for 9/13-20th. I hope this is possible.Also, going to see if I can sign up for the online class, need to check my computer. Thanks ann
Cindy Van Derhoofon March 6, 2012 at 5:23 pm
Hello! I am registered in your class this June in Estes Park. I am interested in getting directions on how to build my own loom for class. Thank you, and I am very much looking forward to class and meeting you.
Susan, based on what I can see of the design and the wool, this rug dates back to at least the 1920’s but was more probably woven between 1900 and 1915. The practice of splitting a motif into different color zones is one that goes back to the Transitional period (1868-1890) and suggests that the weaver or the person that she learned from wove blankets during that period. The weaving is in good condition considering the age. It isn’t possible to tell where it was woven or to determine the name of the weaver. I hope that helps!
Ann, thanks for your interest in the class! I’ve added you to the waiting list. If there’s an opening, I’ll send a note out to everyone on the list and the first person who responds gets the opening.
Ann Puzioon March 2, 2012 at 12:43 am
Is it possible to get on the waiting list for October? If so, where on the list am I. Thanks Ann
Susanon March 1, 2012 at 5:10 pm
Hi Mary,
Really like your website and all the information! Was hoping you could help us. We’ve had this rug for years and don’t know anything about it. Could you please tell us what we have and how old it might be or anything else you might know about it? It measures approximately 67″ x 54″ Thank you very much.
I would like to sign up for the October 2012 class (already full) or future ones, please advise when the next available opening will be. I live in Hawaii and need a little time to get to Arizona, but will come for a class. Thanks
Hi Mary! You must come see our Antique Weaving Show! It starts today (Thursday, 23) and goes until next Wednesday. We hung it yesterday, and we have amazing blankets, a sandpainting weaving, a single-figured Yeii, and many more. I know you’d love it, and we’d love to see you!
It’s a little hard to tell for sure, but it looks like a saddleblanket style, probably 1920’s-1930’s.
Carol Tottenon February 7, 2012 at 4:36 pm
My grandfather left me a Navaho rug or throw, I don’t know what I have. Could you help me. Size is about 3 X 5. gray and dark blue in color. I’m sorry these are the only pictures.
Brittanyon February 5, 2012 at 6:44 pm
I live in California and your site is the only one that has given me the information I need to construct a loom. My friend, his papa, and I have a strong interest in Dine history and I want to learn their weaving techniques. When it comes to the tools, can you please explain what all I would need and where I could acquire these tools. I greatly appreciate it.
Yes Bill, the 2″ Traditional fork is ideal for warps with four turns per inch (or eight ends per inch).
Bill Ehingeron February 4, 2012 at 1:56 pm
I am interested in purchasing one of your traditional forks (2″ width)but as a beginner I’m warping at 1/4″ spacing. Are your tines per inch compatible with 1/4″ warp spacing? Thanks. Bill
David sent me some pictures, and we found that his rug is dhurry from India or Pakistan.
David Garretton January 12, 2012 at 11:43 am
Hi Mary,
Love the website and the info. Hate to ask, but I also have rug ID question. Inherited this several months ago, and I have not a clue about warp or weave or anything related to rug making. Ive been to several sites just looking for info, and had no luck. Not really finding pattern match. It is 5’4″ by 7’9″ and if you have any info that would be great. Even if it’s not Navajo, I love this rug and it has become a perfect addition to my home:)
Thanks for your time,
I recommend that you contact R.B. Burnham Trading. You can call them at 928-688-2777 or contract them through their website at
Very excellent and helpful article. Where can I write to identify the weaving I have? It is around 1920’s, wool,gray & red design. Was bought in the Southwest as far as I know. Any direction you can send me would be appreciated.
Karen Wardon January 3, 2012 at 10:41 pm
I need the heavy warp yarn. Can you get me 1 spool or where can I get that?
Please let me know.
Gloriaon December 27, 2011 at 4:16 pm
Do you know of a useful site (like yours) that deals with info re Mexican blankets? Thank you!
I haven’t gotten that video done yet. The book should tell you what you need to know, but if you have problems, just send me a note.
Ricardoon December 20, 2011 at 9:05 am
I have a question. I bought the e-book yesterday and love it. I am glad you gave us access to video tutorials. I am browsing through them and I cannot find the video tutorial on: “last warping video, removing the warp and preparing to weave”. Does this video show how to mount the warp onto the loom? Where can I find this video?
Teri Tayloron December 7, 2011 at 10:37 am
Thanks for educating us. Most of us would have missed the face and it is great to know the history behind the rug design. All the details are amazing. Teri
Paulette Gehlkeron December 7, 2011 at 7:39 am
Mary – I love your rug of the day posts. A little mini lecture full of information. I can’t learn enough about this amazing art/craft and the people who developed it.
Judy, it looks at least 30 to 50 years older than it was when you got it, making it 70 to 90 years old. it’s hard to be more specific with out a more detailed look at the wool. It probably came from the Two Grey Hills area. The decision on conservation is very personal. If the goal is to sell the rug, I advise people to leave that decision up to the next owner. I’d need more detailed pictures to estimate the repair costs.
Judy Burtonon December 6, 2011 at 4:59 pm
I have had this rug (approx 7×4) for 40 years and it was supposedly old when I bought it in Salt Lake. It is a wee bit worn and needs to be mended, but I wanted to know if it was worth the investment.
Thanks. Judy
Thomas R. Fordon December 5, 2011 at 5:07 pm
My wife and I purchased a Navajo rug or tapestry From the Red Rock Canyon Trading Post located at the base of Bryce Canyon National Park where I was a seasonal naturalist in the late 60,s. We were told that the weaving was a Two Gray Hills done by Susie or Lucy (Tom) who was mentioned in the Arizona Highwys of c. that time. Could you help us with how to obtain the verifcation and identity of the weaving. I understand that the Susie Tom family would like to purchase the return of their weavings.
Sincerely, Thomas R. Ford
A friend and I are very interested in signing up for your 10/7-14/2012 class. What is the deposit required to hold a spot in that class? What is Burntwater designs? Do reservations need to be made at the Quality Inn the same time as securing a place in this class – or do you request that they hold a reservation? We hope to make our reservation this week after hearing from you.
Thank you,
Deidra Manary
We are working to get all of the video resources and text ready for the Intermediate level class, but it’s not quite there yet. That’s one reason that I haven’t scheduled any further intermediate classes.
Inge, Jennie Slick and I don’t have anything scheduled in that area in late 2012, but please check with Lynda Teller Pete. Lynda’s web site is
Ingeon November 14, 2011 at 12:08 pm
do you have any beginning weaving classes scheduled for Nov/Dec/2012 in Colorado Springs, Denver Colorado?
suZon November 13, 2011 at 4:35 pm
I took your advice and got ‘Atl’ohi Binaltsoos Online Resources and downloaded the book. Both were very helpful and I have my first warp completed. I will begin weaving tomorrow or the next day depending on how I am feeling because of my MS and what happens with my assist dog (she tore her ACL yesterday for the second time. Like human ACL surgery pet ACL surgery isn’t cheep.). My question is…Is the Online Intermediate Weaving Class presented like the beginning weaving is? I like having the book and the video resources, because if the video isn’t clear the book seems to clear up the questions and vice versa. I have been able to have my computer at my side as I have worked and the book on the other side.
Kathy Bernetton November 1, 2011 at 12:58 pm
My 2012 calendar arrived today & I’m very pleased. The calendar will be part of a Christmas gift box to a friend in Wales, U.K. who loves Navajo weaving, too.
I thought this was a Navajo rug, but the pattern seems not quite right. Any help would be appreciated. I will keep the rug because it is attractive to me.
I sure will. Another nice thing about it is that Lula’s really having fun with this. Getting some of those angles and textural accents to work wasn’t easy.
Sandyon October 30, 2011 at 10:34 am
Oh, I do Like this weaving. Keep encouraging Lula!
We have a pretty full schedule for 2012 and I don’t think we’ll be doing a class in Albuquerque. If I learn of one being offered, I’ll certainly list it.
Jackie Lewison October 29, 2011 at 9:40 am
will there be a class for beginners conducted in Albuquerque in 2011?
Thanks, Alison! I’m going to be posting an article on each of the classes. It’s so much fun going through the pictures!
Alison A. Bankson October 26, 2011 at 10:53 am
Hi- I just love looking at the photos and remembering our recent Spider rock boot camp! What an amazing time, one of the most memorable trips of my life- Thanks to you and the Spider Rock girls- Can not wait to do it again! cheers, Alison
Betsy Fischon October 25, 2011 at 10:17 am
About the photo of Jennie i posted…she is signing “her” page in my copy of The Weavers Way. To her right is the rug she wove during our class which is now hanging on my wall. It is my favorite rug.
Betsy Fischon October 25, 2011 at 10:09 am
My husband and I visited Navajo country in September to attend the Hubbell auction and to get one of those unforgettable mutton-frybread sandwiches along with a bowl of mutton stew. I raved about how those sandwiches are the best I have ever eaten which started a conversation with some Navajo ladies sitting at the picnic table with us. That’s the kind of thing that makes visiting “the res” so wonderful. That and the rugs!!! I’m signing up again too, Kathie! And thank you, Mary, for the slide show. You captured our week perfectly.
Connie Delgadoon October 25, 2011 at 7:21 am
Thanks for posting the photos Mary. I so enjoyed my week with you and Jennie. I finally have my loom set up and am trying to finish my first weaving. I took my husband back to Window Rock in August and we revisited all the places you took us. We had a great time…we went to the Inter-tribal festival in Gallup and bought a great vintage rug from Bill Malone. Thank you (to you and Jennie) for introducing me to this wonderful place so full of history and culture.
Philip, please send me a picture of the blanket so that I can tell you for sure. It sounds like a blanket from Mexico or the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. My email address is
Philip Thomason October 24, 2011 at 11:28 am
Just wanted to know where this blanket might have been woven. It was given to my father in the early 1950’s. It has a fringe and it has a midline seam that makes it look double woven. Any clues. I do not want to sell it.
Marianne Samperon October 20, 2011 at 9:12 am
I felt so privileged to be part of this class. Mary, Emily and Larissa are all such patient teachers. The hospitality shown by Emily and her family was wonderful and I hope I’ll see them all again. The canyon visits were pure beauty and the opportunity to weave there is a memory I’ll always treasure. Awesome!!! Hope to return next year!
Many people like “Navajo Weaving Way” by Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse. You’ll find that our book, Atł’óhí Binaltsoos (The Weaver’s Book): How to Weave the Navajo Way, is very detailed and is supported by video resources that many people have found helpful. I think that you’ll find both books helpful learning to weave the Navajo way.
Many people like “Navajo Weaving Way” by Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse. You’ll find that our book, Atł’óhí Binaltsoos (The Weaver’s Book): How to Weave the Navajo Way, is very detailed and is supported by video resources that many people have found helpful. I think that you’ll find both books helpful learning to weave the Navajo way.
suZon October 18, 2011 at 10:23 am
I have finally found what I have been looking for, and have enjoyed all of your questions and answers. I am trying to find a good book to help me get started in weaving of any kind of tapestry. I am a disabled U.S. Navy Nurse (I have MS) with limited financial resources, so I would like to find the best book to get started with. Is ‘Atł’óhí Binaltsoos (The Weaver’s Book): How to Weave the Navajo Way, in your opinion, the book I am looking for? If it isn’t can you point me in the right direction? I have access to lumber and other building materials and can build most anything. Looking at the price of looms, I know that I can build a Navajo loom and would love to be part of a very historic art.
Thank you for you time and information.
suZon October 17, 2011 at 4:59 pm
I have finally found what I have been looking for, and have enjoyed all of your questions and answers. I am trying to find a good book to help me get started in weaving of any kind of tapestry. I am a disabled U.S. Navy Nurse (I have MS) with limited financial resources, so I would like to find the best book to get started with. Is ‘Atł’óhí Binaltsoos (The Weaver’s Book): How to Weave the Navajo Way, in your opinion, the book I am looking for? If it isn’t can you point me in the right direction? I have access to lumber and other building materials and can build most anything. Looking at the price of looms, I know that I can build a Navajo loom and would love to be part of a very historic art.
Thank you for you time and information.
Nealeon October 14, 2011 at 7:49 pm
Another close up picture…the rug is about a 5 foot by 7 foot
Nealeon October 14, 2011 at 7:47 pm
We just inherited this rug and was wondering if you had any idea where it comes from. Thanks for any input!
Sandy, thank you so much being part of our charter Spider Rock class! It will take me awhile to come up with the words to describe it, but the experience is one that will stay with me forever. I’m so grateful to Emily and her family.
Your weaving is a kilim. They are woven all over the Middle East and the weaving style is even used in parts of eastern Europe. Someone who works with Oriental rugs can probably tell you more.
Sandy Gallyon October 8, 2011 at 7:12 pm
This was a fantastic class with fantastic teachers. Weaving at the base of Spider Rock was an AWESOME experience .But to be honest, the word ‘awesome’ really is not adequate. Maybe some of my fellow students can come up with a more adequate description.
Cindy Dolitkaon October 8, 2011 at 2:19 pm
I recently purchased a 19″x50″ blanket, it is beautiful but I don’t believe to be Navajo. The warp is not wool might be cotton. Where the pattern changes color, they do not interlock, there is actually a gap or opening in the blanket? The ends are damaged and coming unwoven. I’d love to know what I actually have? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
KATHYon October 7, 2011 at 8:39 am
Wonderful picture, please post more!
Wish I was there.
Francineon October 6, 2011 at 12:35 pm
I would like to sign up for the spider rock boarding class next year if you are going to do it.
Please let me know.
Kathy Bernetton October 6, 2011 at 7:30 am
What a place! How could you not weave beautiful things in such a wonderful place. Lucky people who got to take this class! Is this class at Spider Rock going to be a regular thing?
Kathy Strathearnon October 6, 2011 at 6:27 am
Kathy Bernetton October 4, 2011 at 11:00 am
What a gorgeous rug, Emily. It reminds me of Monument Valley. Good luck.
Ann Craigon October 3, 2011 at 7:45 am
So much fun! I can’t wait to go to my weaving class. The Spider Rock Girls location is so awe inspiring I know the rugs that come out of this workshop will be awesome. Have fun with the yarn therapy! Wish I could be there too!
Ann, if you’re thinking of 2012, the schedule is in the Class Status at a Glance box on the left of most of the site screens. If you want further information or would like to register for a class, you’ll find the links at
This design is often referred to as a “whirling log”. It was used as a metaphor for the wheel of life, the four winds, the four directions, and the four sacred mountains. When it was appropriated by the Nazis, the Navajos and other Native Americans stopped using it in their art. Many of the rugs using the symbol were destroyed during the 1930’s and World War II. Many people who own the pieces that survived are still reluctant to display them, because of the visceral reaction that many people understandably have to the symbol, however innocently it is used. When I did an article discussing a rug that included a whirling log, three or four people wrote to me the next day and asked to be removed from my mailing list, so clearly there is still a lot of sentiment against it. Modern Navajo weavers use the symbol very sparingly because of this.
terry airharton September 27, 2011 at 10:49 am
I have a Navajo rug given me by my Grandmother who lived on the reservation asa child. I am curious what the design that almost looks like a swastika stands for. Is there a book that determines the meaning of the designs?
This is rug was woven in the Saltillo area of Mexico. It is not Navajo.
Judyon September 24, 2011 at 7:05 pm
This is similar to my Grandmother’s rug…hers has a large yellow blossom in the middle and is about 8×6 feet.
I know she bought it at the Gallup Trading Post in the mid 50’s. I always thought it was Navajo, but if you find out what your is, could you let me know?
Kathy Strathearnon September 23, 2011 at 11:15 am
hey Mary, This is an exceptional article! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!! Kathy
Hi, I bought a Large Indian design blanket this last weekend at Estate sale. Was wondering if you might be able to help me identify who might have made it? I will add pic below to see if you might be able to help me…I just didnt know enough about it to call it Navajo, after reading your articles..This is my ebay page link if you want to look at more pics to help you…mtr1309a……………Thank you for your time….Ben.
Jackie Lewison September 18, 2011 at 10:59 am
Will you be posting class schedules for 2011 soon? I would like to plan to attend a class in Window Rock.
Jim Blackon September 16, 2011 at 7:17 am
Oh it the wire with a hook on the end to help finish the weaving!(Herman Hook). Got it thanks.
Kathy Bernetton September 15, 2011 at 6:58 am
Thanks for the explanation, Mary. Maybe one of these days you’ll feel comfortable offering the round weaving techniques in one of your classes.
In the case of the round rugs, there group that weaves them is very small and they haven’t experienced the problem of rejection when they choose to pass along the techniques. Many other weavers have no one in their family who wants to learn and come to believe that the knowledge should be passed on, no matter what the ethnicity of the student.
Kathy Bernetton September 14, 2011 at 12:57 pm
Mary, just some random thoughts about weaving round rugs. How is it that the Navajo weavers don’t seem to mind their techniques on the traditional Navajo loom taught, but not the round loom? It’s not like our rugs woven in the Navajo manner diminish the value of their rugs. We respect the process of weaving, even though we are not Navajo ourselves. What difference does the shape make?
Mitch Lenzon September 13, 2011 at 12:00 pm
Have a rug said to be done by a Jane Benally in Windorock AZ.How could I find out if there is such a rug weaver.She is said to be 90 years old and still weaving.
Jim Blackon September 11, 2011 at 2:00 pm
“$150 with warp, weaving fork, finishing fork, student batten, finishing batten and Herman hook” in text above.
What is a Herman hook?
Kathy Bernetton September 9, 2011 at 7:24 pm
It’s always fun to see the rugs you choose for your Rug of the Day items, but this extra bit of history made the posting even better. Thanks Mary.
The people who weave these really don’t want the techniques made known, so they’re very closely guarded. I respect their wishes, but like Hosteen Klah, I’m worried about things getting lost.
Paulette Gehlkeron September 8, 2011 at 5:25 am
I always appreciate the history of a rug and the weaver who made it.
Thanks Mary for giving us this information.
theresaon September 8, 2011 at 4:24 am
Just curious, are you one of the select few who knows how to warp and weave a circular rug?
Believe it or not, the book on Amazon is a paperback early version of the Clara Sherman chapter that is in the new book. This book is still available from the Toadlena Trading Post site for $16. I guess it pays to shop around!
Kathy Bernetton September 5, 2011 at 3:22 pm
Mary, I just found a 2004 edition of this book on Amazon for $334. How is Mark’s book mentioned in your posting different, or is this just a reissue of the 2004 book? In either case, I wish I could afford such a compendium. Maybe someday.
As for Evelyn George’s work, it’s absolutely beautiful. How proud she & her family must be of her talent.
Ruthanne Morningstaron September 5, 2011 at 3:21 pm
I’ve purchasec this book. What a wonderful publication. The history is overwhelming, and the quality is superb. Excellent in history, and execution. Very pleased with the purchase.
Gloria always looks like she might be up to something! She’s a great weaver and very great lady.
marcia gentryon September 4, 2011 at 8:04 pm
I love Gloria and her work. She is a most special and accomplished weaver. We are lucky to have one of her weavings!!
Brooke Harloweon August 28, 2011 at 7:22 pm
Best Wishes, Laramie, as you start your college journey. I just met with my own new advisees. I told them to follow their passions. I hope you will too.
Have a great semester,
Brooke Harlowe
Lock Haven, PA
The most authoritative numbers that I have seen on this subject come from Ann Lane Hedlund. If I remember correctly, Ann estimates that there are about 20,000 Navajo weavers. Many, perhaps half, weave only occasionally to meet a pressing need. Another group consists of people who weave on a regular basis and weaving provides part of their income. Another and smaller group consists of master weavers who derive a significant part or all of their income from weaving and who are identified primarily as weavers within their community. A smaller number work as fine artists and many people in this group have formal training in art. Finally, there is a group of revival weavers, who weave not for income but for personal and cultural fulfillment.
Marloweon August 10, 2011 at 10:57 pm
I wonder how many weavers there are now? Any estimations?
Marloweon August 8, 2011 at 7:32 pm
Sandy and Mary,
Thank you so much for your interest in comments. I try to put a different perspective on what someone else may expect out of a weaving. I used to be a painter so I try to bring those skills sets to weaving. I love weaving and never before two years ago did I ever think that I would learn how to weave. It was intimidating and daunting to me. It’s still all very startling to me. I hope you attend a Burnham auction that’s usually where you’ll find me and my weavings, in particular R.B. Burnham auctions.
Currently, I’m working on a commission for the Moab auction. It’s a pictorial that depicts Delicate Arch. I’ll post it below.
Alison Halseyon August 5, 2011 at 5:36 am
Hi there! This is a blast from the past. You helped me three years ago when I was on sabbatical. I worked with Jennie. I have been weaving since then but only on portable loom. I have finally gotten time to set up my larger Navajo loom and got out your booklet to do so. 2008 addition. I got to page 34 and realized I didn’t have page 35. I am missing steps 8, 9, 10 in Mounting the warp. Help.
Could you please email me these. I have a feeling they are really important and I could fake it but…..
I hope all is well with you and Jennie and that you are not melting out there. It sounds pretty dreadful.
Give my love to Jennie.
Alison Halsey
Kathy Bernetton August 2, 2011 at 11:08 am
Mary, I love the humor of the umbrella in the “storm” pattern. You certain find the best of the best when you go rug hunting.
Sandy Gallyon July 31, 2011 at 8:13 am
Mary,Marlowe’s rug is exceptional and I feel his name and weavings will be well know very soon. Wish I had been at the auction but was still in Colorado.
The very best to you Marlowe. It will be exciting to see your growth.
Jess Burnson July 7, 2011 at 7:06 am
Thank you for your wonderful site, I googled Two Grey Hills looking for a shop that I visited many times while in Arizona. I purcased many lovely pieces of jewlry and was looking for them online… didn’t find them but will return to this site when I have time to take in all the beautiful photos and information.
Denis Prevoston June 10, 2011 at 1:13 pm
can’t wait to take a class in Navajo weaving – Denis
Janet Hoffmannon June 6, 2011 at 11:13 pm
You might add to upcoming auctions this Saturday’s MNA Navajo Rug Auction at the Museum. Preview 9 am – 1 pm, auction 2-5 pm. I’ll be going up Friday to consign some weavings for sale. I’ve got to start reducing the total number if we ever plan to move. I noted the article at AZ Central, but I’ll be going up as much for the weather as the auction.
theresaon June 5, 2011 at 9:03 pm
And I agree with Kathy and Paula. Jack Benny came to my mind, too.
Mary, I so much enjoy it that you are posting rugs that have a special quality beyond the more common rugs I see on the internet or in books. The information and anecdotes you provide for each rug are interesting and entertaining. I really appreciate your taking time to do this.
Paula Pavlovicon June 5, 2011 at 4:39 pm
I agree with Kathy. I would like to see Alice’s last rug, too. This one may not have investment value but then who knows in 50 years what collectors might want. Anyway I like the combination of traditional patterns with meaningful symbols. I am sure each one of those designs had significant meaning to her as she wove it. She put in it the things that she loves. Like the pine trees at the top and imagine that there are pine trees near where Alice lives in Oak Springs. Nice final touch.
Kathy Bernetton June 5, 2011 at 1:23 pm
I love the idea of Alice being 85 for so long, kind of like Jack Benny being 39 for years. Alice sounds like she had a great sense of humor, not to mention tremendous talent. That rug is amazing. Do you still have Alice’s last rug? I’m sure we would all love to see that one, too. Thanks again, Mary, for a great story.
Charlie DeWeeseon June 2, 2011 at 10:35 am
Hi Mary,
I was one of your students and attending the tour up around Shiprock back in the mid 90’s. I just finished building a cedar loom (big) and I am looking a purchase a 36-38″ batten. Can you recommend someone?
C. J. Oronaon June 1, 2011 at 6:11 am
What a lovely way to bring harmony back – your story is a good reminder that weavings/life is not perfect.
A Storm Pattern woven in the 1970’s suggests that the weaver may have been in the western part of the Navajo Nation. I don’t have any information on the weaver, but another reader may be able to help. There were probably 30,000 weavers working at that time.
Judith Hitton May 31, 2011 at 1:04 pm
In 1972 in Colorado, Steven purchased two Navajo rugs both woven by Bessie Johnson. The storm pattern was lost in a fire but his mother kept the Yei rug. When she died, we could not find the provenance and would like to learn more about this weaver. Can anyone help us about who she was and when she was working? We are very fond of this weaving and any information would be greatly appreciated.Thank you very much.
Mary Mathiowetzon May 31, 2011 at 8:13 am
I think the flag is amazing and it will always stand for freedom!
theresaon May 30, 2011 at 4:56 pm
I like the phrase “several degrees of freedom” I’ve always heard it as “artistic license.”
Kathy Bernetton May 30, 2011 at 4:34 pm
What an appropriate weaving for today! It is wonderful that you rescued Flag of the Future from that buyer who obviously could never have appreciated it, even if you had explained its creation to him like you have to us. You definitely restored Harmony by giving the Flag a home.
I agree! The human figures are great too. It’s a rug with a lot to love.
theresaon May 29, 2011 at 2:48 pm
I especially love the horse to the left of the dancing pair. It looks more alive than horses in some paintings and that’s impressive.
Kathy Bernetton May 28, 2011 at 10:58 am
So glad to see the rug photos are back. I love pictorial rugs & this one is amazing. Thanks, Mary, for keeping us informed & entertained with all your posts.
I like the yarns from R.B. Burnham and Co. ( Most people find that their size 1 is good to start with. You can also use Brown Sheep Top of the Lamb or Lamb’s Pride worsted weight.
Jan Mandernachon May 7, 2011 at 2:40 pm
Sorry, that was the May/June classes.
Jan Mandernachon May 7, 2011 at 2:39 pm
I would like to be part of the June classes. I have access to a loom and tools but will need yarn. How do I obtain that?
I don’t know the service branch or unit details, but she wasn’t able to do any weaving while she was there so she used her time to think of designs.
Jayne Reedon May 2, 2011 at 8:41 pm
Hey! A weaver who was another woman warrior!! What was her MOS? What unit was she in Iraq with? Did she get any spinning or weaving done while she was “in”? I used to knit lace when I was active duty in Germany.
I’ve asked Daniel to send me a picture. I’ll let you know what I find out.
Daniel Loggon April 23, 2011 at 10:13 pm
I have a large rug which has the navajo storm pattern, but has cotton warp and weft. It also has a few added fringes on the end that were added after the rug was woven. I was wondering if you might have some idea of the time period that this rug might have been woven? I can send some photos if that would help. Thanks, Daniel
Ann/redcheek2on April 22, 2011 at 6:04 pm
Oh I love your natural dye classes! Wish I was in Phoenix! Thank you for digging this up as I really love this rug and how you explained it! Thank you!
Don, the 2” Velcro is about right. We just place the rug so that it holds and we’ve found that it provides the best overall support without clamping or creating extra hanging weight. You only need the hook side unless the rug is an older one that’s had a lot of foot traffic. You just press the rug lightly until it holds and gently peel it off when you want to do maintenance or rotate the side displayed.
Don Mawhinneyon April 22, 2011 at 1:29 pm
I have found 2″ “industrial” Velcro at Hobby Lobby. Is this too much for the rug, possibly causing some deterioration when I remove it to flip the rug?
Thanks, Sue! I’m thinking that I may put it into the weaving resource links as long as the Times has it on their site.
sue daltonon April 22, 2011 at 9:24 am
Hi Mary. I just watched the video link for the NYT. Thanks for that. It was so nice to see Jennie and hear her voice. Sue
Sandy Gallyon April 20, 2011 at 8:15 pm
What a fascinating history lesson. Thanks, Mary.
Cathy Gillison April 18, 2011 at 11:39 pm
Mary, thank you so much for these “rugs of the day”. This is incredible! Your descriptions and historical background are incredibly informative and interesting.
Dennis Fairbournon April 18, 2011 at 8:44 pm
Incredible rug!
Al Snipeson April 18, 2011 at 7:55 pm
What a beautiful weaving! Esther Etcitty is a fantastic weaver!!!
Nancy Villarrealon April 18, 2011 at 11:05 am
This is a beautiful rug. The Rug of the Day is great idea. I’m looking forward to being inspired every day. Thank you.
I love your “rug a day” idea; I’m always happy to find an email pointing me to a new posting on your website. I especially appreciate knowing a bit about the artist and his/her inspiration.
Ellen Nelsenon April 18, 2011 at 8:02 am
Great idea. I sure like Esther’s rug. What a master piece. Thanks for sharing. Ellen
Dennis Fairbournon April 17, 2011 at 8:50 pm
This is exciting! I look forward to seeing each rug.
Paula Pavlovicon April 17, 2011 at 6:37 pm
Mary, I like the idea of doing a rug a day. I will be looking forward to each post. Thank you.
Pam Rooton April 8, 2011 at 3:37 pm
This is for Beth Robertson. I am a professor of education and we are working on an integrated sustainability unit for our future teachers. Would you be willing to share your “woolery” curriculum” with us?
Bonnie Yazzieon March 26, 2011 at 5:47 pm
Happy Birthday Shi Yazh Gilbert.
Kathy Strathearnon March 26, 2011 at 11:39 am
Kathy Mascaroon March 23, 2011 at 10:32 pm
Beautifully done!
One of these days(or years) I will finish my Germantown, which also has birds, but not Humderbirds.
The weaving is kind of a composite of ideas from three other much larger weavings. The bird itself was the catalyst and it came from a rug that Mae wove in 2005 or so. It must have a monumental task because she hasn’t ever done another one. I didn’t sketch anything, but I had really good pictures of the original bird, to the point that I could see exactly where the warps and wefts were. The bird isn’t a copy, but he does have a close relative out there some where.
Beth, I’ll send you a private email on this. Thank you for your comment.
Paula Pavlovicon March 22, 2011 at 8:44 pm
Mary, did you draw a sketch before you started it or did you adlib as you wove?
Ellen Nelsenon March 22, 2011 at 8:21 pm
Hi Mary, Your weaving is awesome. I really like the Humderbird and all the Germantown colors. You are a fantastic weaver. Kudos for for such a great weaving piece.
Beth Robertsonon March 22, 2011 at 8:03 pm
I really like this site. I am enrolled with the Navajo Nation and I grew up and live in South Carolina. I am enrolled at Shiprock. I love to knit and weave and anything else about the felting arts. I card wool and spin. I use a lap loom and a shuttle loom and knitting looms and of course knitting needles I also create felted works of art. I would love to learn how to weave on a Navajo loom and thanks to you I can. I wanted to know if there is some way that financial assistance can be provided so that I can participate in the online classrooms.I am always w/a loom or knitting needles and my love for the art has allowed me the priviledge to teach others. I have recently been asked to teach children at libraries and schools on spinning, weaving, knitting and felting. I have a “woolery curriculum” that I have used with my children that incorporates fiber arts and handwork through the history of wool, weaving, knitting, chemistry (natural dying), geography, math concepts, balance, our connection to all things in nature and of course stories of Spider Woman.
Thank You
Beth Robertson
Paula Pavlovicon March 22, 2011 at 3:53 pm
Wow, Mary! That’s a humdinger, for sure! Love all the colors.
It’s just 12″x18″. It’s the largest size you can weave on the C-Cactusflower Maxi loom.
Jan HPon March 22, 2011 at 2:28 pm
Wow Mary-Your weaving is beautiful! What is the size? I keep looking at the C-Cactus Flower Looms-I guess they do work for Navajo weaving!
Kathy Strathearnon March 22, 2011 at 2:26 pm
I LOVE THE HUMDERBIRD!!! Seriously, that’s a lot of outlining and beautifully done!!
Damonon March 19, 2011 at 9:00 am
Happy Birthday Roy from your friends at Regis University!!!!
High Road Artiston March 18, 2011 at 6:19 am
Happy Birthday Roy from the High Road to Taos (Truchas, NM)! I’m two days late, but better late than never. I love your artwork.
Avril Sheppardon March 15, 2011 at 10:21 am
Hi Mary
I’ve been following the pictures you’ve been posting on your site, and I just have to comment on the one of Marilou Shultz spinning “under the watchful eye of her Mother”…it says so much…about spinning, but about mothers and daughters too…it’s a jewel.
Mary….was able to achieve a rug goal by purchasing a Burnham weaving by Sandy Begay…at an umbelievably low price in Crownpoint. (you helped me purchase a rose yazzie at Hubble)
The closest classes that I know of are at the Fiber Factory in Mesa.
Carol Welchon March 11, 2011 at 8:59 pm
I would love to go to one of your boot camps. Is there any chance you would be in Oregon?
Jillon March 11, 2011 at 9:48 am
my brother made me a navajo loom years ago and I even have the warp and weft required. I just need to learn how to weave on it. I was wondering if you knew of classes in Tucson. Thanks, Jill
Ann/redcheek2on March 8, 2011 at 5:10 pm
Thank you Mary for writing such an informative article and the ownderful pictures! You brought the Indian Market show to us and I was really bummed about not going. Thank you for the ownderful oictures. Todays artists are taking Navajo weaving to a whole new level and I really love it.
These contemporary designs are breath taking. My sense is they take traditional designs to a higher or deeper level.
sue daltonon February 28, 2011 at 12:15 pm
Mary. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes.
And giving me front page billing! Wow. I’m delighted!
You did not drag me all over the Rez, you took me on the most wonderful adventure I had ever had. I was in awe of the beauty of the landscape, the grace of the people and with your wealth of knowledge.
I plan to come again, just don’t know when.
Take care and thank you!
Alison A. Bankson February 26, 2011 at 12:30 pm
Happy Birthday to Sue! Good thing she had such vision- my friend Pam and I fulfilled a life long dream to take weaving in beauty. Mary, How do Pam and I get on the list for the spider rock camp 2012 – Happy to send advance deposit! always need to be planning the next dream- cheers Alison
Sandy Gallyon February 26, 2011 at 7:56 am
Happy Birthday Sue!!!
And Thank You for suggesting classes to Mary.
Cathyon February 22, 2011 at 10:55 am
These rugs are so beautiful! Perhaps someday I’ll be fortunate enough to own one. Thanks for the post Mary!!
Sorry for the delay in responding to your question. I secure the ends of a repair warp with a t-pin. I like the 1 ¾” pins that they sell at Jo-Ann.
Averyon February 13, 2011 at 12:15 pm
Question: I am doing my second navajo weaving and the warp frayed apart in one area. Is there a fix for this? I have tied a new thread but does not stay tight once the warp is retightened.
Nick Durenon February 5, 2011 at 9:53 pm
i am interested in learning to weave the Navajo cinch maybe you could tell what to read or maybe you have a class thanks
We have a proposal in to do a workshop at the Estes Park Wool Market, but we haven’t gotten an answer on it yet. We usually do a three day class in Utah, but we won’t have a date until January. Thanks for your interest!
When you see them holding them, it really shows you how small they are. There was one Chief Blanket miniature that I was looking a under a microscope and realized that it had a brown stripe in it that I couldn’t even see.
Ana and Laramie had a great time, didn’t they? Thanks for writing
Paulaon November 26, 2010 at 6:47 am
Dear Mary,
I love seeing my girl here on the cover. Thanks a millionth time to you and Jennie for such a wonderful experience. Best regard.
Sandy Gallyon October 29, 2010 at 5:42 pm
Excitement Plus,Mary!! Just received “The Weaver’s Book How To Weave the Navajo Way” What a wonderful job ya’ll did. Now I can finish my rug.
Congratulations on a Job Well Done!
Paulaon October 20, 2010 at 8:51 pm
Hi Mary,
I was just thinking about you and the new calendar this morning and then, voila!, I get your latest post. The calendar looks great and I will plan on ordering one. You are right you are one of the luckiest people alive to do what you get to do for a living. I still dream about my great holiday at window rock with my daughter. It was really a great adventure! Thank you for sharing it all with us. Send my best regards to Jennie.
Helen McAvoyon October 16, 2010 at 9:01 am
I too feel I was at the right place at the right time to see this amazing, truly amazing, rug. I’m happy it has a home but it should be in a museum so many people could see it and have their hearts soar too. Perhaps it was a museum?
Thank you for returning to Richardson’s with the rest of the class so we could see it! I add my WOW.
Pat T.on October 14, 2010 at 7:01 am
I hope that someday I get a chance to meet Pauline Yellowhair. Her rug just takes my breath away. I love it, can’t stop looking at the picture on your website. It would be an honor to see her weave.
Good luck with the Powerball, Mary. It is also another very good reason to go to Richardson’s. 🙂
kimon October 14, 2010 at 6:07 am
the rug is absolutely stunning! the colors are beautiful…..
The book is available at this link. It’s self published and the ISBN is 978-0-615-37744-5. The book is supported by online multimedia files that the student can use to re-enforce the printed material. I hope that helps!
Suzanna Hermanson September 4, 2010 at 8:10 am
We have a customer looking for your book on Navajo weaving by Mary Walker & Liz Munk. Can you send us ordering info, ISBN, price, etc. Thank you.
I think it would be better for you to wait. The first class is about warping for larger pieces and designing for weavability, so I think it will save you effort in the long run if you wait.
Avril Sheppardon September 2, 2010 at 2:59 pm
Hi Mary…
I’m really looking forward to this class starting again. I was wondering, do you want us to put a warp on the loom prior to the first class? If so, about how wide, and how many ends per inch about?
thanks Mary, talk to you soon,
sue daltonon August 31, 2010 at 10:22 am
Hi Mary and Jennie.
Your wonderful book arrived a couple of weeks ago and I will treasure it.
We have had a very rough six months here with Lawrence’s health. Almost lost him.
He was in the hospital and rehab for 4 months.
He is home now and is making slow but steady progress. Of course I am the care giver and can not go very far away. Even difficult to visit my 93 year old mother these days.
It is wonderful for me to read your web site and yearn to visit again.
I have a friend, ( a very unreliable friend) who says she wants to take your class and tour. We shall see. Hope it will happen.
I can’t plan very far ahead just now, but I have been doing a little weaving as time permits. It’s very busy here with nurses, pt, and ot just about every day.
I am enjoying hearing about the classes from this distance.
Your web site is wonderful and I am so happy that your business is progressing so well.
Take care. All my best, Sue
Bonnie Sue Rangelon August 31, 2010 at 10:12 am
love the photos,we had a great trip cant wait to come back and weave some more with you and Jennie,so glad we got to see canyon de chelly before the flooding closed it. Hope see you and some of our fellow students at spider rock girls boarding school next oct-thank you for wonderful experience Bonnie
Kathyon August 31, 2010 at 9:37 am
Wonderful pictures, thank you for sharing them with us.
Paulaon August 31, 2010 at 4:58 am
Mary, I love your photos! We sure had a great week didn’t we? I cannot stop thinking about everything that we did. It was all so great. I think I will have to come to another class one day. No we didn’t really buy enough jewelry or rugs!!! LOL
Ann Hornbyon August 27, 2010 at 9:06 am
I am so sad to hear of Grandma Clara’s passing–she was a legend and an inspiration. I’ll always remember her as The Lady with Two Wrists. If I live to my 90’s I hope I accomplish half as much.
Jackie Schweitzeron August 27, 2010 at 8:36 am
hello, if you happen to have a cancellation for Oct. 2010, i would like to take the spot. if not, probably May 2011. i have a 2nd person coming but he is not a weaver. thanks!
Jayne Reedon August 23, 2010 at 9:24 pm
Clara Sherman’s video is about the best carding tutorial out there! I’m glad I was in time to benefit from her teachings.
Our physical address is protected on the web site but appears on all of our online transactions and invoices. We can provide references from past students if you’d like them. We have provided classes on the Navajo Nation since 2000 and have taught over 500 students. Please contact me via email if you’d like to set up a phone or web conference to discuss a class. Thanks for your interest in learning to weave the Navajo way!
Mary Ann Polacekon August 23, 2010 at 3:59 pm
I am interested in signing up for future classes, but dont see contact info to discuss classes beforehand as you require or firsttimers. Also I dont do cyperspace business without a physical address involved when invovling money-waaaay too much internet fraud out there to submit deposits to cyperspace. Please advise how to contact you and engage in synchronous conversation about upcoming classes. Thank you.
Judy, your husband is very welcome to join us for the field trips. We frequently have spouses, significant others and even BFF’s along. If he’s willing to drive, that’s even better.
Judy Soiveyon August 18, 2010 at 7:56 am
I want to attend your class in 2011, my husband wants to come for the field trips but not to weave, it that possible, we are willing to drive our car as the extra car. Thanks judy
Tyra Preston, Roy Kady’s neice teaches at Village Wools and Morris Muskett (http:/ also in Albuquerque. Naomi was able to get in touch with Tyra, who is helping her out.
Naomi julianon August 9, 2010 at 9:38 am
I am desperate for some help with warping a navajo loom. Could anyone help me? I am in Albuquerque and have been weaving on the navajo loom for a few years, but still having problems with warping.
Thank you, Naomi
Jan HPon August 1, 2010 at 3:59 pm
Hi Mary-Is there any chance you have a picture of the class looms used at Convergence? (I met you in Window Rock last spring (VT natives) and I have pics of the 2 rugs we bought at the Adopt A Native spring Food Run! See you soon-Jan
John Sandstromon August 1, 2010 at 11:52 am
At Convergence you mentioned the possiblity of on-line classes. Is there any time frame I should be checking for them to start?
Thanks again for your and Jenne Slick’s teaching at Convergence. They were great classes.
Many thanks to you and Jennie for the great class on warping and weaving. Many things I have read about finally make sense. As another first time attendee from a fairly isolated area, it was a great experience to finally get my questions answered. Next time I hope to get to more of your classes.
Cathy Gillison July 31, 2010 at 10:32 pm
Great post, and great memories of my first Convergence. If anyone out there is interested in learning Navajo Weaving…you can’t find a better team. Patient, encouraging, and light hearted.
I will be sending some wool! Please send me your address privately. Others interested in donating some yarn should contact me.
G. Lewison July 29, 2010 at 2:54 pm
Im a Navajo weaver and I’m trying to completed a piece for College Expenses (Redheart yarn is all I can afford right now).
Im seeking Some Donors of scrap wool/ Full Skeins. So I can make some pieces for my College expenses this Fall 2010.
Florida Sueon July 28, 2010 at 11:42 am
Can you put me in contact with a Navajo-style weaver in Florida?
The Munsell color system was developed to provide a precise numeric description of color based on hue, value or lightness and color purity (referred to by Munsell as chroma). This precision is helpful in mixing dyes to achieve the desired results. There is a Munsell study group on, but I was too busy teaching right now to join. I hope there will be enough people interested to do another group later this year. If you haven’t already joined Weavolution, I’d encourage you to do it. The current study group is called the Munsell+dye study group.
Emmyon July 8, 2010 at 7:49 am
I’m curious now. What is a Munsell group?
Bonnieon July 8, 2010 at 7:38 am
Will you be having another online class in 2010?
Pam Hellmanon July 7, 2010 at 11:57 pm
Yes, please do add me to the waiting lists. I’ll also be checking for the 2011 schedule. Thanks for replying!
Pam, thank you so much for your interest in our class. We can’t add an additional class this year due to other commitments that we have, but we can add you to our waiting list in case there’s a cancellation and we’ll be posting our 2011 schedule soon.
I hope suggest another one later in the year. I’m way too busy to participate right now.
kathleen highamon July 6, 2010 at 11:37 am
Mary, will another Munsell group start up? I’ve been reading on the web aboutit and would loved to participate in it.
Pamon July 5, 2010 at 11:13 pm
Is there a possibility that you might add another Weaving In Beauty Class and Tour for this year? I came to the page tonight and saw that the July/August class is full. (Good news for you but bad news for me.)
Laurie Weston July 1, 2010 at 1:36 pm
Yay!!! The book is here. I plan to at least do a day trip to Convergence so I will hope to get an autographed copy while I am there.
The directions are only for building the loom and do not address weaving techniques. Our weaving techniques book, sold in the Weaving in Beauty Mercantile covers the knowledge needed to get started weaving the Navajo way.
Nan Newberryon June 28, 2010 at 9:52 am
What type of yarn do you suggest for the warp ? Are there directions for this in your building a loom ? Thank you , Nan
Bob Schaeferon June 27, 2010 at 9:58 pm
Thank you for providing this valuable information. I am northern Paiute and was born about 10 miles from where almost all Panamint baskets were made. I have an extensive collection of Panamint baskets, both from Death Valley and the Owens Valley, however, I have no knowledge in Navajo textiles. When my mother passed away, I inherited a large truck with many early textiles in it that belonged to my grandmother, I do not know how or where she obtained these textiles. I would love to be able to identify just what I have, it is not practical to travel around with a large number of textiles looking for assistance. Your suggestions or comments are most appreciated, and thank you again for providing the information in your website.
I’m so excited for your new book! I will contact you about preordering a book. I can’t wait to read it!
Thank you to you, Jennie, and Liz for your hard work!
Deb Fjetlandon June 23, 2010 at 2:49 pm
The time that I spent over a year ago learning to weave from you and Jenny was truly one of the best experiences I have had. I didn’t and still don’t consider myself a crafty person, definitely not capable of weaving, but somehow with your patience and teaching methods I did indeed weave. I ‘Thank-you” for that and wish you both the best on your new book.
I was using my old turquoise spatterware teapot today, which usually makes me think of my Nana and this time I also thought of Rose’s beautiful old dyepots. If you see her, Mary, tell her I was thinking of the fun we had dyeing yarn that day. The whole week was great. I’ll think of Rose and Henry every time I use that teapot now.
Tapestry grade pieces generally find a market outside auction venues. There are relatively few pieces of true Navajo tapestry, which is a class of weaving with 80+ wefts per inch. The Toadlena and Two Grey Hills Trading posts are the best sources for tapestries in natural colors and Perry Null’s and Richardson’s in Gallup carry limited numbers of both Two Grey Hills and other tapestry grade pieces. Be prepared to pay $300 and more for good tapestry grade weaving. Some larger tapestry pieces can take well over a year to weave.
Doug in Denveron May 27, 2010 at 8:44 am
I went to the Crownpoint auction a couple weeks ago for the first time, really enjoyed it and purchased a couple of beautiful rugs. For my next rug, though, I’m thinking I’d like to get a small tapestry. I didn’t see any tapestry quality weavings at the auction in May and wondered whether you ever see them at Crownpoint?
Kathleen, the class in Albuquerque is full, full, full. I think that Convergence does have a waiting list. I’ll be publishing our 2011 class schedule soon, and we do have an online class. Thank you for your interest in learning to weave the Navajo way!
Kathleen Oldfatheron May 19, 2010 at 5:53 pm
Hello, Ms. Walker. I am writing to ask if you have any spaces left for beginners in your two-day boot camp during Convergence 2010? This is my first visit to your web site; it is beautiful. I attended the rug sale at Hubbell in May and stayed overnight in Window Rock, and ‘found’ your weaving class after everyone was gone. I had not heard of this before, and am very interested in attending. Thank you for any information you can send. Kathleen
Jimon May 19, 2010 at 10:19 am
Question on behalf of Lillie Dugi. “How does one participate in your Weavings For Sale?
Ellavina, that is high praise coming from an author of your stature. I am working with Liz Munk and Jennie Slick on a book on weaving techniques. I have some other ideas for further writing. Thank you for the encouragement!
Hi Mary, Are you working on a book? You have such beautiful pictures and comments worth a book. Ellavina
christinaon May 7, 2010 at 11:52 am
hey there, will its actually really great to have people such as my aunt to have these talents also my mother and from that we all share photography sooo its great that D.Y. teaches us skills needed for weaving also.!
I’ll certainly give it some thought! I’m not sure how it would work out by email, but perhaps with a DVD, we might be able to do it.
E. Hoskinson May 4, 2010 at 8:16 am
Do you ever teach a class online concerning weaving a cinch. And do you ever teach online classes thru Just email.I only have an old computer to use without the “bells and whistles”
Thank you
Sandy Gallyon May 3, 2010 at 10:51 am
What a delightful surprise!
Paulaon May 3, 2010 at 2:27 am
It looks beautiful. What a unique opportunity to see the landscape cloaked in the white stuff. I’m sure you are all warm and well in the Quality Inn.
Happy weaving!
sue daltonon May 2, 2010 at 9:47 pm
So very pretty but glad I am not there in snow. We had temps in the 90’s today. How weird. L. in hospital since March 16. All went well and he came home for a day and a half and then had complications. He is improving but very slowly. Glad we have good temps and no SNOW to deal with right now.
Barbara Angelica Croweon April 30, 2010 at 7:34 am
Hi Mary: when you post pictures on this site the photos are covered over by the 3rd column. Iknow Ihad the same problem with the class video’s. Hope your May class will be great. So wish to be there. best wishes, Barbara Angelica
Anita Overlinon April 28, 2010 at 9:42 am
I am interested in a seminar or show that teaches the weaving techniques for the Navajo horse blankets. Please let me know!
Anita Overlin
Samon April 26, 2010 at 6:38 pm
Special accolades to Laramie! She’s as pretty as her rugs and a credit to her family. I wish her best of luck in her future studies. Mary, you did very well.
You will love it. Roy is a very special person and you’ll learn a lot from him.
Carolineon April 26, 2010 at 6:36 am
Congratulations, Laramie! Great photos, too, Mary!
DebraJon April 23, 2010 at 6:46 pm
Mary, I ordered some wool from Burnham’s. The lady there told me that their source in Philadelphia went out of business. So they bought the rest of their yarn. She said after that runs out they would be getting churro. Thanks for the tip.
Kathleen Highamon April 21, 2010 at 6:09 pm
Mary. I get to attend a work shop by Roy Kady in Idaho falls! Lucky me!!!
I use a product called Akismet. but I don’t think that Blogspot has a similar function. The only answer may be to turn on moderation for the comments. If they have the feature, I’d try to turn off comments on any post more than 14 days old. That would cut down on it.
Hello, been reading your blog for some time. I operate a comparable blog page but I keep receiving a lot of spam responses, how do you maintain your blogging site so clean?
It really isn’t that hard to get me to travel to a room full of weavers and rugs, but thanks very much for the kind words!
Sharonon April 15, 2010 at 1:58 pm
That’s great! I was born in Crownpoint, so I am really happy to see that you’ve made that commitment. Good luck w/ traveling and thank you so much for featuring native weavers. We really do value this art as a culture and I value anyone who values it as well.
Good luck with your book,
Pat Johnsonon April 14, 2010 at 7:04 am
K.Y. Emberson: Yes, mark is still in business. I just purchased a loom from him. His website provider went out of business. I’ll see if I can find the email I received from him.
Kathy Whiteon April 12, 2010 at 4:21 pm
I am actually trying to find a persian rug weaving frame. Unfortunately they are not sold in the US. The Navajo rug frame is about the closest that I can come to. Do they make one for very large rugs say 8′ x 10′. It would have to be able to roll the rug at the bottom and support weight. Kathy
susan Mendenhallon April 12, 2010 at 1:44 pm
Curious to know if this is Mary R Walker who at one point did metalsmithing or silversmithing?
Thank You so much
Helenon April 8, 2010 at 11:52 am
I had wooden “frames” made for my rugs with the velcro hook tape on all four sides. Only the decorative corners or top of the “frames” show around the rug.
Debbie Leeon April 6, 2010 at 1:54 am
I am interested in your online weaving class also. Please let me know when you will be starting another one. I am having trouble with my weft pulling in. Do I have my warps too close together? I am being as loose as possible with my weft. Please help. Thank you. Sincerely, Debbie
Ali Kopintoon April 5, 2010 at 7:00 pm
I am also looking to register for the Natural Dye Class, and also tried the ‘click here to register’ – please let me know how I can sign up for this course.
Joanon April 3, 2010 at 3:45 pm
I’m interested in your online weaving class. I would love to ATTEND a class locally here in Tucson, AZ. Do you still have openings?
Kathy Strathearnon April 3, 2010 at 6:52 am
Roy Kady’s lecture last evening was no less than wonderful! The information he shared about his life and family and the importance of his flock was so interesting. The Teec Nos Pos rug he brought that was beautiful. The story behind it – fasinating. Thank you, Roy, for sharing so much with us. Oh, and the food was outstanding!! Kathy Strathearn
Nora Davidsonon April 1, 2010 at 11:32 pm
How do I register for Rose Dedman’s Dye Class August 2-4? The click here to register does not work. It goes to a mercantile page. I would like to register for 2 people. Thanks
Nora Davidson
Gena Simpson-Lion March 16, 2010 at 2:42 pm
i really appreciated being in your class last January, at the Boettcher Mansion. I’m just about to finish my weaving with Kathy Strathearn’s help. She also told me about your weaving and dyeing classes in August.Morris Muskett also told me your weaving class was really good. I guess the class is already filled, but I would love to be wait listed. I am also interested in the natural dyeing class. I will look forward to hearing from you. Thanks,
Gena Simpson-Li
Priscilla, thank you for your thoughtful insight. I will add Henry and Herman’s clans as soon as I can.
Priscillaon March 15, 2010 at 12:05 pm
The tools Navajos use for weaving are very sacred. They should be made by a male who is mentally very healthy and there is even prayers done before making these tools. The thoughts of the person who makes these looms and tools have a direct affect on the weavers thoughts and the outcome of the rug. If you purchase these tools from strangers, then a prayer and blessings are in order by a medicine man. These tools are supposed to be made by a relative and I would suggest the clan of the toolmaker be put by their names. Thank you and I appreciate this website for teaching, especially the young about Spider Woman’s gift to us!
Celinda Hallon March 14, 2010 at 12:47 pm
I live in Albuquerque, NM and I am looking for a class here in town. One school I can find is booked up. Don’t want to have to take a vacation just to take a class. thanks
Keep checking The celebration is scheduled for June 14-19, at Dine’ College in Tsaile, AZ.
k.y. embersonon March 12, 2010 at 2:44 pm
Does anyone know if Mark Deschinny is still in business? I paid for looms and tools almost a year ago, he doesn’t respond to any contacts and still no looms or money returned. Any info? Thank you.
Nancy Sullivanon March 12, 2010 at 10:39 am
I am very interested in the 2010 Sheep Is Life Celebration, including costs for participation in the workshops. Please send information via email or advise me where I can find the information on the Internet. Thanks,
michael H.on March 12, 2010 at 10:38 am
hello,I’m trying to find information on a weaver by the name of “Bissi Claws”.I recently purchased a rug that was made by her in 1984. Thank You!
Lettice Chee - Lerrickon March 9, 2010 at 12:03 pm
Good afternoon,
I was wondering if anybody knows any websites/addresses where they sell Navajo rug dresses or where you can have one custom made. I have been surfing the internet a little bit but I can’t really find any. Hope you can help me.
The information that you need is now in the Navajo Rug 101 section and the Velcro is in the Mercantile! Thank you, Geneva for taking the time to write.
I would like to register for the August 2-7, 2010 class. Your website shows three openings but I can’t seem to get the registration function to work.
Thank you
geneva enrighton March 6, 2010 at 9:32 pm
I am interested in info on “how to hang Navajo rug.” I would like to purchase velcro for hanging rugs and I don’t find it in the mercantile store.
Bonnie Allenon March 6, 2010 at 3:02 pm
Does anyone know of any weavers in Illinois? thanks, Bonnie
anna florence atimangoon March 3, 2010 at 4:42 am
thanks for the onine class.i would like to know more about different types of plain weaves.
Paulaon February 27, 2010 at 7:19 pm
Do you have any suggestions or tips on the best way to hang Navajo Rugs?
Joan Van Wagneron February 27, 2010 at 3:07 pm
Interested in info. for begin.navajo weaving classes in Auburn April 30-May.I live in Rocklin. Thank you for any info. re: avail.,cost,time. Also have grandfathers old horse blankets I would like to learn how to repair. Joan
Barbaraon February 20, 2010 at 10:36 am
Do you know of any classes in the North Georgia area (Atlanta)?
Thank you,
Barbara Angelica Croweon February 17, 2010 at 8:51 am
Today the video is blocked by the third column. The first video yesterday worked because it was smaller vertically.
Tracy Siebenthalon February 16, 2010 at 6:30 am
I am interested in coming out to attend one of your seminars. Can you tell me about the overnight accommodations? I am anxious to expand my horizons!
Barbara Angelica Croweon February 15, 2010 at 2:48 pm
Good video! Your explaination was great. Now I have to make my mind and hands work properly.I am still getting the video covered over by third column. Also sideshow is not centered. I also donot need to use my password to get video. Is that because I orginially signe in an it remembered me??i do not mean any of this as acomplaint. Just information we need to set up atime to video chat over webex thnaks heaps
LINDA HERNANDEZon February 13, 2010 at 5:47 pm
i am interested in the next online class or if there are any classes around toledo ohio.
linda hernandezon February 13, 2010 at 8:42 am
i would like to know when the next on line weaving class will be held
Alison Halseyon February 12, 2010 at 1:31 pm
Long time no contact! My fault! I am doing well and continue to weave mostly on the portable loom although I did make myself a large wooden one. Time problem – work gets in the way. A few friends asked me about teaching them to weave and I said I would try. Believe me they will be no threat to the Navajo weavers.
Could I buy from you 6 smaller width forks and 6 medium length and width battens? The problem is I need them by February 25th. Is that possible????
A snow storm here knocked everything out for a week and a half hence I am behind on ordering things. Thanks. Let me know how much and if I can send a check or do you want a credit card number.
I still long to be back on the reservation and weaving – what a great 3 weeks. I hope to be back this summer for a brief visit in July.
Alison Halsey
32 Franklin St.
Annapolis, MD 21401
Marj Doughertyon February 11, 2010 at 12:41 pm
Mary, an online virtual campus is so exciting for those of us that can’t make your classes due to travel distance.
I purchased a Two Grey Hills rug in about 1984-5 woven by Mary Henderson…..size is 28″ x 40″….rug no. 4609…..the price is faded…..was hoping you could estimate a ball park figure on the value…from memory I think we paid about $450US at the time..hope you can help?
Margaret Sulsters
Paula Guernseyon February 10, 2010 at 8:19 pm
Mary, do you have an actual store? I’m interested in buying a Navajo spindle and learning to spin on it when I’m in Arizona next week. Yeah, I sure did wait until the last minute, didn’t I?
So, if I do find someone to teach me, I’ll need a spindle and having it shipped to Indiana wouldn’t do me much good.
Barbara Angelica Croweon February 10, 2010 at 9:02 am
I was able to get video this am. I was clicking on the wrong header. Needed to click on ON LINE CLASS
Was able to get full screen. good tool to use when I AM CONFUSED AND can review in my own time. Think this process will work better of video during week and then sunday questions. Thanks
Jayne Reedon February 9, 2010 at 8:22 pm
What would the shipping cost be for the hip spindle? I kind of wanted (still want, actually!) one from Mark Deschinney to go with the other stuff I bought, but the shipping by UPS was crazy, so I got a big comb instead.
Mikeon February 9, 2010 at 11:48 am
That works!!!!!…..I even picked up a few things. You can always learn.
Barbara Angelica Croweon February 9, 2010 at 9:38 am
Good video, quite clear in explaination. Love the ability to see what is happening. Thanks
My teenage daughter, her friend, and I are taking a road trip through Window Rock, March 28-30. We’d like to go to a great weaving shop to see how Navajo rugs are made (and possibly to purchase). We like to do the same for a pottery studio. If you could only go to one each (accompanied by teenagers), which would you go to? Please advise.
PLEASE keep me in mind for future online classes! Thanks!
Sam Hufmanon February 5, 2010 at 8:08 pm
Mary, have you not changed your calendar this year? Sunday is the 7th of Feb., not the 6th. You seem to have a block about the dates for this class. Aside from the date thing, I think the class is going well, and I am certainly enjoying the effort.
What a brave and exciting way to share your knowledge… I have taken many other classes online, and will be interested to hear how teaching something so hands-on, in a virtual manner, works out! Good luck to all, especially you as the teacher.
Billon January 23, 2010 at 8:15 am
I would be very interested in joining this class,but I don’t have a loom and would like a plan for building one can you help?
Morris Musketton January 20, 2010 at 5:08 pm
What a good looking trio!!! Don’t you think?? LOL! I’ll be sure to get you another pic with the 3 of us at the opening of the third and final phase of the exhibit opening on Feburary 5th.
Francine L. Kavanaughon January 19, 2010 at 3:04 pm
Where did you get your table loom? The one that you always use at class or monthly gathering.
Julieon January 15, 2010 at 8:30 pm
I am just beginning t explore spinning and weaving. I have access to a spinning wheel and Navajo Churro wool. If you offer another class, I’d be interested in participating. Are there plans for building the type of loom you mentioned or a vendor you recommend?
I love your posts on Germantown pieces especially your statement about “lazy lines”. Thanks for your posts and updates for upcoming events.
kappy strahanon January 6, 2010 at 11:06 pm
Some how I cannot get the registration form for the Advanced weaving class. Can you send it in a different form?”Thank you, Kappy Strahan
Barbaraon January 4, 2010 at 7:25 am
very interested would like details–nervous about on line – will require handholdingLOL
Sandy Gallyon January 2, 2010 at 6:42 pm
How exciting, Mary. I sure hope it works out because hopefully next year I will have a laptop with a camera.
Happy New Year!
Paulaon January 2, 2010 at 5:58 pm
Wow! What a cool idea. I will be interested to see how this works out. I will be interested when the advanced class comes up after I have been over for the weaving class and textile tour.
I’ve become a big fan of your website and look forward greedily to every update. I especially like the way each update offers other entries on a similar topic to read as well. I have a few books about Navajo weaving but they do not show the close up shots that your website shows. It is almost as good as seeing the rugs in the flesh.
Keep up the good work.
i live in colorado and i have beautiful commercially spun navajo churro yarn. i would love to sell it to navajo weavers. i have all the natural colors. any ideas on how to get this yarn to the weavers? or get to know the weavers who are looking for navajo churro?
No, the C-Cactusflower loom has a unique way of producing a Navajo warp with a system using two combs, but you can’t change the spacing of the warp or attach a traditional warp. For a portable loom that is warped traditionally, contact Mark Deschinny at
Jan HPon December 18, 2009 at 9:41 am
Hi Mary & Jennie- I have a question about the C-Cactus Flower loom. Jennie-are you able to warp this loom in the tradional way for a Navajo rug? Love all your rugs!! Jan
Paulaon December 14, 2009 at 8:45 pm
Wow, Mary, you will not get any breathing space before the textile tour starts on Monday! But Convergence is always so exciting and such a high to see so many enthusiastic weavers from all four compass points in one place at one time, you and Jenny will be energized. Make sure you are cashed up for the vendors displays!
cheryl grayon December 4, 2009 at 2:42 am
Hello just wondering if you will be offering this opportunity again thank you
Sandy Gallyon November 30, 2009 at 4:03 pm
I am so jealous, Mary. Such vibrant colors. Sign me up for next year and I will bring my pots and stoves. Maybe in the Spring we could one in Prescott?
Paulaon November 23, 2009 at 5:01 pm
Mary, You and Jennie sure live the life! Your visit to Bosque Redondo will be interesting. Although a bit melancholy I imagine. That is a great picture of Jennie with her portable loom and little rug.
I didn’t have time to tell you earlier that your social dance rug is great. The design looks really intricate. I wonder how you kept track of it especially when you are weaving it sideways. Well, done!
Sandy Gallyon November 23, 2009 at 11:11 am
Oh Jennie, I do like that rug!
Katie Hickeyon November 20, 2009 at 6:45 am
Hi Mary–
Your rug is just beautiful. I’m so excited to see how traditional designs are growing and being developed by artists like you and Jennie and others. I love all of DY Begay’s work, and Loretta Tahe’s feather rug is amazing. I’m inspired by you all. Be well!
You go, can! It is beautiful. A little bit of you is in it with the purple 💜 Keep learning and keeping our traditions alive!
What wonderful weaving story but so sad about the puppy!! Congratulations to all of you who saved the weaving.
This was a tough lesson for Candace, but with caring support and her own diligence it turned out beautifully! So sad about the puppy.
All of the historic wedge weaves that I’ve seen were woven as blankets or throws.
As a wedge weaver (and student of Martha Stanley’s who brought the technique to many of us), I particularly liked this story. I love learning more about how wedge weave might have come about and why it disappeared for so long. It’s wonderful that so many Diné weavers are taking it up again. Was it originally woven as blankets? I also enjoy your description of churro wool which I now use and love it! I look forward to more posts like this. Thank you!
Great to hear from Weaving in Beauty! Looking forward to more. Many thanks for sharing Gloria’s wonderful weaving and the history (herstory) behind the wedge weave.
I’m so glad you posted this. I’m taking a weaving class after a long hiatus and I was just thinking that I need to find out when you will be having classes in the fall. I think I much prefer Navajo weaving to floor loom weaving.
Thank you for writing this and sharing it, Mary! I look forward to reading your “Rug of the Week” posts.
Well, that does it! I’m starting a “Weaving of the Week” feature! Thank you, Cheryl!
The story matched the weaving in being detailed and fine. Both are very welcome. And both of you are amazing in what you do.
Thank you, Teresa!
Beautiful rug and thank you for sharing the story……………
The response to the post has convinced me to try to do a “Weaving of the Week” feature! As far as I can tell, the wedge weave technique came about as weavers learned to adapt to diagonal line designs. The scallops on the edge were an added bonus. People seem not to have liked the scallops in rugs, so the technique was almost lost. It’s been revived and is gaining in popularity.
Don’t be sorry! I loved the story! Weavings should have a narrative. Made even more so by the Narrative. I hope you do even more often. Glorias rug is beautiful. Does the wedge weave technique make a rug more wearable or drape able on the body of the wearer?
This piece is lovely! Thank you for sharing the history and details about the project.
Thank you, Rosie! It started as a description written to help sell the rug. I decided to turn it into what I hope becomes a
“Weaving of the Week” feature.
The work is exquisite; the story inspiring. Thank you!
Thank you, Michelle! I’ve decided to try to do a “Rug of the Week” feature. This is the first one. I’m so glad that you liked it.
I loved your story about Gloria’s rug.
Interesting, informative, engaging, well written – I loved this.
Since Velcro method supports the full weight of the textile, you can hang it at any angle you’d like.
Will use your velcro method. I am curious if small rugs 2×4 and 3×5, should be hung in a straight up and down position or if they can be hung at an angle (for a little more interesting eye appeal)
Thank you!
We don’t have any current plans to come to Washington state.
Michelle, you can find the 2016 schedule at
I am working on a follow on volume of our book and a revision of the first volume. As part of that, I will be working on making the online class available on demand, so people will be able to work on their own schedule.
It sounds like you have the loom built but you need instructions on warping, which the plan doesn’t cover. There are a number of books that you can use for reference on that. Working with the Wool, Navajo Weaving Way, Navajo and Hopi Weaving Techniques and our book, ‘Atł’óhí Binaaltsoos (The Weaver’s Book): How to Weave the Navajo Way are all potential sources of information on that and may be available through your public library.
I’m having the same issue Debra had–the instructions for the *frame* are in the PDF, but not those for all of the interior components (turnbuckles, dowels, conduit, wire, twine, etc.). I would imagine the placement measurements are important here (e.g. how many inches from the top of the loom should the pipe straps be attached?), but is it ok to just eyeball it..?
I too am very interested in any future online classes. Thank you
I am interested in attending a weaving boot camp. Please send me details when they are available for 2016.
Thanks in advance
Mary, is there a chance you will come to Washington state to teach Navajo weaving?
18 sheep..we shear…wash…card…spin..dye…Gilmore loom 48 inch 4 shaft 8 treadle and a 1948 Binder counter march loom 48 inch 8 shaft 12 treadle that I plan to warp next week MAYBE. My wife and I are having a blast…love you’re website hope to come to workshops so we can learn more and more..Bill and Kim
I’ve been looking through your books and could not find the one I have – Weaving a Navajo Blanket by Gladys Reichard (Dover Publication 1974). Checked through the book’s fine print – it is actually republishing of 1936 Navajo shepherd and weaver. 99 cents at amazon.
Very much enjoying your teaching. You are an ocean of knowledge, and you know how to pass it on. Thank you.
I think that the stretched or board approach will work beautifully. It probably depends somewhat on the size of the weaving.
I would really recommend using wool because it is central to what Navajo weaving is. Wool is a much different fiber than cotton and won’t look or feel the same. Wool is the traditional choice for Navajos and I think that you owe it to yourself to use it for your first piece.
Mary… I love the e-book and have already read thru and viewed the videos….. I think this will get me going great…. I do have a question… Since I have not done any weaving… will it work to learn by using cotton…. I have a lot of cotton in different colors…. I was just wondering if that would do for learning….. I did go to the Burnham site and I can order the Brown Sheep warp and weft threads but I do have about everything I need already except for the forks that I ordered from you….. Thanks
Kenneth Richey
Hi Mary,
I have a Navajo friend that wants me to make her some picture frames for her Navajo rugs. I understand not to use glass. What would be the best method for framing? Do you have any suggestions on what type of wood is best to use for the frame? Should I use a stretched canvas frame with Velcro for the backing board or a thin piece of hardboard? If I use the canvas backing, where would I get one large enough?
How should the owner then maintain it after it has been framed and hung on the wall?
Kevin, can you send me a picture of the rug?
Hello Mary,
I really enjoy your website. Help! My elderly parents want to give away this Navajo rug they had commissioned in the late 1960s..My Dad requested that it have thunderbird motif and be large. It is about 8×4 feet…it could be 9 x 4.5. I am trying to convince them it could be worth several thousand dollars and they should have it professionally cleaned and appraised! Can you give any advice or suggestions?
Maya, take a look at Lynda Teller Pete’s site. She will be offering workshops in Denver, Lakewood and Golden in June and July. She is at
Hello ~ I just sent an email before seeing this thread…I am so very interested in learning to weave, but see that there are no classes offered in CO. Perhaps you have suggestions on where to look for classes in Colorado, specifically the Denver area (although, I can and will drive to take a class!). If you do I would be so grateful for the help. Thank you, and many Blessings ~
I don’t know Pauline. There are about 20,000 Navajo weavers so it’s hard to know everyone.
Linda, you will need to locate a book or video on Navajo techniques. There are several books available. You can usually find Navajo Weaving Way through your public library or at You can also use Weaving the Navajo Way by Caroline Spurgeon. It’s also available through You can also use the book that Liz Munk, Jennie Slick and I wrote. It’s available on this web site at
Marie, I am not aware of a weaver by that name. There are about 20,000 Navajo weavers, so it’s hard to know all of them!
Barb, the best solution is to keep practicing. You might try varying your warp tension to see if that helps. I am not holding any online classes at this time. I have several projects that must be completed.
My son has built this loom for me. I cannot find any instructions on how to warp it. Will you please send me instructions to my email. Thank You
[…] [Weaving In Beauty] […]
I am having a problem getting straight vertical lines. Also, do you still have the online weaving classes?
Is there a rug maker named Pauline Slowtalker?
[…] Navajo Rug on Loom …. Choosing to hang a Navajo textile requires the consideration of several factors including the type of textile yarns and structural condition … Caring For and Displaying Navajo Textiles – Weaving in Beauty […]
Framing an artwork does help to enhance it. What I would discourage you from doing, though is putting the work behind glass because that prevents both sides of the work from being equally exposed to light. There is also a risk of insect infestation on the side that’s not displayed. If it happens, it’s difficult to see until damage has already occurred. The glass barrier prevents the texture of the tapestry from being fully appreciated by the viewer.
I’m looking to have shadow boxes or frames made for a tree of life tapestry. It’s 24×18. I also have a larger one. We are doing a camp over southwestern style. I’m clueless as to how to display them but I think they will add a really nice touch. I see you recommend velcro, but thought something with the dark cabernet frame would match the rustic beams. Any suggestions??
Jane, what are you doing to wash it?
I have an Indian rug that I have had by my front door for a few years. Consequently, I have washed it several times. I have now decided it is too nice a piece for that use and want to hang it. It measures approximately 6’x3′.
I was going to have it dry cleaned until I read your post not to. What cleaning process would you recommend? May I continue to wash it without damaging it any further?
ahhhhh! Spinning in Navajo Beauty! 🙂
Beautiful art!!
Janice, you’lll need to get a copy of our book or another text on Navajo weaving to be able to complete the warping. It isn’t difficult, but it’s not exactly intuitive. You can buy our book here. You’ll also find warping instructions in Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse’s book Navajo Weaving Way, which you may be able to find at your public library.
My husband has built this loom for my legally blind mother, but we can’t figure out how to warp it. I have an image and I can’t figure how to get the warp threads anywhere close to what the picture looks like. Are there any videos out there you could direct me to? I’d appreciate any help you can give me.
Janice Kessler
I provide an identification service at $5 per item. You can submit pictures through the web site.
Yes, we have one group of beginners and another group of students who are intermediate,
Is the class running on 7/17, Weaving Bootcamp a beginners class?
I have a rug that looks Native American. I think it is cotton with a fringe. Bright colors of yellow, red, black, blue, burgandy, orange stripes. Large green background with black and purple arrow like designs. Have no clue. Approx. 50″ x 76. Any help will be appreciated. Carol
Paul, I have added you to the list that receives the first notice of all classes as they are added.
Debra, if you have any other questions after our chat this morning, just let me know.
Please add me to the waiting list for your next Online begining weavers course.
I bought the materials to make the loom. I read the direstions on pdf that details how to put the frame together. How do I find out how to assemble all of the interior components (turnbuckles, dowels, conduit, wire, twine, etc)?
Unfortunately, Cay, I don’t know Leo. Perhaps another reader will know him.
I purchased a weaving fork signed by Leo Wolfe, Durango. Do you know anything about this weaver or his work?
I can send you a Paypal invoice. There’s also a link in my online store that will be sent to you if you fill out the form online.
I love your web site and have learned a lot! However, once I send a photo of my rug to your email address, how do I get the $5 to you?
I would suggest the Flagship Inn in Boothbay.
Robin, there were not any pictures with your question.
Yes, you can send pictures to After March 1, there will be a $5 charge for informal evaluations.
Hello, I have a single saddle rug that was my Grandparents. I have been trying to find out if it’s true Navajo and a rough estimate of date of weaving. Would someone be willing to look at some pictures? Thank you.
Please put me on the waiting list- for Sept or Oct weaving in beauty tour. thanks ann
This one, alas, is a knock off of a Ye’i design and was woven in Mexico.
5.) 38.5×24
The weaver would probably have called with an Eyedazzler. You may also find some who would call it a squash blossom.
This is called an optical illusion rug. They were often used as covers for pickup truck seats.
3.) 56.5×32
The banded rug on the top doesn’t really fit into any particular regional style. Some people might call it a saddle blanket or chief blanket design.
The one on the bottom is woven from a book called Working with the Wool by Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse. Noel lived in Gallup when you lived in Church Rock and she taught weaving at the library on Thursday nights, I think. It doesn’t fit any regional description.
oops 2.) is the little a one 24×10.5
2.) is 56.5x 32
This is a banded rug and the design would probably be best called either a Chinle or an Eyedazzler, depending on whose eye is being dazzled, I guess.
Hi love your website have learned quiet a bit from it.
Our family lived in the late 70s around the Church Rock area. My parents bought a few rugs from a trading post near what is now know as “Legacy Park” and from a Navajo family that did weaving, and raised the sheep and lived in a hagon. I remember the fry bread and mutton stew. My mother cant remember they’re names
I would appreciate your help if you can help identify the type of rugs that they are as they’ve been past on to me. There are 5 in total
Thank you for your time and graciousness
1.) is 46.5 x 31
Leslie, your pictures didn’t come through. You can email them to me and I’ll tell you what I can. You’ve got a free pass! I’ve had to start charging for the identifications because there were so many of them.
Greetings Mary! I am happy to have stumbled onto this site while searching for info on 2 old rugs that i have had for twenty years and would really like to know more about them. Thanks to your expertise, i know that they are not Navajo but are most likely mexican. i believe they are hand woven, both are wool. one being heavier than the other. the one w/ the images has some bright colors that i find interesting and wonder if they are unusual. any info you can give me would be appreciated and thank you for your time and generous help.
I would like to take a beginner class in July. I would really like to return to AZ/NM but I can drive from northern Vermont to Maine. I have some background in Navajo Weaving but that was many moons ago. Please let me know where participants can stay for minimal cost.
Many thanks, Janice
It’s a textile woven for the tourist trade in southern Mexico and Guatemala. It can be cut apart where the warps aren’t woven or displayed as is.
Sandra, I’ll be adding a new online session later this evening. We sell looms and tool and you can also find them from Weaving Southwest, Halcyon Yarns and the Woolery.
Greetings. Can you tell me anything about this piece? Origin and what it would have been used for. It is nearly 50″ long and is 4 squares attached with loosely woven threads. Thank you very much for whatever help you can give.
Looking for a beginning Navajo on line weaving class. I do need to order a loom an tool;s needed. Any suggestion from whom?
We do have cinches from time to time, but most them are sold before I get a chance to list them!
Yes, Julie, it will if you use the wide Velcro and put reinforcing strips at several intervals on the backing surface.
Reply for Rick Johnston: Cinch looms are really just a long frame with feet. You should be able to easily make one.
Based in the pictures in the listing, the rug is Navajo.
I’ve had this rug for 60 years; never knew much about it. The person who gave it to me was born in the late 1800’s and got it when she was young with her husband on a trip west (she was from Connecticut). As you can see, it has some wear (though never walked on) and has what looks like small holes in one area (moths?)
In any case does this look to be of any value despite the damage?
Robin Tassinari
Hi Mary,
I love this website! I have a Navajo rug listed on ebay, which I & my husband bought at Fred Harvey’s in the Grand Canyon 1993. Another ebay member is questioning whether it is authentic, could you please look over the listing, and please let me know if there is anything I need to add to the description. I had added a link to this page (your page), but ebay told me it was a violation of their rules, so I had to take it down. 🙁
Thank you so much for your dedication & time.
Here’s the link:
I see nothing that says this rug is anything but Navajo. Although two strand side selvage cords are very common, there are many, many ways to handle them. There can be none, one, two, three and even four cords. It’s a matter of what the weaver prefers. As they say in Navajo: bisin (it’s up to her). The cord treatment has no material effect on the value.
The sun fading is another matter; it will probably reduce the value by as much as 50%.
And one last photo showing the fade
Thanks for your help Mary!
Another photo showing the end cord
Here’s another photo showing the side of the rug, where the side cord would usuall be.
Hi Mary:
I just sent a question in from the main page of your web-site but couldn’t figure out how to post pictures there — so I’m sending the same questions in from here.
First of all, I love your website — and thanks for all you are doing for Navajo weaving! I’ve been collecting Navajo rugs for several years from Crownpoint, other auctions and sometimes dealers or ebay. Normally I don’t acquire pieces without known history and the weavers name, but I just picked up a large Moki revival piece with little info. The piece is 5 feet by 7 feet. I have two questions: First, it doesn’t have selvage (side) cords, which concerns me a bit — though otherwise it appears “normal.” The sides do not feel like there are multiple warp cords in the last column — the rug is the same thickness at the side as elsewhere. Second, there is considerable sun fading on one side. How much does that typically affect the value? I’m attaching pictures and would appreciate your thoughts on whether this rug is really Navajo.
Best regards, Doug
It’s genuine Navajo and is a variant of the Storm Pattern. I don’t have size information, but in good condition, a rug like this should be worth about $100 per square foot.
Mary, This rug measures roughly 2 1/2 x 5. It is wider on one end by approximately 3 1/2 inches. I know that reduces the value, but I would still appreciate any information you may have. Thank you so much for your time and for helping identify authentic Navajo rugs.
From Mary
This is a hand spun rug that was probably woven by an older weaver. It probably has an auction value of around $250 and a full retail value of $500.
Mary, This rug feels different than the others, so I’m not positive it is wool, but I still believe it is a Navajo rug. It measures approx. 2 1/2 x 5. What do you think?
This is a twill double saddle blanket. The require quite a bit of skill to weave, but for some reason they never get the auction value that they should. Figure an auction value of $350 to $600 and a retail of $750 to $800.
Mary – This rug is also in excellent condition. The first rug picture I sent is approx. 5 x 7, the second rug picture is approx. 4 x 5 and this rug measures roughly 3 x 5. Your best thoughts on value and information is greatly appreciated.
From Mary:
This is a Ganado Red rug and doesn’t appear to be quite as finely woven as the first two rugs. I would guess around $700 at auction and a retail in the $900 to $1000 range.
Hi Mary This rug is also in excellent condition. I would appreciate any information you could share with me about this rug. By the way, I hope your knee is healing nicely.
Hi Mary – My father recently passed away and my mother is now ready to let go of the Navajo rugs that they purchased while living in Arizona years ago. I believe these rugs were purchased in the 70’s. They are in excellent condition, never used, but stored in their home away from sunlight etc. There is no damage of any kind that I can see. I would appreciate any information that you might be able to give me about these rugs.
The download is available on the page. If you have a problem getting the file, just send me a note using the contact us link at the top of the page.
Molly, it looks like an authentic Navajo Ye’i rug woven in the Shiprock, NM area in the 1950’s. The dyes are synthetic aniline dyes.
It is probably from the area near Farmington, NM and was woven in the 1930’s to 1940’s.
Assemble as directed in the PDF. It doesn’t make that much difference, but the directions in the PDF have produced working looms consistently.
I will answer your question when I have time. I am currently recovering from knee surgery.
Hello. Are you still answering questions? I see the last question posted was November 7th. I sent a question last week 1/13 that I’d really like an answer to. Thanks,
Hi Mary,
Have learned much from your site. Have a rug that has me confused. I inherited it from and others from a distant relative, (I’m way down inhertance food chain). The relative was well off and an avid collector of all things Navajo. I received several rugs from the Wide Ruin area, but this one has me confused. It does not have a fringe, it is wool, but the design, the use of yellow, and the edge wrap leads me to believe it is not Navajo. I would appreciate your input. Thanks
From Mary:
This is an early Raised Outline Rug. The coloration is a little idiosyncratic and there are condition issues, but it is definitely Navajo and is a nice example of the development of this style.
Carol, you can read about the two sessions that we’re doing in Boothbay, ME here.
Janet Austin from Rhode Island said that she heard that you were going to do a Navaho rug workshop in New England in 2013. If so, please let me know. Many thanks.
I don’t see any pictures of the rug, so I can’t comment. You can upload one in another comment, or you can send them to me here.
Last week I “rescued” what I beleive to be a Navajo rug (blacks, greys and taupes, ~ 3 feet by five feet) from a local thrift store — for the phenomenal price of $6.00. This rug has led a very hard life, but my wife and I would like to display it and give it a good home for the rest of it utilitarian life. The thrift shop had it on the floor, but what is better — for us to make a wall hanging of it OR have it professionally framed. In talking with a local weaver, she did tell me that it was made from handspun wool. The rug was filthy, but she told us how to wash it in the bath tub and block it during drying. It was NECESSARY to do this — I hope that we did not do too much harm. Any advice?
Please advise when you have a class list for 2013. I am very interested in any classes given in CA. Thank you
I love ur loom plans but i want to make miniature rugs do u have any suggestions maybe make a smaller version?? thank you
From Mary:
Yes, Jo, you would just use a smaller frame. You can even use a picture frame or canvas stretcher bars for a true miniature.
Absolutely fantastic demonstration of dedication and skill! I saw the article you posted on woven cinches but do not see any listed for sale. With the growing interest in custom and one-of-a-kind cinches and breast collars, will you be including cinches for sale at some point?
This is stunning!
My rug weighs twelve pounds; will the velcro method offer enough support for hanging?
Thank for your expertise and this wonderful website!
Do you have any cinch looms for sale?
Yes, I’ll be working on class listings for 2013 very soon.
Hello The following Rug or Blanket was passed down to me, they were at my grandparents cabin in northern minnesota since 1944. Could you tell me if they are a Navajo weaving please. The size is 52 inches long by 17 inches wide. Thanks Curt
From Mary:
It isn’t Navajo, Curt. The knotted fringe at the ends indicates that it’s was woven on a horizontal loom. My guess would be that’s a Hispanic weaving from southern Mexico or Central America.
picture 2/3
From Mary:
It’s a Hispanic weaving, probably from northern Mexico.
Hi Mary,
First of all, I’m so glad to find your wonderful web site. It is very informative and educational, and I have read all the comments with great pleasure. I have been searching on Google image and ebay for few a couple of years now(on and off). I’m trying to ID a vintage south western rug which I bought at a church sale. It is 59″ x 89″, it does has tiny fringes which probably disqualify it as Navajo, but I will leave it to the expert here. 😉 It has a combination of brown, orange, and beige color strips zig zaging across the rug with color birds in between. Any information is highly appreciated.
Hi Mary,
First of all, I am so glade to find your website which is wonderfully written and educational. Thank you for taking time to anwer all these questions which I read with great appreciation.
I have been searching online of google image or eBay to id a rug I bought at a local church sale. It is 59″ by 89″ with 7 straps of brown, orange, beige white zig zag across the rug, the base color is another lighter color of grayish brown. There are total of 31 birds in between the zig zags. The color of the birds consist of yellow, brown, light sage green, 2 tone of blue and some kind of peachy color. It was listed as a vintage south western rug, but I would love to learn more about it. Any information is highly appreciated.
I try to add pictures to the comment, but the option isn’t available. May I email them to you at the email address listed in your previous post?
I purchased a Two Grey Hills rug at Toadlena Trading in 1984. I decided to splurge and bought a rug from a master weaver. I packed the rug away years ago and sadly lost the original info on the weaver. Is there any possible way to find out the weaver of this rug by the design etc? I would be more then grateful for any suggestions!!!! Thank you
From Mary:
It’s possible that the current trader at Toadlena, Mark Winter, might have some insight. You can contact Mark through the Toadlenda Trading Post web site.
WOW! This is a cool loom. I’m soon retiring from work- been looking for a past time hobby that usn’t too hard on my budget. Could I get the instructions on how to build one of these looms?
last pic, i swear.
sorry, those previous pics were small.
closer view of corner.
Thanks Mary
Hi Mary,
Thank you for such an informative site.
Any information about this piece would be appreciated… I can’t tell if there was once a fringe (woven back in) and if these are traditional dyes.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for confirming that my rug is, in fact, Navajo. Can you tell me any more about it? Where made? Likely Value?
Thanks for your attention. And, Happy Holidays.
Hi 🙂
I noticed the bottom crosspiece in the 2 looms shown in the photo above are placed differently than described and shown in the downloadable directions…Is this a concern? Should I assemble it like it is in the photo above or as directed in the pdf or does it not really matter?
v/r, Angela
Thanks for confirming my hopes. Can you tell me any more about it? Pattern name? Provenance? Value?
I am delighted and thank you very much for replying to me inquiry.
this is a wonderful list you have here. I am only sorry I found it so late in the year and have missed most of the dates listed. Are you planning on a similar list for next year?
Thanks so much
For Tanya Pemberton. Yes, you do have a Navajo rug. It looks like it was woven in the 1940’s.
We usually do, but don’t have any right now. Check with Hill Creek Fiber Studio or Halcyon yarns.
Reply to Susan Thomoson. Yes, it’s almost certainly a Rio Grande blanket.
And one more.
Another photo
Mary, Here are a few photos to help in identifying my article. Any information you might be able to offer would be so appreciated.
I think I have a Navajo weaving. Can you verify if it is? I have some photos that I will try to forward.
You have a Marvelous site and so informative.
Thanks very much.
Hi there. I am looking for a weaving Loom. Do you have them for sale?
Hi Mary!
Is the comment about the rug maybe being from the Rio Grande area about my questions? smile. I have an image here for you, also.
Thank you very much. Your website is extremely helpful
Yes, Colleen, it looks like Hispanic rather than Navajo weaving. Hispanic weavers use a horizontal loom and wool that is not as tightly twisted, so the way the weaving is packed is different and not quite as tight. In addition, if you look at the ends, you’ll probably find that the fringes that are present in Hispanic weaving have been sewn back into the rug. Someone went to quite a bit of trouble to make this look Navajo, but in my opinion it isn’t.
Another picture… Thanks for your insight!
Hi Mary~ I am unsure which comment was for me. I THINK it is the one about the storm pattern. I have attached more pictures.
I see that the web site did not match my answer with the comment! Here’s the answer to your question: I would have to look at it closely to be sure, but I think it’s probably from Mexico and was finished to look like a Navajo piece. The twill bands are quite unusual for either Navajo or Hispanic pieces. I think that you have the warps and wefts terminology reversed.
I’m not sure whether or not one of your responses is to my e-mail. ???
Alas, this appears to be a Hispanic knock off of a Storm Pattern. I’d have to see close-ups to be sure, but I’m about 90% positive.
I would have to look at it closely to be sure, but I think it’s probably from Mexico and was finished to look like a Navajo piece. The twill bands are quite unusual for either Navajo or Hispanic pieces. I think that you have the warps and wefts terminology reversed.
Blankets have a slightly wider sett (meaning that the warp yarns are a little farther apart) and they aren’t beaten as aggressively. Most blanket patterns do not have borders.
This is a weaving from the Rio Grande Valley in northern New Mexico. It is probably from Chimayo. If you Google Chimayo weaving you can learn more about it.
It sounds like a Hispanic blanket from the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico or from any of a number of weaving centers in Mexico.
Hi Mary,
Can you help identify the type and age of this rug that my friend inherited from her father-in-law’s estate? She believes he purchased it in Arizona in the 1970’s. The size is 54 X 32-1/2 inches. I will email closer views to your email address.
Hi Mary!
I have a very unusual weaving I want to get your thoughts on. This is a large blanket – two pieces sewn down the middle. It looks to be an old poncho with southwest swirl designs. I would guess it to be Navajo because of the very tight wool weave and natural dyes, but I am thrown off with the two bottom selvages that have been turned under and hemmed almost like a skirt would be today. The hemming is also very old and does seem to be original to the rug. There is also a twisted wool cord woven around the rug. The woman I bought it from said it was in a trunk with some things from the early 1900’s. Do you have an idea of who may have woven this?
Here’s the second photo….
Hi Mary, I’m trying to help my cousin identify a rug that his aunt bought in New Mexico or Arizona in the 1930’s/40’s. Do you have any ideas about it’s origin? It does have fringe.
How do I know the difference between a rug and a wearing blanket? Size?
Thank you,
Judy Noteboom
We found these rugs @ an estate sale.
They appear to be wool…and old.
What is the meanings of the designs?
Do you have any idea where this blanket might be from?
It is warp-face weaving, about 6′ x 4.5′.There are 18 warps per inch and 4 wefts per inch. There are 7 warp selvage cords: 3 3-ply(maroon) and 4 3-ply(white).The weft selvage cords do not come through the corners, like a Navajo blanket, but appear to run around tucked in with the weft.
I have more photos if you need them.
Thank you, Michael Feldt
Hello Mary~ Thanks for this very informative site. I, too, have a rug that I believe to be Navajo. I was wondering if you would know any more about it. I have attached a picture for your review. Thanks so much!
Thanks Mary, I really appreciate your help!
This is another Eyedazzler, possibly from Kayenta. It looks like it’s from the 1940’s.
It’s also Navajo. This is a type of Eyedazzler often woven in the Kayenta area of Northern Arizona. I would say that both rugs date from the 1930’s to 1940’s.
Yes, it certainly looks Navajo. It’s not a style that’s associated with any one area.
Rug #3 is approx. 55″X40″.
And a close up of it’s corner.
Rug #2 is approx. 58″X43″
Whoops…~here~ is a close up of the corner.
In finally going through my Grandparents stored belongings, (stored since 1977), I came across 3 rugs which I believe to be Navajo, but don’t have any idea of an approximate creation date or area where made.
I really have enjoyed your site and was wondering if you could help identify these rugs and maybe an era and area where they were made?
The first rug is very heavy and approx. 56″X48″.
I would need a picture to tell you anything. You can upload one in another comment or send one to may email address at
I have been distributing a family estate and hoping not to make mistakes. This weaving, not in grand condition, is 37″wide and 55″ long. At one time it had belonged to my Grandparents who spent much of their time in Arizona and Mexico in the mid 1900’s. I am wondering if you might be able to tell me anything about it.
This one is roughly 2′ x 4′ and is said to have had the colors run when a cleaning lady put it through a washing machine in the 1970’s.
Picture 2 of 3 rugs. . This one and the brown one are roughly 4′ x 6′
Mary, My husband inherited 3 rugs from his grandmother (Alta Barth) who ran the Wigwam Hotel in Holbrook AZ in the early 1900’s. I was able to verify on the Census that she still owned the hotel in 1940. It was said that these rugs were purchased directly from the weavers in the area. There is wear around the outside edges since these were used on the floor in the lobby of the hotel. My husbands family believe these rugs to be of “incredible” value. I am interested in whether or not I should insure them. Any information you could provide would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Yes, John! It’s 978-0-615-37744-5.
Does this book have an ISBN? I want to include it in a bibliography I’m doing for Library Journal.
Sorry, but another for the larger view
Here is another photo
I now I understand the rug I was given is not Navajo, but it appears hand woven. Can you help me identify the source by the pictures I’m sending? Thank you so much.
Yes. You are absolutely permitted to print a copy for your own use.
If I purchase your book in the PDF format, will I be able to print a copy for my own use?
You’re welcome.
Thank you very much Mary. =)
It’s also Hispanic, I think from Central America or the Ecuador-Bolivia-Peru area.
I was also wondering about this one.
Thank you!
Devan =)
It’s a piece from Mexico. It’s quite detailed compared with other pieces of this type. I would agree that it’s probably pre-1930’s. It was woven in two panels and then stitched together. Someone who works with Hispanic pieces could give you some idea on the value of it.
Here is a closer look at the bottom.
I got this from an antique store. The people that worked there knew nothing about except they thought it was 1900s? Any info would help.
Thank You,
What a fab time we all had! I love the shot of us in Bill Malones Trading Post in Gallup,NM. I am still in awe of all the weavers we met and our wonderful teachers Jennie and Mary. Can’t wait to do it again! Happy Fall and may you weave in Beauty everyday! Dominique
I really didn’t see the fringes until you pointed them out. Yes, they are part of the rug and they are an exception. I thought at first that what you have was used as a saddle blanket. The bleed that you see could be the result of that usage, but the piece is too large for that. The fringe on the right side of the picture is markedly different from the fringe on the left side. On the left is a twisted fringe treatment that you very occasionally see in older saddle blankets. I think that the end on the right side unraveled and the fringe was knotted there to stop further damage. If you look at the pattern of the rug, you’ll see that the slanted black boxes on the left aren’t there on the right hand side. My view that it is Navajo is further supported by the side selvage cords, which would be almost impossible to do on a horizontal loom like those used in Mexico and New Mexico.
Thanks Mary,
Are the fringes on this rug an exception to the rule about fringes? They appear to actually be part of the rug not added on.
It’s Navajo. I would say that it was woven in the 1950’s.
Here is what it looks like full. measures 52″x 87″
Hello from flagstaff. I bought this at a estate sale. Nobody claimed it was a Navajo rug but it looks like it could be??. Just wanted to see what you thought.
It’s absolutely Mexican. The fringes have been threaded back in. if you fold the ends over I think you’ll see that there is more than one warp thread behind many of the wefts.
Here is a picture of the whole rug.
Hey Mary,
The attached pictures are of a rug “screwed” to the wall in the break room where I work. in Las Cruces, NM. The story goes that a previous Dean gave it to the library about 30 years ago after a trip to Juarez. Only thing is, it doesn’t look like Mexican work. As far as I can tell the warp is a figure 8, not woven in. The yarn is hand spun with lots of vegetable matter. But I think the color pallet is wrong. What do you think. If it is the real thing, it really needs to be conserved properly.
John S.
hi its august the 29. 2012. I hope someone is reading this website, I need to learn how to weave on a loom. i have thought of teaching myself, i have studied the diagrams of the looms and i feel that i can build one, but i hesitate still because i feel that i need some one to guide me. I am willing to travel to arizona or new mexico to take lessons. I live in california. can someone answer me. margarita
JoAnn, the loom is probably not at fault. Unless the loom is very large, you need to use the heddle rod with your palm facing you, pushing the warp as you pull the heddles. Send a note and I’ll send you a picture.
It’s a kilim type flatweave from the Middle East. Someone who deals in Oriental rugs can give you a better idea of value and origin.
Can anyone help me identify the orgin of this blanket? It’s about 6ft by 4ft.
Thank you.
Is there anyone who can help me identify this blanket. I can’t seem to find a similar example anywhere. The size is about 6ft by 4ft.
Here is another picture of the blanket without the light behind it.
I have a friend who’s mother recently passed away and this blanket was one of her possesions. I was asked to help sell some of her belongings to help cover expenses and this is one item that he thought might have a decent value. Is there any chance that someone can help identify the orgin and give a rough guess of the value. I’m sorry about the quality of the pictures, they were taken with my phone. Thank you. The blanket is about 6ft by 4ft.
Hi! Thank you for all the detailed information that you provide on your website. It is not only informative, detailed, and provides magnificent pictures of rugs that are so inspiring!!! My question is: How do you keep a weaving loom from tipping forward when you pull the back strings forward? My neighbor and friend has a loom that she has discarded because of that particular flaw. She has so graciously consented to teach me how to weave. But her loom was not built properly. She wants a new loom. So in payment for her teaching, I have taken on the construction of a new loom for her as well as one for me. I cannot find a website that can answer that question so I really hope you can assist me. If I build the loom to exact instructions provided would we have the same issue when we begin weaving? Does the back leg board require additional weight? Or is the dimension of the legs need to be longer towards the back that in the front? HELP!! It would be so embarrassing if I build a loom that is inadequate for both my instructor and me.
Thank you. I sent the close-ups to your email.
You can send a picture to me at
I am working on making the videos available as a DVD. It would be used in combination with the book.
Thank you so much for your reply. I never would have guessed!
I was adopted at age 3 months, at 22 I found out I was of Indian Heritage. Finally an explanation to the many outdoor enjoyment along with unusual craft choices made throughout my life. I’m so very proud to be an American Indian. I really feel I missed out on teachings of my heritage as well. Although drawn to crafts my whole life now at 52, I suffer many joint and arthritic problems and find it impossible to attend a class both financially and travel would be harsh to my pain level. I’m very anxious to learn the beautiful art of weaving, do you offer DVD’s for sale. My husband being a former builder and general contractor feels sure he could build a very nice loom. Would this be a possibility to learn by DVD instruction? Thank you so much for your site and the passing of your treasured art.
Warmly, Caroline Greenwell Coxs Creek Ky. 40013
I would like to know if this Two Grey Hills rug is Navajo. It was assessed by a local expert weaver, and she looked at it carefully and didn’t find any evidence that it’s not; however, I wanted an expert Navajo weaver to look at it. There is no one in my area. I’m trying to upload a jpg to the response area, but it’s not letting me. Is there a direct email I can submit to?
Linda, I would need to see more pictures to estimate the repairs, but the cost would probably exceed the worth. It is an Old Style Ganado rug, probably woven in the 1920’s.
Leslie, this is a Pendleton shawl, a machine woven textile from Oregon.
Can you send me a close-up of the ends? It looks like there is fringe at both ends and the pattern resembles a Chimayo weaving.
I have an Indian rug/blanket; I don’t know how to tell. I found it hanging on the wall of a house that I bought to remodel. Anything you can tell me about it would be appreciated.
My mother purchased this blanket in Maine and passed it along to me. I have some higher-quality Mexican/Rio Grande rugs and weavings, but they differ markedly from this blanket. The blanket is very fine wool, not thick but very well crafted. The edge (where I can see it) is the same thickness as the blanket itself. The bottom and top edge is turned over and I can’t see how it is finished. The foundation threads are a natural ivory brown, and the blanket seems to have what in rugs is called “abrash”, with subtle variations in the red that is not uniform and varies every few rows. The crochet looks like a later add-on from non-wool thread to make the two matched weavings into a coverlet for a small bed. There is no dye bleed between the colors. I can’t thank you enough for any information; I’m just trying to get an idea of age and if it is a Native American piece rather than a Mexican item.
This rug belonged to my mother who obtained it from her brother in about 1937. It was being used as a seat cover in his Model A and was old at that time. I was given the rug in the late 70’s to use as a horse blanket. There is a lot of wear and several holes in it and I’m wondering if I should have it repaired or if the cost of repair will exceed the worth of the rug. I’ve attached a photo. Also is this a Ganado?
Linda, we’re so glad to hear that! February will be here before we know it!
YAY! Happy Day! I have been wanting to take this class for some time now. I was unable to attend previously due to many reasons, but now you are close enough to make this possible for me! I live in Tucson, and the class dates are great days to be out of Tucson, due to the hubbub that comes with the Gem Show. I can’t wait to meet everyone and learn wonderful new ways to Weave In Beauty!
She is indeed working on additional pieces like this.
I’m so glad Lulu Brown’s weaving sold. I love her minatures, but it was great to see her do something really different and it was so unique. I hope she keeps doing these unusual pieces.
Charlie, are you still looking for a longer batten?
We carry some tools and you can also look at the designs to make your own. Also check with Weaving Southwest and R.B. Burnham and Co., who also sell tools online.
I do agree and I suspect that it was woven in the 1930’s, but could go back into the 1920’s.
This rug goes back at least into the 1920’s and probably further than that. It’s an early pictorial, probably woven near Shiprock, NM.
I suppose that depends on the odor! You can eliminate moth ball odor and mildew by exposing the textile to UV light (direct sunlight) for a few hours. Be careful to turn the textile and don’t leave it there too long!
I do them, but I won’t be doing any new ones until next year.
There are small battery poweredfabric shavers that can be used for this purpose. You can usually find them at stores like Jo-Ann and Micheal’s. I found one at Amazon for about $8.
Thank you Mary. Your site is extremely informative and I really enjoy reading your posts.
One more quick question – Is there a safe way to remove pills from a rug (like the pills you get on a well worn sweater)?
Yes, it’s a Chief Blanket variant. It combines elements of the Third Phase Chief Blanket with what are called Moqui blankets, which have black and blue stripes and are associated with the period when many Navajos were indentured servants in Hispanic homes in northern New Mexico.
Linda, do you have a picture that shows moreof the rug? From what I can see, it certainly looks Navajo woven.
Oops doesn’t look like one of the pictures came through. Here is a picture of the rug itself.
Linda Davis
I just purchased this rug from a local family who received it as a wedding present. The rug didn’t fit with their decor so they decided to sell it. (For the life of me I can’t see why but I think it was a lucky find for me)
The paperwork with the rug indicated it was weaved in 1991 by a Marie Gaddy and was originally sold at the Indian Ruins Store in Sanders,AZ.
It looks to me like it has all the makings of a true Navajo rug but I’m not at all sure what the pattern is the closest I can some is possibly a variation of a Chief’s Blanket. Can you identify the rug for me? I’ve included a couple of photos which might help .
Thank you,
Linda Davis
can you let me no if you d enny online loom weaving corses
Your information is very helpful. My problem is with odor from 60-year-old Navajo rugs that have a bad (storage) odor. What to do? Thanks!
I wish to someday be able to weave half as well!! A beautiful work of Love and Art
I’ve asked my husband to build this for my legally blind mother. I handed him the plans and his only question was what does the finished product look like. So we had to come back to your website so I could show him. Once he understood what he was going to be building he thought the plans were great.
Could you add a photo of the finished assembled loom, and perhaps another picture of the loom warped and ready to weave to the plans? The first picture would be great for the craftsperson building the loom, the second would be great for the inexperienced craftsperson who will be working and using the loom. In my case, I have to learn how to warp it and weave with it so I can show my mother.
Thanks so much for putting these plans out there!
Mary and Jenn–We really enjoyed taking your class @ Bear Lake & learning to weave, didn’t know what to expect, but sure am glad we did it. Learning more about our traditions is very important to us, we didn;t have the opportunities a typical Navajo has, being brought up in the white society, deep down we have always wanted to learn more of our culture and traditions. THANK YOU for having these classes available… We have just began learning but anxious to continue with our weaving and learning more. Looking forward to future classes and seeing you both again. Pat Yeaman & Carolyn Pedro… (the Curley girls from Tooele)
Use an iron set on wool. Cover the creased section with a dampened flour sack towel and press the creases.
I have a 9X6′ Navajo rug which we plan to hang via your Velcro method. It has creases in it from shipping that we want to remove prior to hanging. What do you suggest to remove the creases and fold lines?
Thank you in advance.
It is very difficult to get a design to fall exactly in the center of a rug, so while a weaver would not receive as much money for it as she would if the design were perfectly symmetrical, the design can be off of dead center in a genuine Navajo rug.
If you send a picture, I can usually tell whether a rug is Navajo or not.
If the center of the rug does not fall exactly in the middle does this mean it is NOT a Navajo rug or does it mean, if it is a Navajo rug, it is of lower quality.
I have a rug that the pattern is off from the exact middle by about an inch.
Thank you for all of the information!
Have perused the websites, bought the books!
No one explains how to alternate the sheds for weaving!
How is it accomplished!
Please explain!
Here is another picture of the horse and rider rug
Thanks for the useful information. I have a rug that was given to me by grandmother in the 80’s it has been in a box and like new. measures 55X70 is wool and a great picture of horse and rider. Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
It’s difficult to sat for sure, but based on what I can see, it is not Navajo. It looks like it may have been woven in the Middle East.
HI I am wondering if this is a navajo rug it is small 30 by 38 inches and here is a photo has a few holes and the wool feels a little rough not soft. Can you tell me anything about it?
Tempe Yarn and Fiber carries it. You can also order it online from Paradise Fibers.
i need brown sheep wool other then fiber factory where else can it be purchased thank you in advance
I have a blanket simialr to the pink blanket. My dad’s family had sheep. Every year they would gather the wool and take it to Utah Woolen mills and make beautiful wool blankets. Similar to Pendleton blankets, in many different colors. Love the turquoise jewlrey. My mom has a big beaded bag of it that I hope I get a few peices of (she’s half Native American) She finds it kind of amusing that Native American prints etc. are “in” right now.
Way to go, Navajo Nation! Either cease-and-desist, or collect roiaetyls for the use of your name (only on quality products of which you approve, of course). Same with sports teams that use Native names as mascots. Until recently, the University of North Dakota was paying the Standing Rock Sioux annual roiaetyls to use the name Fighting Sioux , which was a win-win and a source of pride for both parties. Unfortunately for both the Tribe and the university, political correctness put an end to that.
I recently asked for printed instructions to the small workshop loom-my son downloaded them for me. I am so excited to get started. thank you for having them on this site. Connie
Weaving in Beauty deals in classes, equipment and supplies for weaving using Navajo techniques. I’m sorry but we don’t have equipment or classes for Persian weaving.
when is the persian carpet weaving class? Do you have the supplies to weave a carpet? like the beater, knife, scissor and yarns:
i am interested in learning to weave and I cant download the directions to the small workshop loom(Iam new to computor),so I was wondering if you could print it out for me.I would send a stamped envelope and cash to cover expences. Thank you
This old rug saw years of service on the floor in the home of family friends. I can absolutely date it to pre-1940 but no more exactly than that. It is closely woven, about a worsted weight wool, gray black and red, measures about 54″ x 80″ not perfectly rectangular. Family lore alway made it out to be Navajo. Do you agree? What is the pattern called? Any info will be very much appreciated.
Well, from what I can see, no Navajo weavings were harmed in the production of the chair covers, but some Indian dhurries were. Dhurries are flat weaves and share some design elements with Navajo weaving as well as with kilim weaves done in many parts of the Middle East.
I live in Victoria B.C. Canada.I found six of these at an estate sale in Seattle.They are about 36 inches square. Unfortunately, as you can see, they have been cut to use as chair upholstery. I know nothing about rugs but a couple of people have suggested that they are Navajo.I have sent two more images to your email address. What do you think?
You can send the pictures to my email address at
That would be wonderful. Here is a close up of a corner with fringe. I hope they will help. Regardless of where it is from, the wild colors have really grown on me and look good in my daughters room.
I took a few pictures, but it looks like I can only add one at a time. Let me know if you would like to see any others. I took one of the back, too.
Thank you for the help!
Katy, thank you for the kind words about the site. Although you sent me a high resolution picture, there are some details that I can’t see well enough to tell you definitively what your rug is. To do that, I need a clear close-up of a small area of the weaving, say about six square inches. I would also like to see close-ups of the fringe area at both ends and a close-up from the sides of the rug that don’t have fringe. My first guess is that the piece was woven in the Middle East and that it’s actually a kilim or soumak, but I can’t tell for sure. What an interesting story and an interesting textile!
UPDATE: Katy, I can say definitively that it is not a Navajo weaving, but I can’t tell you what it is. The fringes on the ends look like they were added after the piece was finished, but they look like they match some of the yarns that were used in the construction of the rug. The design geometry doesn’t look Navajo at all, but the design, technique and coloration don’t really match with any of my reference materials from the Middle East, although I suspect that we’ll find out that it’s some type of soumak from somewhere in the Caucasus. I’ve submitted the pictures to an appraiser’s group that I belong to and usually somebody recognizes the item after about a week. When I find out, I’ll let you know.
Here’s what Ii can tell you
• The yarns all look hand spun
• The fringing appears to have been added after the piece was woven
• The closest the I can come on technique is soumak, but I can’t identify a region where the weaving may have been done
• It may have been USED by a Navajo as a Sunday saddle blanket, which is what I thought it might be when I first looked at it
I’ll let you know when I find out anything else.
Hi Mary,
I’ve enjoyed your website. I stumbled across it last night while trying to get some history on a rug we have. My husband’s grandmother bought it from a Navajo in 1927 while traveling out west. He was always under the impression that it was an authentic Navajo rug, but once I read your website, I realized it is not. Could you leave me in the right direction as to where it might be from?
Thank you for your time,
Hi there,
I’ve enjoyed your website. I stumbled across it last night while trying to get some history on a rug we have. My husband’s grandmother bought it from a Navajo in 1927 while traveling out west. He was always under the impression that it was an authentic Navajo rug, but once I read your website, I realized it is not. Could you leave me in the right direction as to where it might be from?
Thank you,
The nails are part of what you need for the warping process. They aren’t needed to build the loom.
What are the twelve nails for? My husband wouldn’t put the metal pipe on it. He kept it all nature….thanks for the plans. Now I am almost ready to begin an adventure.
I have enjoyed your website and knowledge greatly. I am asking my Pauite husband today if he will help me build a loom. I have always wanted to build a rug of love or story for my children. Hopefully he will help me..
UPDATE: I finally determined what my rug is after seeing pictures of almost identical rugs online with same symbols. It is a Tribal Persian Kilim rug. It is not a Zapotec. It is flatwoven and made of both cotton and wool .
Hi Mary, I am in NYC. About 4 years ago I found a folded rug that was among some trash on a curb near Broadway. Embarrassing but true. It is definitely woven,not printed.I took it home because it had an ethnic look to it. The rug is very thin and measures 8’3″ X 5’6″, the rug and its fringes feel and look like cotton not wool. It is definitely woven,not printed. I thought it was too pretty to step on so I kept it folded in the closet instead of using as a rug.I am now looking at it again and have done some internet research for 2 days. I think it is a Zapotec (or a fake Zapotec). It has symbols of crosses and birds on it. I don’t know what the pointed symbols are (trees? arrows?). I would greatly appreciate any information you can provide. Thank You. I love the Navajo rugs shown on this website, they are gorgeous. I wish I could fly to the Indian markets and buy the framed miniatures and the rug with the horses on it!
I should have called it a soumak stitch. You can read more about it here. It’s a form of weft wrapping and usually done with a needle. Someone who deals in Oriental rugs could give you a better idea of the origin and value.
It’s not a Native American piece. It comes from the Middle East probably from northwestern Iran or Azerbaijan.
also you say needlepoint but the back of appears more like a rug than a needlepoint and there was no patterned sheet it was woven on
any ideas on what tribe may have hade it?
It is not Navajo. It’s a needlepoint design.
Hi, Can anyone help me identify this rug? it is small and an odd shape not being totally square. 19 1/2″ by 17 1/2 by 17 1/2″ by 17 1/2″. thxs
It is clearly not Navajo. I think it was woven on some kind of a Jacquard loom (an industrial loom), so it may not meet the definition of handwoven.
Hello-does anyone have information on our old rug/coverlet? Picture shown
The photo is of a 6′ x 7’7″ piece. As you can see, it has some damage. 10 years ago I sewed it to a teepee pole which seems to be supporting it nicely. The rug is made of somewhat coarse (but consistent) wool. The warp appears to be white wool and the selvedge edge warps are of equal thickness. At each end a heavier final weft spirals through the warp loops. I expect it is Navajo but have been unable to determine from where or when. Your observations would be much appreciated. What dyes would have been used for the red and the dull gold? Can you suggest how we might find someone to repair the damage and clean it, someone whose work would be of a suitable high caliber?
Answer: It’s an early Two Grey Hills rug woven between 1910 and 1930. Please contact me directly for information on repairs and appraisal.
Let me know if you are heading this way.
Hi Mary,
Need to change to the waiting list for 9/13-20th. I hope this is possible.Also, going to see if I can sign up for the online class, need to check my computer. Thanks ann
Hello! I am registered in your class this June in Estes Park. I am interested in getting directions on how to build my own loom for class. Thank you, and I am very much looking forward to class and meeting you.
Susan, based on what I can see of the design and the wool, this rug dates back to at least the 1920’s but was more probably woven between 1900 and 1915. The practice of splitting a motif into different color zones is one that goes back to the Transitional period (1868-1890) and suggests that the weaver or the person that she learned from wove blankets during that period. The weaving is in good condition considering the age. It isn’t possible to tell where it was woven or to determine the name of the weaver. I hope that helps!
Ann, thanks for your interest in the class! I’ve added you to the waiting list. If there’s an opening, I’ll send a note out to everyone on the list and the first person who responds gets the opening.
Is it possible to get on the waiting list for October? If so, where on the list am I. Thanks Ann
Hi Mary,
Really like your website and all the information! Was hoping you could help us. We’ve had this rug for years and don’t know anything about it. Could you please tell us what we have and how old it might be or anything else you might know about it? It measures approximately 67″ x 54″ Thank you very much.
Kind Regards,
Joyce, you are on the waiting list!
I would like to sign up for the October 2012 class (already full) or future ones, please advise when the next available opening will be. I live in Hawaii and need a little time to get to Arizona, but will come for a class. Thanks
Hi Mary! You must come see our Antique Weaving Show! It starts today (Thursday, 23) and goes until next Wednesday. We hung it yesterday, and we have amazing blankets, a sandpainting weaving, a single-figured Yeii, and many more. I know you’d love it, and we’d love to see you!
Kathi, River Trading Post, Scottsdale
Carol, you book is on the way!
My friend has your “How to Weave the Navahoe Way” and I would love purchase one. Do you have any for sale?
Sincerely, Carol Bass
Umm, I hadn’t thought about it! I sent out the notice to the subscribers by mistake!
Fantastic Works! Unbelievable but I believe! Inspiring to try. Wonderful works
Are you going to set up any classes for curves???
These are cool, Mary. Really shows a wide variety of curves.
It’s a little hard to tell for sure, but it looks like a saddleblanket style, probably 1920’s-1930’s.
My grandfather left me a Navaho rug or throw, I don’t know what I have. Could you help me. Size is about 3 X 5. gray and dark blue in color. I’m sorry these are the only pictures.
I live in California and your site is the only one that has given me the information I need to construct a loom. My friend, his papa, and I have a strong interest in Dine history and I want to learn their weaving techniques. When it comes to the tools, can you please explain what all I would need and where I could acquire these tools. I greatly appreciate it.
Yes Bill, the 2″ Traditional fork is ideal for warps with four turns per inch (or eight ends per inch).
I am interested in purchasing one of your traditional forks (2″ width)but as a beginner I’m warping at 1/4″ spacing. Are your tines per inch compatible with 1/4″ warp spacing? Thanks. Bill
I can’t give you any idea without having a picture of it.
I have what I think is a Navajo weaving 23″ X 35″ that was made by ? Mary Rose James? Just wanted to know what its worth.
I love this weaving. Absolutely gorgeous, takes my breath away.
David sent me some pictures, and we found that his rug is dhurry from India or Pakistan.
Hi Mary,
Love the website and the info. Hate to ask, but I also have rug ID question. Inherited this several months ago, and I have not a clue about warp or weave or anything related to rug making. Ive been to several sites just looking for info, and had no luck. Not really finding pattern match. It is 5’4″ by 7’9″ and if you have any info that would be great. Even if it’s not Navajo, I love this rug and it has become a perfect addition to my home:)
Thanks for your time,
Alas, I don’t know of one, but perhaps one of our readers does!
I recommend that you contact R.B. Burnham Trading. You can call them at 928-688-2777 or contract them through their website at
Please contact me at
Very excellent and helpful article. Where can I write to identify the weaving I have? It is around 1920’s, wool,gray & red design. Was bought in the Southwest as far as I know. Any direction you can send me would be appreciated.
I need the heavy warp yarn. Can you get me 1 spool or where can I get that?
Please let me know.
Do you know of a useful site (like yours) that deals with info re Mexican blankets? Thank you!
I haven’t gotten that video done yet. The book should tell you what you need to know, but if you have problems, just send me a note.
I have a question. I bought the e-book yesterday and love it. I am glad you gave us access to video tutorials. I am browsing through them and I cannot find the video tutorial on: “last warping video, removing the warp and preparing to weave”. Does this video show how to mount the warp onto the loom? Where can I find this video?
Thanks for educating us. Most of us would have missed the face and it is great to know the history behind the rug design. All the details are amazing. Teri
Mary – I love your rug of the day posts. A little mini lecture full of information. I can’t learn enough about this amazing art/craft and the people who developed it.
Thank you for these posts. I don’t recognize a face easily in those triangles; I see two faces though in the center of the rug.
Thanks, Sandy!
That was cool Mary.
I have suggested that Thomas contact Mark Winter at the Toadlena Trading Post.
Judy, it looks at least 30 to 50 years older than it was when you got it, making it 70 to 90 years old. it’s hard to be more specific with out a more detailed look at the wool. It probably came from the Two Grey Hills area. The decision on conservation is very personal. If the goal is to sell the rug, I advise people to leave that decision up to the next owner. I’d need more detailed pictures to estimate the repair costs.
I have had this rug (approx 7×4) for 40 years and it was supposedly old when I bought it in Salt Lake. It is a wee bit worn and needs to be mended, but I wanted to know if it was worth the investment.
Thanks. Judy
My wife and I purchased a Navajo rug or tapestry From the Red Rock Canyon Trading Post located at the base of Bryce Canyon National Park where I was a seasonal naturalist in the late 60,s. We were told that the weaving was a Two Gray Hills done by Susie or Lucy (Tom) who was mentioned in the Arizona Highwys of c. that time. Could you help us with how to obtain the verifcation and identity of the weaving. I understand that the Susie Tom family would like to purchase the return of their weavings.
Sincerely, Thomas R. Ford
Geneva, check this page on the site. Please drop me a line if you need more help.
Please provide me with instructions on how to hang rugs. Thanks
How exciting to have Rug of the Day return. I have missed it, especially your explanations, Mary. Sure hope I can meet Bah Yazzie Ashley next year.
The deposit is $375. The link is
A Burntwater design is done with vegetally dyed yarns. If you think of a classic Two Grey Hills rug done in pastel colors, that’s a Burntwater.
I make the hotel reservations so that I’m sure that everyone gets the right rate. If you have other questions, just let me know. There’s more information on the web site at
A friend and I are very interested in signing up for your 10/7-14/2012 class. What is the deposit required to hold a spot in that class? What is Burntwater designs? Do reservations need to be made at the Quality Inn the same time as securing a place in this class – or do you request that they hold a reservation? We hope to make our reservation this week after hearing from you.
Thank you,
Deidra Manary
We are working to get all of the video resources and text ready for the Intermediate level class, but it’s not quite there yet. That’s one reason that I haven’t scheduled any further intermediate classes.
Inge, Jennie Slick and I don’t have anything scheduled in that area in late 2012, but please check with Lynda Teller Pete. Lynda’s web site is
do you have any beginning weaving classes scheduled for Nov/Dec/2012 in Colorado Springs, Denver Colorado?
I took your advice and got ‘Atl’ohi Binaltsoos Online Resources and downloaded the book. Both were very helpful and I have my first warp completed. I will begin weaving tomorrow or the next day depending on how I am feeling because of my MS and what happens with my assist dog (she tore her ACL yesterday for the second time. Like human ACL surgery pet ACL surgery isn’t cheep.). My question is…Is the Online Intermediate Weaving Class presented like the beginning weaving is? I like having the book and the video resources, because if the video isn’t clear the book seems to clear up the questions and vice versa. I have been able to have my computer at my side as I have worked and the book on the other side.
My 2012 calendar arrived today & I’m very pleased. The calendar will be part of a Christmas gift box to a friend in Wales, U.K. who loves Navajo weaving, too.
John, I don’t see a picture. You can post it with another comment or send one to me at
I thought this was a Navajo rug, but the pattern seems not quite right. Any help would be appreciated. I will keep the rug because it is attractive to me.
I sure will. Another nice thing about it is that Lula’s really having fun with this. Getting some of those angles and textural accents to work wasn’t easy.
Oh, I do Like this weaving. Keep encouraging Lula!
We have a pretty full schedule for 2012 and I don’t think we’ll be doing a class in Albuquerque. If I learn of one being offered, I’ll certainly list it.
will there be a class for beginners conducted in Albuquerque in 2011?
Thanks, Alison! I’m going to be posting an article on each of the classes. It’s so much fun going through the pictures!
Hi- I just love looking at the photos and remembering our recent Spider rock boot camp! What an amazing time, one of the most memorable trips of my life- Thanks to you and the Spider Rock girls- Can not wait to do it again! cheers, Alison
About the photo of Jennie i posted…she is signing “her” page in my copy of The Weavers Way. To her right is the rug she wove during our class which is now hanging on my wall. It is my favorite rug.
My husband and I visited Navajo country in September to attend the Hubbell auction and to get one of those unforgettable mutton-frybread sandwiches along with a bowl of mutton stew. I raved about how those sandwiches are the best I have ever eaten which started a conversation with some Navajo ladies sitting at the picnic table with us. That’s the kind of thing that makes visiting “the res” so wonderful. That and the rugs!!! I’m signing up again too, Kathie! And thank you, Mary, for the slide show. You captured our week perfectly.
Thanks for posting the photos Mary. I so enjoyed my week with you and Jennie. I finally have my loom set up and am trying to finish my first weaving. I took my husband back to Window Rock in August and we revisited all the places you took us. We had a great time…we went to the Inter-tribal festival in Gallup and bought a great vintage rug from Bill Malone. Thank you (to you and Jennie) for introducing me to this wonderful place so full of history and culture.
And I can’t wait to get back to Window Rock! Thanks, Kathie!
Looking at the slide show was almost like being there again. It was awesome and I’m already signed up for another session next summer!
Philip, please send me a picture of the blanket so that I can tell you for sure. It sounds like a blanket from Mexico or the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. My email address is
Just wanted to know where this blanket might have been woven. It was given to my father in the early 1950’s. It has a fringe and it has a midline seam that makes it look double woven. Any clues. I do not want to sell it.
I felt so privileged to be part of this class. Mary, Emily and Larissa are all such patient teachers. The hospitality shown by Emily and her family was wonderful and I hope I’ll see them all again. The canyon visits were pure beauty and the opportunity to weave there is a memory I’ll always treasure. Awesome!!! Hope to return next year!
Many people like “Navajo Weaving Way” by Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse. You’ll find that our book, Atł’óhí Binaltsoos (The Weaver’s Book): How to Weave the Navajo Way, is very detailed and is supported by video resources that many people have found helpful. I think that you’ll find both books helpful learning to weave the Navajo way.
Many people like “Navajo Weaving Way” by Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse. You’ll find that our book, Atł’óhí Binaltsoos (The Weaver’s Book): How to Weave the Navajo Way, is very detailed and is supported by video resources that many people have found helpful. I think that you’ll find both books helpful learning to weave the Navajo way.
I have finally found what I have been looking for, and have enjoyed all of your questions and answers. I am trying to find a good book to help me get started in weaving of any kind of tapestry. I am a disabled U.S. Navy Nurse (I have MS) with limited financial resources, so I would like to find the best book to get started with. Is ‘Atł’óhí Binaltsoos (The Weaver’s Book): How to Weave the Navajo Way, in your opinion, the book I am looking for? If it isn’t can you point me in the right direction? I have access to lumber and other building materials and can build most anything. Looking at the price of looms, I know that I can build a Navajo loom and would love to be part of a very historic art.
Thank you for you time and information.
I have finally found what I have been looking for, and have enjoyed all of your questions and answers. I am trying to find a good book to help me get started in weaving of any kind of tapestry. I am a disabled U.S. Navy Nurse (I have MS) with limited financial resources, so I would like to find the best book to get started with. Is ‘Atł’óhí Binaltsoos (The Weaver’s Book): How to Weave the Navajo Way, in your opinion, the book I am looking for? If it isn’t can you point me in the right direction? I have access to lumber and other building materials and can build most anything. Looking at the price of looms, I know that I can build a Navajo loom and would love to be part of a very historic art.
Thank you for you time and information.
Another close up picture…the rug is about a 5 foot by 7 foot
We just inherited this rug and was wondering if you had any idea where it comes from. Thanks for any input!
Sandy, thank you so much being part of our charter Spider Rock class! It will take me awhile to come up with the words to describe it, but the experience is one that will stay with me forever. I’m so grateful to Emily and her family.
Your weaving is a kilim. They are woven all over the Middle East and the weaving style is even used in parts of eastern Europe. Someone who works with Oriental rugs can probably tell you more.
This was a fantastic class with fantastic teachers. Weaving at the base of Spider Rock was an AWESOME experience .But to be honest, the word ‘awesome’ really is not adequate. Maybe some of my fellow students can come up with a more adequate description.
I recently purchased a 19″x50″ blanket, it is beautiful but I don’t believe to be Navajo. The warp is not wool might be cotton. Where the pattern changes color, they do not interlock, there is actually a gap or opening in the blanket? The ends are damaged and coming unwoven. I’d love to know what I actually have? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Wonderful picture, please post more!
Wish I was there.
I would like to sign up for the spider rock boarding class next year if you are going to do it.
Please let me know.
What a place! How could you not weave beautiful things in such a wonderful place. Lucky people who got to take this class! Is this class at Spider Rock going to be a regular thing?
What a gorgeous rug, Emily. It reminds me of Monument Valley. Good luck.
So much fun! I can’t wait to go to my weaving class. The Spider Rock Girls location is so awe inspiring I know the rugs that come out of this workshop will be awesome. Have fun with the yarn therapy! Wish I could be there too!
Ann, if you’re thinking of 2012, the schedule is in the Class Status at a Glance box on the left of most of the site screens. If you want further information or would like to register for a class, you’ll find the links at
This design is often referred to as a “whirling log”. It was used as a metaphor for the wheel of life, the four winds, the four directions, and the four sacred mountains. When it was appropriated by the Nazis, the Navajos and other Native Americans stopped using it in their art. Many of the rugs using the symbol were destroyed during the 1930’s and World War II. Many people who own the pieces that survived are still reluctant to display them, because of the visceral reaction that many people understandably have to the symbol, however innocently it is used. When I did an article discussing a rug that included a whirling log, three or four people wrote to me the next day and asked to be removed from my mailing list, so clearly there is still a lot of sentiment against it. Modern Navajo weavers use the symbol very sparingly because of this.
I have a Navajo rug given me by my Grandmother who lived on the reservation asa child. I am curious what the design that almost looks like a swastika stands for. Is there a book that determines the meaning of the designs?
If it’s that similar, it is probably also from Mexico and not Navajo.
This is rug was woven in the Saltillo area of Mexico. It is not Navajo.
This is similar to my Grandmother’s rug…hers has a large yellow blossom in the middle and is about 8×6 feet.
I know she bought it at the Gallup Trading Post in the mid 50’s. I always thought it was Navajo, but if you find out what your is, could you let me know?
hey Mary, This is an exceptional article! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!! Kathy
Added the website link in this email…..Thank you…..Ben.
Hi, I bought a Large Indian design blanket this last weekend at Estate sale. Was wondering if you might be able to help me identify who might have made it? I will add pic below to see if you might be able to help me…I just didnt know enough about it to call it Navajo, after reading your articles..This is my ebay page link if you want to look at more pics to help you…mtr1309a……………Thank you for your time….Ben.
Will you be posting class schedules for 2011 soon? I would like to plan to attend a class in Window Rock.
Oh it the wire with a hook on the end to help finish the weaving!(Herman Hook). Got it thanks.
Thanks for the explanation, Mary. Maybe one of these days you’ll feel comfortable offering the round weaving techniques in one of your classes.
In the case of the round rugs, there group that weaves them is very small and they haven’t experienced the problem of rejection when they choose to pass along the techniques. Many other weavers have no one in their family who wants to learn and come to believe that the knowledge should be passed on, no matter what the ethnicity of the student.
Mary, just some random thoughts about weaving round rugs. How is it that the Navajo weavers don’t seem to mind their techniques on the traditional Navajo loom taught, but not the round loom? It’s not like our rugs woven in the Navajo manner diminish the value of their rugs. We respect the process of weaving, even though we are not Navajo ourselves. What difference does the shape make?
Have a rug said to be done by a Jane Benally in Windorock AZ.How could I find out if there is such a rug weaver.She is said to be 90 years old and still weaving.
“$150 with warp, weaving fork, finishing fork, student batten, finishing batten and Herman hook” in text above.
What is a Herman hook?
It’s always fun to see the rugs you choose for your Rug of the Day items, but this extra bit of history made the posting even better. Thanks Mary.
Congratulations Gilbert!
The people who weave these really don’t want the techniques made known, so they’re very closely guarded. I respect their wishes, but like Hosteen Klah, I’m worried about things getting lost.
I always appreciate the history of a rug and the weaver who made it.
Thanks Mary for giving us this information.
Just curious, are you one of the select few who knows how to warp and weave a circular rug?
Believe it or not, the book on Amazon is a paperback early version of the Clara Sherman chapter that is in the new book. This book is still available from the Toadlena Trading Post site for $16. I guess it pays to shop around!
Mary, I just found a 2004 edition of this book on Amazon for $334. How is Mark’s book mentioned in your posting different, or is this just a reissue of the 2004 book? In either case, I wish I could afford such a compendium. Maybe someday.
As for Evelyn George’s work, it’s absolutely beautiful. How proud she & her family must be of her talent.
I’ve purchasec this book. What a wonderful publication. The history is overwhelming, and the quality is superb. Excellent in history, and execution. Very pleased with the purchase.
Gloria always looks like she might be up to something! She’s a great weaver and very great lady.
I love Gloria and her work. She is a most special and accomplished weaver. We are lucky to have one of her weavings!!
Best Wishes, Laramie, as you start your college journey. I just met with my own new advisees. I told them to follow their passions. I hope you will too.
Have a great semester,
Brooke Harlowe
Lock Haven, PA
And with today’s post, you now know the nature of my secret mission!
Good luck to you, Laramie. With the wonderful support of your family & community & your obvious talent, you can only succeed.
Mary -only just noticed the rainbow in your photo -wow!!
(While i’mbeing patient 🙂
Some people do and some don’t. Since there are many native people of varying beliefs here, I chose to be conservative and didn’t weave.
Do you not weave when it thunders?
I can only say that your instincts are good!
Chinle? Are we allowed to guess? Hmm….anything to do with Spider Rock Girls?????
PS I see the feathers, really I do !
Awesome! Brilliant color and geographical formations in the foreground … takes my breath away.
I am interested in an on-line class – not sure which time would work best. Please give me further details.
Thank you! Ann
Will be there in spirit, Spider Woman.
The most authoritative numbers that I have seen on this subject come from Ann Lane Hedlund. If I remember correctly, Ann estimates that there are about 20,000 Navajo weavers. Many, perhaps half, weave only occasionally to meet a pressing need. Another group consists of people who weave on a regular basis and weaving provides part of their income. Another and smaller group consists of master weavers who derive a significant part or all of their income from weaving and who are identified primarily as weavers within their community. A smaller number work as fine artists and many people in this group have formal training in art. Finally, there is a group of revival weavers, who weave not for income but for personal and cultural fulfillment.
I wonder how many weavers there are now? Any estimations?
Sandy and Mary,
Thank you so much for your interest in comments. I try to put a different perspective on what someone else may expect out of a weaving. I used to be a painter so I try to bring those skills sets to weaving. I love weaving and never before two years ago did I ever think that I would learn how to weave. It was intimidating and daunting to me. It’s still all very startling to me. I hope you attend a Burnham auction that’s usually where you’ll find me and my weavings, in particular R.B. Burnham auctions.
Currently, I’m working on a commission for the Moab auction. It’s a pictorial that depicts Delicate Arch. I’ll post it below.
Hi there! This is a blast from the past. You helped me three years ago when I was on sabbatical. I worked with Jennie. I have been weaving since then but only on portable loom. I have finally gotten time to set up my larger Navajo loom and got out your booklet to do so. 2008 addition. I got to page 34 and realized I didn’t have page 35. I am missing steps 8, 9, 10 in Mounting the warp. Help.
Could you please email me these. I have a feeling they are really important and I could fake it but…..
I hope all is well with you and Jennie and that you are not melting out there. It sounds pretty dreadful.
Give my love to Jennie.
Alison Halsey
Mary, I love the humor of the umbrella in the “storm” pattern. You certain find the best of the best when you go rug hunting.
Mary,Marlowe’s rug is exceptional and I feel his name and weavings will be well know very soon. Wish I had been at the auction but was still in Colorado.
The very best to you Marlowe. It will be exciting to see your growth.
Thank you for your wonderful site, I googled Two Grey Hills looking for a shop that I visited many times while in Arizona. I purcased many lovely pieces of jewlry and was looking for them online… didn’t find them but will return to this site when I have time to take in all the beautiful photos and information.
can’t wait to take a class in Navajo weaving – Denis
You might add to upcoming auctions this Saturday’s MNA Navajo Rug Auction at the Museum. Preview 9 am – 1 pm, auction 2-5 pm. I’ll be going up Friday to consign some weavings for sale. I’ve got to start reducing the total number if we ever plan to move. I noted the article at AZ Central, but I’ll be going up as much for the weather as the auction.
And I agree with Kathy and Paula. Jack Benny came to my mind, too.
Mary, I so much enjoy it that you are posting rugs that have a special quality beyond the more common rugs I see on the internet or in books. The information and anecdotes you provide for each rug are interesting and entertaining. I really appreciate your taking time to do this.
I agree with Kathy. I would like to see Alice’s last rug, too. This one may not have investment value but then who knows in 50 years what collectors might want. Anyway I like the combination of traditional patterns with meaningful symbols. I am sure each one of those designs had significant meaning to her as she wove it. She put in it the things that she loves. Like the pine trees at the top and imagine that there are pine trees near where Alice lives in Oak Springs. Nice final touch.
I love the idea of Alice being 85 for so long, kind of like Jack Benny being 39 for years. Alice sounds like she had a great sense of humor, not to mention tremendous talent. That rug is amazing. Do you still have Alice’s last rug? I’m sure we would all love to see that one, too. Thanks again, Mary, for a great story.
Hi Mary,
I was one of your students and attending the tour up around Shiprock back in the mid 90’s. I just finished building a cedar loom (big) and I am looking a purchase a 36-38″ batten. Can you recommend someone?
What a lovely way to bring harmony back – your story is a good reminder that weavings/life is not perfect.
A Storm Pattern woven in the 1970’s suggests that the weaver may have been in the western part of the Navajo Nation. I don’t have any information on the weaver, but another reader may be able to help. There were probably 30,000 weavers working at that time.
In 1972 in Colorado, Steven purchased two Navajo rugs both woven by Bessie Johnson. The storm pattern was lost in a fire but his mother kept the Yei rug. When she died, we could not find the provenance and would like to learn more about this weaver. Can anyone help us about who she was and when she was working? We are very fond of this weaving and any information would be greatly appreciated.Thank you very much.
I think the flag is amazing and it will always stand for freedom!
I like the phrase “several degrees of freedom” I’ve always heard it as “artistic license.”
What an appropriate weaving for today! It is wonderful that you rescued Flag of the Future from that buyer who obviously could never have appreciated it, even if you had explained its creation to him like you have to us. You definitely restored Harmony by giving the Flag a home.
I agree! The human figures are great too. It’s a rug with a lot to love.
I especially love the horse to the left of the dancing pair. It looks more alive than horses in some paintings and that’s impressive.
So glad to see the rug photos are back. I love pictorial rugs & this one is amazing. Thanks, Mary, for keeping us informed & entertained with all your posts.
Many students who don’t drive use the Amtrak train from Albuquerque to Gallup, where we’ll pick you up!
Transportation from Albuquerque to Window rock?
I like the yarns from R.B. Burnham and Co. ( Most people find that their size 1 is good to start with. You can also use Brown Sheep Top of the Lamb or Lamb’s Pride worsted weight.
Sorry, that was the May/June classes.
I would like to be part of the June classes. I have access to a loom and tools but will need yarn. How do I obtain that?
I’ll be sure to mention them next week too! Thanks for bringing it up!
OK,I see, you mentioned Hubbell. Sorry!
Please mention the Hubbell Art Auction-Hubbell Trading Post-May 14,2011
awesome rug!. thanks for your Rugs of the Day!
I don’t know the service branch or unit details, but she wasn’t able to do any weaving while she was there so she used her time to think of designs.
Hey! A weaver who was another woman warrior!! What was her MOS? What unit was she in Iraq with? Did she get any spinning or weaving done while she was “in”? I used to knit lace when I was active duty in Germany.
The first session on warping runs about three hours. The others are about 90 minutes.
How long is each online video session? I’m looking at the July sessions since I’ll be gone part of the time for the other sessions. Thanks!
I’ve asked Daniel to send me a picture. I’ll let you know what I find out.
I have a large rug which has the navajo storm pattern, but has cotton warp and weft. It also has a few added fringes on the end that were added after the rug was woven. I was wondering if you might have some idea of the time period that this rug might have been woven? I can send some photos if that would help. Thanks, Daniel
Oh I love your natural dye classes! Wish I was in Phoenix! Thank you for digging this up as I really love this rug and how you explained it! Thank you!
Don, the 2” Velcro is about right. We just place the rug so that it holds and we’ve found that it provides the best overall support without clamping or creating extra hanging weight. You only need the hook side unless the rug is an older one that’s had a lot of foot traffic. You just press the rug lightly until it holds and gently peel it off when you want to do maintenance or rotate the side displayed.
I have found 2″ “industrial” Velcro at Hobby Lobby. Is this too much for the rug, possibly causing some deterioration when I remove it to flip the rug?
Thanks, Sue! I’m thinking that I may put it into the weaving resource links as long as the Times has it on their site.
Hi Mary. I just watched the video link for the NYT. Thanks for that. It was so nice to see Jennie and hear her voice. Sue
What a fascinating history lesson. Thanks, Mary.
Mary, thank you so much for these “rugs of the day”. This is incredible! Your descriptions and historical background are incredibly informative and interesting.
Incredible rug!
What a beautiful weaving! Esther Etcitty is a fantastic weaver!!!
This is a beautiful rug. The Rug of the Day is great idea. I’m looking forward to being inspired every day. Thank you.
I love your “rug a day” idea; I’m always happy to find an email pointing me to a new posting on your website. I especially appreciate knowing a bit about the artist and his/her inspiration.
Great idea. I sure like Esther’s rug. What a master piece. Thanks for sharing. Ellen
This is exciting! I look forward to seeing each rug.
Mary, I like the idea of doing a rug a day. I will be looking forward to each post. Thank you.
This is for Beth Robertson. I am a professor of education and we are working on an integrated sustainability unit for our future teachers. Would you be willing to share your “woolery” curriculum” with us?
Happy Birthday Shi Yazh Gilbert.
Beautifully done!
One of these days(or years) I will finish my Germantown, which also has birds, but not Humderbirds.
The weaving is kind of a composite of ideas from three other much larger weavings. The bird itself was the catalyst and it came from a rug that Mae wove in 2005 or so. It must have a monumental task because she hasn’t ever done another one. I didn’t sketch anything, but I had really good pictures of the original bird, to the point that I could see exactly where the warps and wefts were. The bird isn’t a copy, but he does have a close relative out there some where.
Beth, I’ll send you a private email on this. Thank you for your comment.
Mary, did you draw a sketch before you started it or did you adlib as you wove?
Hi Mary, Your weaving is awesome. I really like the Humderbird and all the Germantown colors. You are a fantastic weaver. Kudos for for such a great weaving piece.
I really like this site. I am enrolled with the Navajo Nation and I grew up and live in South Carolina. I am enrolled at Shiprock. I love to knit and weave and anything else about the felting arts. I card wool and spin. I use a lap loom and a shuttle loom and knitting looms and of course knitting needles I also create felted works of art. I would love to learn how to weave on a Navajo loom and thanks to you I can. I wanted to know if there is some way that financial assistance can be provided so that I can participate in the online classrooms.I am always w/a loom or knitting needles and my love for the art has allowed me the priviledge to teach others. I have recently been asked to teach children at libraries and schools on spinning, weaving, knitting and felting. I have a “woolery curriculum” that I have used with my children that incorporates fiber arts and handwork through the history of wool, weaving, knitting, chemistry (natural dying), geography, math concepts, balance, our connection to all things in nature and of course stories of Spider Woman.
Thank You
Beth Robertson
Wow, Mary! That’s a humdinger, for sure! Love all the colors.
It is even more beautiful finished, Mary.
It’s just 12″x18″. It’s the largest size you can weave on the C-Cactusflower Maxi loom.
Wow Mary-Your weaving is beautiful! What is the size? I keep looking at the C-Cactus Flower Looms-I guess they do work for Navajo weaving!
I LOVE THE HUMDERBIRD!!! Seriously, that’s a lot of outlining and beautifully done!!
Happy Birthday Roy from your friends at Regis University!!!!
Happy Birthday Roy from the High Road to Taos (Truchas, NM)! I’m two days late, but better late than never. I love your artwork.
Hi Mary
I’ve been following the pictures you’ve been posting on your site, and I just have to comment on the one of Marilou Shultz spinning “under the watchful eye of her Mother”…it says so much…about spinning, but about mothers and daughters too…it’s a jewel.
Darn, I wish I’d been there to bid against you!
Mary….was able to achieve a rug goal by purchasing a Burnham weaving by Sandy Begay…at an umbelievably low price in Crownpoint. (you helped me purchase a rose yazzie at Hubble)
Carol, our schedule for this year is very full. It doesn’t look like we’ll have anything in Oregon.
The closest classes that I know of are at the Fiber Factory in Mesa.
I would love to go to one of your boot camps. Is there any chance you would be in Oregon?
my brother made me a navajo loom years ago and I even have the warp and weft required. I just need to learn how to weave on it. I was wondering if you knew of classes in Tucson. Thanks, Jill
Thank you Mary for writing such an informative article and the ownderful pictures! You brought the Indian Market show to us and I was really bummed about not going. Thank you for the ownderful oictures. Todays artists are taking Navajo weaving to a whole new level and I really love it.
These contemporary designs are breath taking. My sense is they take traditional designs to a higher or deeper level.
Mary. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes.
And giving me front page billing! Wow. I’m delighted!
You did not drag me all over the Rez, you took me on the most wonderful adventure I had ever had. I was in awe of the beauty of the landscape, the grace of the people and with your wealth of knowledge.
I plan to come again, just don’t know when.
Take care and thank you!
Happy Birthday to Sue! Good thing she had such vision- my friend Pam and I fulfilled a life long dream to take weaving in beauty. Mary, How do Pam and I get on the list for the spider rock camp 2012 – Happy to send advance deposit! always need to be planning the next dream- cheers Alison
Happy Birthday Sue!!!
And Thank You for suggesting classes to Mary.
These rugs are so beautiful! Perhaps someday I’ll be fortunate enough to own one. Thanks for the post Mary!!
We will be releasing a DVD on the horse cinch this summer.
Sorry for the delay in responding to your question. I secure the ends of a repair warp with a t-pin. I like the 1 ¾” pins that they sell at Jo-Ann.
Question: I am doing my second navajo weaving and the warp frayed apart in one area. Is there a fix for this? I have tied a new thread but does not stay tight once the warp is retightened.
i am interested in learning to weave the Navajo cinch maybe you could tell what to read or maybe you have a class thanks
The next beginner session should start around March 13th. I’ll post registration soon. Thanks for your interest in learning to weave the Navajo way!
I love all you have posted on your site, I hope to learn how to weave Navajo someday.
When will your next online beginning Navajo weaving class be?
Dinah Rose
We have a proposal in to do a workshop at the Estes Park Wool Market, but we haven’t gotten an answer on it yet. We usually do a three day class in Utah, but we won’t have a date until January. Thanks for your interest!
Do you have any 3 day courses scheduled for 2011?
When you see them holding them, it really shows you how small they are. There was one Chief Blanket miniature that I was looking a under a microscope and realized that it had a brown stripe in it that I couldn’t even see.
I was impressed before I realized how tiny these miniatures are. Incredible. Simply incredible.
Ana and Laramie had a great time, didn’t they? Thanks for writing
Dear Mary,
I love seeing my girl here on the cover. Thanks a millionth time to you and Jennie for such a wonderful experience. Best regard.
Excitement Plus,Mary!! Just received “The Weaver’s Book How To Weave the Navajo Way” What a wonderful job ya’ll did. Now I can finish my rug.
Congratulations on a Job Well Done!
Hi Mary,
I was just thinking about you and the new calendar this morning and then, voila!, I get your latest post. The calendar looks great and I will plan on ordering one. You are right you are one of the luckiest people alive to do what you get to do for a living. I still dream about my great holiday at window rock with my daughter. It was really a great adventure! Thank you for sharing it all with us. Send my best regards to Jennie.
I too feel I was at the right place at the right time to see this amazing, truly amazing, rug. I’m happy it has a home but it should be in a museum so many people could see it and have their hearts soar too. Perhaps it was a museum?
Thank you for returning to Richardson’s with the rest of the class so we could see it! I add my WOW.
I hope that someday I get a chance to meet Pauline Yellowhair. Her rug just takes my breath away. I love it, can’t stop looking at the picture on your website. It would be an honor to see her weave.
Good luck with the Powerball, Mary. It is also another very good reason to go to Richardson’s. 🙂
the rug is absolutely stunning! the colors are beautiful…..
Wow, indeed. What a stunning weaving.
It sure is a big WOW!!!!!
The book is available at this link. It’s self published and the ISBN is 978-0-615-37744-5. The book is supported by online multimedia files that the student can use to re-enforce the printed material. I hope that helps!
We have a customer looking for your book on Navajo weaving by Mary Walker & Liz Munk. Can you send us ordering info, ISBN, price, etc. Thank you.
I think it would be better for you to wait. The first class is about warping for larger pieces and designing for weavability, so I think it will save you effort in the long run if you wait.
Hi Mary…
I’m really looking forward to this class starting again. I was wondering, do you want us to put a warp on the loom prior to the first class? If so, about how wide, and how many ends per inch about?
thanks Mary, talk to you soon,
Hi Mary and Jennie.
Your wonderful book arrived a couple of weeks ago and I will treasure it.
We have had a very rough six months here with Lawrence’s health. Almost lost him.
He was in the hospital and rehab for 4 months.
He is home now and is making slow but steady progress. Of course I am the care giver and can not go very far away. Even difficult to visit my 93 year old mother these days.
It is wonderful for me to read your web site and yearn to visit again.
I have a friend, ( a very unreliable friend) who says she wants to take your class and tour. We shall see. Hope it will happen.
I can’t plan very far ahead just now, but I have been doing a little weaving as time permits. It’s very busy here with nurses, pt, and ot just about every day.
I am enjoying hearing about the classes from this distance.
Your web site is wonderful and I am so happy that your business is progressing so well.
Take care. All my best, Sue
love the photos,we had a great trip cant wait to come back and weave some more with you and Jennie,so glad we got to see canyon de chelly before the flooding closed it. Hope see you and some of our fellow students at spider rock girls boarding school next oct-thank you for wonderful experience Bonnie
Wonderful pictures, thank you for sharing them with us.
Mary, I love your photos! We sure had a great week didn’t we? I cannot stop thinking about everything that we did. It was all so great. I think I will have to come to another class one day. No we didn’t really buy enough jewelry or rugs!!! LOL
I am so sad to hear of Grandma Clara’s passing–she was a legend and an inspiration. I’ll always remember her as The Lady with Two Wrists. If I live to my 90’s I hope I accomplish half as much.
hello, if you happen to have a cancellation for Oct. 2010, i would like to take the spot. if not, probably May 2011. i have a 2nd person coming but he is not a weaver. thanks!
Clara Sherman’s video is about the best carding tutorial out there! I’m glad I was in time to benefit from her teachings.
Our physical address is protected on the web site but appears on all of our online transactions and invoices. We can provide references from past students if you’d like them. We have provided classes on the Navajo Nation since 2000 and have taught over 500 students. Please contact me via email if you’d like to set up a phone or web conference to discuss a class. Thanks for your interest in learning to weave the Navajo way!
I am interested in signing up for future classes, but dont see contact info to discuss classes beforehand as you require or firsttimers. Also I dont do cyperspace business without a physical address involved when invovling money-waaaay too much internet fraud out there to submit deposits to cyperspace. Please advise how to contact you and engage in synchronous conversation about upcoming classes. Thank you.
I’ve got it fixed now. The dates were right, but the year was wrong! Thanks for the heads up.
tried to sign up for Oct 2011 class and when I add to cart is comes up Oct 2010. Please advise. Thanks
Judy, your husband is very welcome to join us for the field trips. We frequently have spouses, significant others and even BFF’s along. If he’s willing to drive, that’s even better.
I want to attend your class in 2011, my husband wants to come for the field trips but not to weave, it that possible, we are willing to drive our car as the extra car. Thanks judy
Tyra Preston, Roy Kady’s neice teaches at Village Wools and Morris Muskett (http:/ also in Albuquerque. Naomi was able to get in touch with Tyra, who is helping her out.
I am desperate for some help with warping a navajo loom. Could anyone help me? I am in Albuquerque and have been weaving on the navajo loom for a few years, but still having problems with warping.
Thank you, Naomi
Hi Mary-Is there any chance you have a picture of the class looms used at Convergence? (I met you in Window Rock last spring (VT natives) and I have pics of the 2 rugs we bought at the Adopt A Native spring Food Run! See you soon-Jan
At Convergence you mentioned the possiblity of on-line classes. Is there any time frame I should be checking for them to start?
Thanks again for your and Jenne Slick’s teaching at Convergence. They were great classes.
Cathy, thank you so much!
Many thanks to you and Jennie for the great class on warping and weaving. Many things I have read about finally make sense. As another first time attendee from a fairly isolated area, it was a great experience to finally get my questions answered. Next time I hope to get to more of your classes.
Great post, and great memories of my first Convergence. If anyone out there is interested in learning Navajo Weaving…you can’t find a better team. Patient, encouraging, and light hearted.
I’m not aware of anyone in Florida, but other readers may know!
I will be sending some wool! Please send me your address privately. Others interested in donating some yarn should contact me.
Im a Navajo weaver and I’m trying to completed a piece for College Expenses (Redheart yarn is all I can afford right now).
Im seeking Some Donors of scrap wool/ Full Skeins. So I can make some pieces for my College expenses this Fall 2010.
Can you put me in contact with a Navajo-style weaver in Florida?
Where do students lodge for classes?
I’d like to join with you when it starts again!
Yes. I’ll be posting the dates very soon. Thanks for your interest!
The Munsell color system was developed to provide a precise numeric description of color based on hue, value or lightness and color purity (referred to by Munsell as chroma). This precision is helpful in mixing dyes to achieve the desired results. There is a Munsell study group on, but I was too busy teaching right now to join. I hope there will be enough people interested to do another group later this year. If you haven’t already joined Weavolution, I’d encourage you to do it. The current study group is called the Munsell+dye study group.
I’m curious now. What is a Munsell group?
Will you be having another online class in 2010?
Yes, please do add me to the waiting lists. I’ll also be checking for the 2011 schedule. Thanks for replying!
Pam, thank you so much for your interest in our class. We can’t add an additional class this year due to other commitments that we have, but we can add you to our waiting list in case there’s a cancellation and we’ll be posting our 2011 schedule soon.
I hope suggest another one later in the year. I’m way too busy to participate right now.
Mary, will another Munsell group start up? I’ve been reading on the web aboutit and would loved to participate in it.
Is there a possibility that you might add another Weaving In Beauty Class and Tour for this year? I came to the page tonight and saw that the July/August class is full. (Good news for you but bad news for me.)
Yay!!! The book is here. I plan to at least do a day trip to Convergence so I will hope to get an autographed copy while I am there.
Thank you for the kind words on the site. If can send along some pictures, I may be able to give you an idea of what you have.
The directions are only for building the loom and do not address weaving techniques. Our weaving techniques book, sold in the Weaving in Beauty Mercantile covers the knowledge needed to get started weaving the Navajo way.
What type of yarn do you suggest for the warp ? Are there directions for this in your building a loom ? Thank you , Nan
Thank you for providing this valuable information. I am northern Paiute and was born about 10 miles from where almost all Panamint baskets were made. I have an extensive collection of Panamint baskets, both from Death Valley and the Owens Valley, however, I have no knowledge in Navajo textiles. When my mother passed away, I inherited a large truck with many early textiles in it that belonged to my grandmother, I do not know how or where she obtained these textiles. I would love to be able to identify just what I have, it is not practical to travel around with a large number of textiles looking for assistance. Your suggestions or comments are most appreciated, and thank you again for providing the information in your website.
I don’t know Sharon, but a lot of people read the site, so she may turn up!
Do you know how I can reach Sharon Hafe, a weaver? I would like to purchase one of her weavings. Stuart
The Navajo rug auction last weekend was a great success. And I also posted about a personal rug mystery and its outcome. Take a look!:
Hi Mary,
I’m so excited for your new book! I will contact you about preordering a book. I can’t wait to read it!
Thank you to you, Jennie, and Liz for your hard work!
The time that I spent over a year ago learning to weave from you and Jenny was truly one of the best experiences I have had. I didn’t and still don’t consider myself a crafty person, definitely not capable of weaving, but somehow with your patience and teaching methods I did indeed weave. I ‘Thank-you” for that and wish you both the best on your new book.
Deb Fjetland
Look for an online cinch class and more online classes in general starting in mid-October. Thanks for your interest!
Does anyone ever teach an online class in cinch weaving.There’s
not much here in Oklahoma.
wanted to share my 1st rug dress im making for my neices. A bit bigger so both can wear it and share it . 🙂
Here’s what I posted this week on Trading Posts about Navajo rug weaving:
Also, the Autry is holding a Navajo rug auction where people can bid online until Saturday. Take a look:
I was using my old turquoise spatterware teapot today, which usually makes me think of my Nana and this time I also thought of Rose’s beautiful old dyepots. If you see her, Mary, tell her I was thinking of the fun we had dyeing yarn that day. The whole week was great. I’ll think of Rose and Henry every time I use that teapot now.
No, we are not planning any at this time.
will there be any upcoming weaving classes near New England USA?
Tapestry grade pieces generally find a market outside auction venues. There are relatively few pieces of true Navajo tapestry, which is a class of weaving with 80+ wefts per inch. The Toadlena and Two Grey Hills Trading posts are the best sources for tapestries in natural colors and Perry Null’s and Richardson’s in Gallup carry limited numbers of both Two Grey Hills and other tapestry grade pieces. Be prepared to pay $300 and more for good tapestry grade weaving. Some larger tapestry pieces can take well over a year to weave.
I went to the Crownpoint auction a couple weeks ago for the first time, really enjoyed it and purchased a couple of beautiful rugs. For my next rug, though, I’m thinking I’d like to get a small tapestry. I didn’t see any tapestry quality weavings at the auction in May and wondered whether you ever see them at Crownpoint?
Kathleen, the class in Albuquerque is full, full, full. I think that Convergence does have a waiting list. I’ll be publishing our 2011 class schedule soon, and we do have an online class. Thank you for your interest in learning to weave the Navajo way!
Hello, Ms. Walker. I am writing to ask if you have any spaces left for beginners in your two-day boot camp during Convergence 2010? This is my first visit to your web site; it is beautiful. I attended the rug sale at Hubbell in May and stayed overnight in Window Rock, and ‘found’ your weaving class after everyone was gone. I had not heard of this before, and am very interested in attending. Thank you for any information you can send. Kathleen
Question on behalf of Lillie Dugi. “How does one participate in your Weavings For Sale?
The class is held in the Window Rock, AZ area.
where is this class being held?
thanks so much
Ellavina, that is high praise coming from an author of your stature. I am working with Liz Munk and Jennie Slick on a book on weaving techniques. I have some other ideas for further writing. Thank you for the encouragement!
Hi Mary, Are you working on a book? You have such beautiful pictures and comments worth a book. Ellavina
hey there, will its actually really great to have people such as my aunt to have these talents also my mother and from that we all share photography sooo its great that D.Y. teaches us skills needed for weaving also.!
I’ll certainly give it some thought! I’m not sure how it would work out by email, but perhaps with a DVD, we might be able to do it.
Do you ever teach a class online concerning weaving a cinch. And do you ever teach online classes thru Just email.I only have an old computer to use without the “bells and whistles”
Thank you
What a delightful surprise!
It looks beautiful. What a unique opportunity to see the landscape cloaked in the white stuff. I’m sure you are all warm and well in the Quality Inn.
Happy weaving!
So very pretty but glad I am not there in snow. We had temps in the 90’s today. How weird. L. in hospital since March 16. All went well and he came home for a day and a half and then had complications. He is improving but very slowly. Glad we have good temps and no SNOW to deal with right now.
Hi Mary: when you post pictures on this site the photos are covered over by the 3rd column. Iknow Ihad the same problem with the class video’s. Hope your May class will be great. So wish to be there. best wishes, Barbara Angelica
I am interested in a seminar or show that teaches the weaving techniques for the Navajo horse blankets. Please let me know!
Anita Overlin
Special accolades to Laramie! She’s as pretty as her rugs and a credit to her family. I wish her best of luck in her future studies. Mary, you did very well.
Thanks! With that kind of material to work with, it was pretty easy.
Not to worry, they’re in the process of changing mills. I’ve had a chance to help them with it and it’s been fun.
You will love it. Roy is a very special person and you’ll learn a lot from him.
Congratulations, Laramie! Great photos, too, Mary!
Mary, I ordered some wool from Burnham’s. The lady there told me that their source in Philadelphia went out of business. So they bought the rest of their yarn. She said after that runs out they would be getting churro. Thanks for the tip.
Mary. I get to attend a work shop by Roy Kady in Idaho falls! Lucky me!!!
Thanks, Sandy! We really hit the mother lode on that cochineal yesterday. Have dye pots, will travel….
I use a product called Akismet. but I don’t think that Blogspot has a similar function. The only answer may be to turn on moderation for the comments. If they have the feature, I’d try to turn off comments on any post more than 14 days old. That would cut down on it.
Hello, been reading your blog for some time. I operate a comparable blog page but I keep receiving a lot of spam responses, how do you maintain your blogging site so clean?
It really isn’t that hard to get me to travel to a room full of weavers and rugs, but thanks very much for the kind words!
That’s great! I was born in Crownpoint, so I am really happy to see that you’ve made that commitment. Good luck w/ traveling and thank you so much for featuring native weavers. We really do value this art as a culture and I value anyone who values it as well.
Good luck with your book,
K.Y. Emberson: Yes, mark is still in business. I just purchased a loom from him. His website provider went out of business. I’ll see if I can find the email I received from him.
I am actually trying to find a persian rug weaving frame. Unfortunately they are not sold in the US. The Navajo rug frame is about the closest that I can come to. Do they make one for very large rugs say 8′ x 10′. It would have to be able to roll the rug at the bottom and support weight. Kathy
Curious to know if this is Mary R Walker who at one point did metalsmithing or silversmithing?
Thank You so much
I had wooden “frames” made for my rugs with the velcro hook tape on all four sides. Only the decorative corners or top of the “frames” show around the rug.
I am interested in your online weaving class also. Please let me know when you will be starting another one. I am having trouble with my weft pulling in. Do I have my warps too close together? I am being as loose as possible with my weft. Please help. Thank you. Sincerely, Debbie
I am also looking to register for the Natural Dye Class, and also tried the ‘click here to register’ – please let me know how I can sign up for this course.
I’m interested in your online weaving class. I would love to ATTEND a class locally here in Tucson, AZ. Do you still have openings?
Roy Kady’s lecture last evening was no less than wonderful! The information he shared about his life and family and the importance of his flock was so interesting. The Teec Nos Pos rug he brought that was beautiful. The story behind it – fasinating. Thank you, Roy, for sharing so much with us. Oh, and the food was outstanding!! Kathy Strathearn
How do I register for Rose Dedman’s Dye Class August 2-4? The click here to register does not work. It goes to a mercantile page. I would like to register for 2 people. Thanks
Nora Davidson
i really appreciated being in your class last January, at the Boettcher Mansion. I’m just about to finish my weaving with Kathy Strathearn’s help. She also told me about your weaving and dyeing classes in August.Morris Muskett also told me your weaving class was really good. I guess the class is already filled, but I would love to be wait listed. I am also interested in the natural dyeing class. I will look forward to hearing from you. Thanks,
Gena Simpson-Li
Priscilla, thank you for your thoughtful insight. I will add Henry and Herman’s clans as soon as I can.
The tools Navajos use for weaving are very sacred. They should be made by a male who is mentally very healthy and there is even prayers done before making these tools. The thoughts of the person who makes these looms and tools have a direct affect on the weavers thoughts and the outcome of the rug. If you purchase these tools from strangers, then a prayer and blessings are in order by a medicine man. These tools are supposed to be made by a relative and I would suggest the clan of the toolmaker be put by their names. Thank you and I appreciate this website for teaching, especially the young about Spider Woman’s gift to us!
I live in Albuquerque, NM and I am looking for a class here in town. One school I can find is booked up. Don’t want to have to take a vacation just to take a class. thanks
Keep checking The celebration is scheduled for June 14-19, at Dine’ College in Tsaile, AZ.
Does anyone know if Mark Deschinny is still in business? I paid for looms and tools almost a year ago, he doesn’t respond to any contacts and still no looms or money returned. Any info? Thank you.
I am very interested in the 2010 Sheep Is Life Celebration, including costs for participation in the workshops. Please send information via email or advise me where I can find the information on the Internet. Thanks,
hello,I’m trying to find information on a weaver by the name of “Bissi Claws”.I recently purchased a rug that was made by her in 1984. Thank You!
Good afternoon,
I was wondering if anybody knows any websites/addresses where they sell Navajo rug dresses or where you can have one custom made. I have been surfing the internet a little bit but I can’t really find any. Hope you can help me.
Thank you.
The information that you need is now in the Navajo Rug 101 section and the Velcro is in the Mercantile! Thank you, Geneva for taking the time to write.
I would like to register for the August 2-7, 2010 class. Your website shows three openings but I can’t seem to get the registration function to work.
Thank you
I am interested in info on “how to hang Navajo rug.” I would like to purchase velcro for hanging rugs and I don’t find it in the mercantile store.
Does anyone know of any weavers in Illinois? thanks, Bonnie
thanks for the onine class.i would like to know more about different types of plain weaves.
Do you have any suggestions or tips on the best way to hang Navajo Rugs?
Interested in info. for begin.navajo weaving classes in Auburn April 30-May.I live in Rocklin. Thank you for any info. re: avail.,cost,time. Also have grandfathers old horse blankets I would like to learn how to repair. Joan
Do you know of any classes in the North Georgia area (Atlanta)?
Thank you,
Today the video is blocked by the third column. The first video yesterday worked because it was smaller vertically.
I am interested in coming out to attend one of your seminars. Can you tell me about the overnight accommodations? I am anxious to expand my horizons!
Good video! Your explaination was great. Now I have to make my mind and hands work properly.I am still getting the video covered over by third column. Also sideshow is not centered. I also donot need to use my password to get video. Is that because I orginially signe in an it remembered me??i do not mean any of this as acomplaint. Just information we need to set up atime to video chat over webex thnaks heaps
i am interested in the next online class or if there are any classes around toledo ohio.
i would like to know when the next on line weaving class will be held
Long time no contact! My fault! I am doing well and continue to weave mostly on the portable loom although I did make myself a large wooden one. Time problem – work gets in the way. A few friends asked me about teaching them to weave and I said I would try. Believe me they will be no threat to the Navajo weavers.
Could I buy from you 6 smaller width forks and 6 medium length and width battens? The problem is I need them by February 25th. Is that possible????
A snow storm here knocked everything out for a week and a half hence I am behind on ordering things. Thanks. Let me know how much and if I can send a check or do you want a credit card number.
I still long to be back on the reservation and weaving – what a great 3 weeks. I hope to be back this summer for a brief visit in July.
Alison Halsey
32 Franklin St.
Annapolis, MD 21401
Mary, an online virtual campus is so exciting for those of us that can’t make your classes due to travel distance.
I purchased a Two Grey Hills rug in about 1984-5 woven by Mary Henderson…..size is 28″ x 40″….rug no. 4609…..the price is faded…..was hoping you could estimate a ball park figure on the value…from memory I think we paid about $450US at the time..hope you can help?
Margaret Sulsters
Mary, do you have an actual store? I’m interested in buying a Navajo spindle and learning to spin on it when I’m in Arizona next week. Yeah, I sure did wait until the last minute, didn’t I?
So, if I do find someone to teach me, I’ll need a spindle and having it shipped to Indiana wouldn’t do me much good.
I was able to get video this am. I was clicking on the wrong header. Needed to click on ON LINE CLASS
Was able to get full screen. good tool to use when I AM CONFUSED AND can review in my own time. Think this process will work better of video during week and then sunday questions. Thanks
What would the shipping cost be for the hip spindle? I kind of wanted (still want, actually!) one from Mark Deschinney to go with the other stuff I bought, but the shipping by UPS was crazy, so I got a big comb instead.
That works!!!!!…..I even picked up a few things. You can always learn.
Good video, quite clear in explaination. Love the ability to see what is happening. Thanks
My teenage daughter, her friend, and I are taking a road trip through Window Rock, March 28-30. We’d like to go to a great weaving shop to see how Navajo rugs are made (and possibly to purchase). We like to do the same for a pottery studio. If you could only go to one each (accompanied by teenagers), which would you go to? Please advise.
I’m glad the information helped you, Briana! Thank you for writing.
This information was very helpful to me because I had a science project to do and I think this is the best information I found
I do need to learn to read that calendar, don’t I? I made the change to the article. Thanks for noticing the problem!
I’ll be sure to let you know Linda! Thank you for your interest in learning to weave the Navajo way.
PLEASE keep me in mind for future online classes! Thanks!
Mary, have you not changed your calendar this year? Sunday is the 7th of Feb., not the 6th. You seem to have a block about the dates for this class. Aside from the date thing, I think the class is going well, and I am certainly enjoying the effort.
It’s possible that someone else will be doing them, but Jennie Slick and I will not be coming back any time soon.
Will there be any navajo weaving classes in massachusetts this year?
Ah. Gottcha. It’s snowing I am a nut.
I love reading anything you send. I think this is last years news. Ooops.
Uh, what year are we at? what’s new?
What a brave and exciting way to share your knowledge… I have taken many other classes online, and will be interested to hear how teaching something so hands-on, in a virtual manner, works out! Good luck to all, especially you as the teacher.
I would be very interested in joining this class,but I don’t have a loom and would like a plan for building one can you help?
What a good looking trio!!! Don’t you think?? LOL! I’ll be sure to get you another pic with the 3 of us at the opening of the third and final phase of the exhibit opening on Feburary 5th.
Where did you get your table loom? The one that you always use at class or monthly gathering.
I am just beginning t explore spinning and weaving. I have access to a spinning wheel and Navajo Churro wool. If you offer another class, I’d be interested in participating. Are there plans for building the type of loom you mentioned or a vendor you recommend?
Thanks for the kind words, Morris!
I love your posts on Germantown pieces especially your statement about “lazy lines”. Thanks for your posts and updates for upcoming events.
Some how I cannot get the registration form for the Advanced weaving class. Can you send it in a different form?”Thank you, Kappy Strahan
very interested would like details–nervous about on line – will require handholdingLOL
How exciting, Mary. I sure hope it works out because hopefully next year I will have a laptop with a camera.
Happy New Year!
Wow! What a cool idea. I will be interested to see how this works out. I will be interested when the advanced class comes up after I have been over for the weaving class and textile tour.
I’ve become a big fan of your website and look forward greedily to every update. I especially like the way each update offers other entries on a similar topic to read as well. I have a few books about Navajo weaving but they do not show the close up shots that your website shows. It is almost as good as seeing the rugs in the flesh.
Keep up the good work.
I’ve provided Topsy with my mailing address. I’ll post pictures and a review when I’ve had a chance to look at the samples.
i would be happy to send some samples. perhaps you might email me with an address, of where to send them.
Perhaps if you could send some samples?
i live in colorado and i have beautiful commercially spun navajo churro yarn. i would love to sell it to navajo weavers. i have all the natural colors. any ideas on how to get this yarn to the weavers? or get to know the weavers who are looking for navajo churro?
No, the C-Cactusflower loom has a unique way of producing a Navajo warp with a system using two combs, but you can’t change the spacing of the warp or attach a traditional warp. For a portable loom that is warped traditionally, contact Mark Deschinny at
Hi Mary & Jennie- I have a question about the C-Cactus Flower loom. Jennie-are you able to warp this loom in the tradional way for a Navajo rug? Love all your rugs!! Jan
Wow, Mary, you will not get any breathing space before the textile tour starts on Monday! But Convergence is always so exciting and such a high to see so many enthusiastic weavers from all four compass points in one place at one time, you and Jenny will be energized. Make sure you are cashed up for the vendors displays!
Hello just wondering if you will be offering this opportunity again thank you
I am so jealous, Mary. Such vibrant colors. Sign me up for next year and I will bring my pots and stoves. Maybe in the Spring we could one in Prescott?
Mary, You and Jennie sure live the life! Your visit to Bosque Redondo will be interesting. Although a bit melancholy I imagine. That is a great picture of Jennie with her portable loom and little rug.
I didn’t have time to tell you earlier that your social dance rug is great. The design looks really intricate. I wonder how you kept track of it especially when you are weaving it sideways. Well, done!
Oh Jennie, I do like that rug!
Hi Mary–
Your rug is just beautiful. I’m so excited to see how traditional designs are growing and being developed by artists like you and Jennie and others. I love all of DY Begay’s work, and Loretta Tahe’s feather rug is amazing. I’m inspired by you all. Be well!
I know what you mean! Also, the time of day that it depicts is twilight, when the we can see many subtle and wonderful things.
It would be great to see you! If you’re not coming here, maybe we could meet at the Putney Diner!
Hi Mary. Your newly finished rug is so detailed and beautiful. I hope I will get to see it up close and personal before too long.